The world is chess

Chapter 139 Escape

The weather was a little strangely good this day. Qi Yu looked at the blue sky and breathed a long sigh of relief. After that, he, Yi Chen and Yi Xinrou will undergo the so-called test to see whether they are rare geniuses or once-in-a-a-lifetime stupid talents. Qi Yu was a little nervous, because since he entered the world, there is no evidence that he is a genius, but there is a lot of evidence that he is a fool. What if the results of the next test are like what Siemens said, Qi Yu is really a fool?

Compared with Qi Yu, Yi Chen is much calmer, because he has slightly practiced witchcraft, so it should not be a topic in this regard. And Yi Xinrou, who had never been contacted at all, looked extremely excited. Qi Yu and Yi Chen really don't understand why some girls like this kind of thing.

"You're a little nervous." Yi Chen said with a smile, "At least you are yin and yang, not too bad."

"Ha ha, I'm even more nervous when you say that." Qi Yu said helplessly, "Since I was in school, I felt that I was not good at anything, sports, music, mathematics and so on."

"People will always have something they are good at, but you haven't found it yet."

"So what do you think I'm good at?" Qi Yu looked at Yi Chen with hope.

"Uh..." Yichen thought for a long time and couldn't figure out what Qi Yu was good at. He said for a long time, "I think, uh, what do you say..."

"Well, I knew it. Look, I really don't have any talent. Do you think I can not worry?"

Yi Xinrou said with a soft smile, "I know what you are good at."

"Huh? What is it?"

"Qi Yu, what you are best at is to escape, yes, escape." Yi Xinrou looked at Qi Yu with her big eyes, and Qi Yu didn't know what her words meant.

"What do you mean?"

"What a fool. Escape means escape." Yi Xinrou said, "Brother will solve things when they encounter things, but Qi Yu, every time you encounter things, you are like a bystander. Isn't this evasion?"

Yichen didn't say anything, because as Yi Xinrou said, Qi Yu has never been able to integrate himself into the world. Because he is a traveler, he can't have feelings for the world. What's more, the world is created by human beings in the same time and space as him, which makes people unable to answer anyway. Things to do.

"I'm like a bystander." Qi Yu repeatedly chewed what Yi Xinrou said. Has he been escaping for so many years? Just like being hunted down by the East ten years ago, he chose to hide in the small village of Cang Kingdom. "It turns out that I have been escaping."

But since it's an escape, what are you avoiding? Qi Yu didn't know and didn't want to know.

"Do you want to know what you are avoiding?" Yi Xinrou seemed to see through Qi Yu's mind and said, "I think Qi Yu is escaping his fate. Really, many times I especially don't want to see you doing nothing. You have such a handsome dragon, but you live such a muddle-headed life. I really don't know what you want to do."

What do you want to do? Of course, it is to defeat the four gods, unify the world, and then return to your own world. But is that really the case?

"Yo, what are you talking about?" Simonlian, wearing a gold-rimmed robe on a white background, walked towards the three people, holding a black jar in her hand, which looked a little like a wine jar.

"Ah, can you test it?" Yi Xinrou rushed over like a bird and looked inside the black jar, "What's in it?"

"It's just ordinary water." With that, Simonlian put the jar on the ground and said, "The color of the waterside is suitable for magic, and if it becomes a strange shape, it is witchcraft. If the water disappears, it proves that both are suitable. Now the test begins. Go to the altar and imagine what is the saddest thing in your life, so who will come first?

"I." Yi Xinrou couldn't wait to walk over and asked, "Can you just close your eyes and imagine?"

"Yes." Simon Lian nodded.

Yi Xinrou closed her eyes and began to imagine her saddest thing. A woman was crying with herself in her arms. She didn't know why such a strange scene appeared in her mind, because Yi Xinrou didn't remember any woman holding her and crying. The surroundings gradually became quiet. Why was you left on the roadside? Why? Blurred fragments are connected into a line ^

And Qi Yu and others saw that the water in the black jar was flying into the air little by little, forming a winding and irregular shape. Simonlian said thoughtfully, "Is it a wizard?"

After a long time, Yi Xinrou slowly opened her eyes, but found that she had already burst into tears, and the water that had been suspended in the air also fell back into the jar. Is that a dream?

"What's wrong?" Yi Chen asked.

"It's okay." Yi Xinrou wiped her tears and then turned to Simon, "Did I pass the test?"

"Ye, it's very good." Simonlian said, "It's suitable for witchcraft. Then let's come to Yichen."

Yi Chen walked to the black jar and closed his eyes. Sad things? It seems that no, I have never been sad, have I? Liumu gradually disappeared... By the way, I cried when Liumu died, so that should be the saddest thing.

The water in the altar turned into a giant dragon flying out, and it can be faintly seen that the originally clear water has turned into a faint green. Simonlian praised, "It seems that witchcraft is the main one, supplemented by magic."

When Yi Chen finished the test, Ye Xian also came.

"It looks good. How about you, Qi Yu?"

"I haven't tested it yet." Qi Yu walked to the altar and felt like not steaming steamed bread. "Well, I, I won't really be a once-in-a-century fool."

In the end, Qi Yu was still a little nervous, so nervous that he wanted to escape. This really echoes what Yi Xinrou said, and she likes to escape.

"Uh..." Qi Yu closed his eyes and began to think about the saddest thing.

What is

? Shen Yan lay in her arms and died. Indeed, at that time, Qi Yu felt that the whole world collapsed and collapsed in an instant. However, the saddest thing doesn't seem to be Shen Yan's death. Is it the woman who is known as her mother holding a dagger and piercing her chest? the saddest thing, no...

Time is gradually passing...

When Qi Yu's whole eyes were full, he found that Simon Lian was looking for something everywhere: "What are you looking for? Is there anything missing?"

"What do you think?" Simonlian said, "My baby suddenly disappeared, ah."

"Huh?" Qi Yu looked around and found that the black jar had disappeared, "Huh? Where have you been? When did it disappear?

"Just now, it suddenly disappeared." Simonlian said, "Is it because I met you, an extremely idiot, that I was scared to hide?"

Ye Xian dragged his chin and said thoughtfully, "It should have been assimilated by Qi Yu's power. After all, Yin and Yang have never participated in this kind of test, so it is not surprising that this situation occurs."

"Well, that's all for today." Simonlian said.

"Is that it? So what exactly is suitable for me? Spell or witchcraft?" Qi Yu asked, "Isn't it true that I'm really stupid? I don't play like this."

"What do you think?" Ye Xian said with a smile, "Maybe you are also suitable for both. Anyway, there is no problem practicing at the same time. Why don't you try both together?"


After the test, Qi Yu went back with an extremely depressed mood. When he passed the white tower, he was curious again about what was in it. Finally, he couldn't help asking, "I saw the same white tower in Biyue Mountain. What's in it?"

"Waste copper and iron." Simonlian said.

"Waste copper and iron, no way." Qi Yu said, "Shouldn't it be a prisonerless master or something?"

"Is there water in your brain?" Ximenlian stared at Qi Yu and said, "If you don't believe it, just take you to see it at night."

"Good, good."

Ye Xian said, "I think it's better for you not to watch it. If you watch it, you will definitely be disappointed."

"Why?" Qi Yu asked puzzledly, "Do you know what's inside?"

"I know, didn't she just say that it's scrap metal." Ye Xian said, "But those scrap copper and iron look quite strange. Anyway, don't be disappointed."

"I won't be disappointed. I don't have any hope in the first place."

After Ye Xian said this, Qi Yu became more curious.

Unconsciously, snowflakes floated in the sky. When will the long and cold winter end? Are the people living a hard life just because of the collapse ten years ago? No, maybe they should thank someone for their mercy, because according to the original setting, the first world must disappear completely. Now it has become a world where people, gods and demons coexist.

Qi Yu knew that he had been fleeing. He tried his best to tell him that he was from that world, so he could not resonate with the world. It's like reading a novel but you don't know what you've read. You just know that if you don't read it, you can't survive, and then you will live mechanically.

Why are you happy and sad?

How about fighting with gods and demons?

After all, it's just a clown dancing on the palm of other people's hands.

In the final analysis, are you still running away? Qi Yu was not sure why he always wanted to escape. As a prince, he was told that he had the power of yin and yang, and then was chased by God. Shouldn't all this be the life that everyone yearns for? But why did it become extremely plain when he came to him, just like cold boiled water that no one drank?

What does my world entangle look like?

And what does it look like for me to struggle?