The world is chess

Chapter 178 Lining

"So, don't we go to see that void?" Qi Yu asked, "However, Liumu, I still want to see it. As the saying goes, sharp eyes are believing."

Yi Chen said with a smile, "Qi Yu, you don't believe Liu Mu's words."

"It's not a matter of whether you believe it or not. I just want to see it, and how to put it, I always have a strange feeling." Qi Yu said, "Yu Mu, can you go and have a look?"

Liumu said, "Yes, but be careful this time, because the power of the void will become very large. If possible, it is better to bring more people there. In case something happens, we can take care of each other. In addition, don't take Yuanmo, and something will happen."

Qi Yu asked doubtfully, "Can't you take the Yuanmo there? What will happen? Don't be so horrible."

"Void is a monster. Although you have signed a contract with Yuanmo, his essence is still a demon after all." Liumu said, "Don't you find that Liansheng never appears with Yuanmo? That's because Liansheng is a mythical beast and a unicorn symbolizing compassion, so he can't be with the Yuanmo. Of course, if it doesn't work, you can take Xiaoben there with him. Although Xiaoben is a fierce beast, strictly speaking, there is no problem.

Qi Yu said, "Well, if you don't take it, don't take it with you. In case the whole army is destroyed, it will be troublesome. At that time, it's too late to cry."

Liumu smiled and said, "What is the destruction of the whole army? No one can be missing. When did Qi Yu become so unconfidence? This doesn't seem to be your style."

"I have always been very unsure, alas, poor." As soon as Qi Yu finished speaking, Leng Lian stared at him, "Why are you staring at me? Do I owe you money?

"No." Leng Lian turned her head and said, "I didn't stare at you."

"Forget it, for the eldest brother, I won't care about you." Qi Yu turned his head and said to Yi Chen, "Why don't we leave tonight?"

"Why tonight? Can't we go tomorrow?" Yi Chen asked.

"It's not that I won't fly even if I want to die, otherwise I won't be in such a hurry, no matter if I leave tonight." Qi Yu looked at Qi Ming again and saw that he seemed to be thinking about something. He said, "Brother, let's go tonight. Is there no problem?"

"Ye, let's go tonight. You arrange everything." Qi Ming said, "I want to go to the palace. Is there any way, Qi Yu?"

"Into the palace? Brother, are you going to see the emperor?" Qi Yu really couldn't figure out who Qi Ming wanted to meet when he entered the palace. After thinking about it, he could only be Qi Xian. Is there any secret between the two? It's strange how can I think so much? It's just going to the palace. Alas, it seems that my suspicious problem really has to be changed.

"I just want to go to the palace to have a look. After all, I haven't been back for so many years." Qi Ming smiled and said, "Is it difficult to do this?"

"No, the eldest brother wants to enter the palace. Of course, there is no problem." Qi Yu said, "We're leaving in the evening. Why don't we go into the palace now? Oh, but Lenglian can't go in. This one is eye-catching. Let's stay here."

Leng Lian immediately said, "No, I'm going too. Why can't I go? It's unfair. What if you have anything wrong with Qi Ming?"

" psychopath, he is my eldest brother. Is it possible that I will still hurt him?" Qi Yu said depressedly, "Let you wait here and wait here. Where did so much nonsense come from?"

"Leng Lian, you can stay here first. Qi Yu and I will be back soon." Qi Ming said.

"Okay." Lenglian said, "If you dare to do anything to hurt him, I will never let you go."

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Yichen, you stay here to watch this woman with a brain problem. In case you go to the street, you will bite people randomly. There is no rabies vaccine in the world. In addition, you must be careful not to be bitten. Qi Yu said, "Yes, the most important thing is not to let her run around on the street."

"Uh. This... "Yi Chen didn't know where Qi Yu was singing at all, so he had to be stunned there. Lenglian naturally heard Qi Yu's big words and was simply scolding her. Just as she wanted to lose her temper, she saw that Qi Yu had run away.

I had no choice but to sit in my seat and sulk.

Imperial Palace.

Qi Yu, who walked on the wide road, smiled and said, "Brother, is this still the same as before, and nothing has changed?"

"Ye." Qi Ming said, "I've been thinking about what you just said. What do you mean?"

What you just said? I just said a lot. Brother, what are you talking about? Qi Yu asked.

"That's right, you said you're not my brother, so where is my brother?" Qi Ming said, "You are obviously you, and this gimmick is yours. Why do you say you're not my brother? Isn't that strange?"

"I came here through time." Qi Yu said, "It's impossible to know your brother, because I'm not from this world at all."

"But you were born in this world." Qi Ming said.

"Yes, it's true that I was born in this world, but I have the memory of that world as soon as I was born, so how can I be a person in this world? Do you understand what I mean? I know it's incomprehensible to you."

"What if you carry your previous memory?" Qi Ming asked, "Can this prove that you are not from this world?" Is it from another world? You should know that you were born from the mother's belly.

Qi Yu waved his hand and said, "I don't know. Only Yi Chen's kindness can..."

However, thinking of this, Qi Yu can't go on, because a strange idea suddenly flashed in his mind. As soon as he was born as a baby, what if he had the memory of his previous life? However, Yichen looked eight years old when he appeared in Feixue Villa. Strictly speaking, he is the real traveler, and what is he? Is it possible that you are just a person in this world with the memory of your previous life? It's impossible. The world was created by the father of the mystery, so it must be true that he has crossed over. But... Qi Yu's heart always felt a little uneasy.

"Qi Yu, what's wrong with you?" Seeing that Qi Yu didn't speak for a long time, Qi Ming asked, "Did you think of something?"

"No, I just think it's a little strange. By the way, big brother, what are you doing in the palace? Qi Yu asked.

"I'm going to see my second brother, who is the current emperor." Qi Ming said, "Some things always need to be settled, no matter how many years have been completed. Otherwise, as you said, if the world is about to be destroyed, how can I leave with regret? Don't you think so?"

"Brother, do you have any regrets?" Qi Yu said, "Is it your father..."

"No." Qi Ming said, "Brother, why did you come to the palace? Do you just want to meet your second brother?"

Qi Ming nodded and said, "It's me. I just want to see him, and there are some things I want to ask him. You must ask clearly, otherwise I won't close my eyes even if I die."

Suddenly, Qi Yu thought of something. When Qi Ming was still the prince, the crown princess died inexplicably in the Jiaotai Hall. Was it that the matter? Later, he also knew that the death of the crown princess had something to do with Qi Xian. In other words, the crown princess was killed by Qi Xian. Could it be said that his eldest brother also knew that, so he had to enter the palace. ?

"Do you mean, big brother, you are for the affairs of the princess in those years?" Qi Yu asked tentatively.

"So, Qi Yu, do you know about this?" Qi Ming said with a little surprise, "Since you know, why didn't you tell me?"

"I also learned recently that I have not been in the State of Qi for so many years." Qi Yu said, "After ten years of heavy snow, the whole world has changed."

"Yes, it has snowed heavily for ten years, and the world has changed." Qi Ming said, "Well, let's not talk about this. You see, we have arrived at the main hall. Isn't he waiting for us at the door?"

From afar, he saw a bright yellow figure standing on the heavy steps of the hall. Qi Yu recognized at a glance that it was Qi Xian, his second brother, who was also the emperor today. Under ordinary circumstances, only the emperor can wear this color. Sometimes he will think, should Kirin choose the emperor as his master? Or because Kirin chose the emperor, they could sit on the throne. But according to the previous life, it doesn't seem to be the case. Because women play a very important role in determining the direction of history. Although it is the emperor who makes the decision on the surface, in fact, the real decision is still in the hands of those women.

The change of each dynasty is not often due to the incompetence of those in power. The replacement of every king is not the reason for the bloody storm, but those real reasons are often unable to put on the table, just as history is written by the winners. Most of what we see is sunshine, and those dark things are often invisible to us.

"Brother." Qi Xian shouted quietly.

"Second brother, I didn't expect that you have become the emperor after so many years." Qi Ming took a step forward and said, "There is only one thing I want to ask you this time."


"Princess, did you kill it?"

The breeze blew and the three of them were silent. Qi Yu looked at his two brothers and looked at each other with a subtle face. What he couldn't understand was why Qi Xian admitted so quickly that he was now the emperor. Once he admitted it, he would face the possibility of being abolished. Of course, Qi Ming also has enough reasons to abolish Qi Xian, or does he have enough power to admit it himself without scruples?

"You finally admitted it yourself. I didn't expect you to admit it so quickly. Even I was a little surprised." Qi Ming said, "Can you tell me why you killed the crown princess? She has no grudge against you.

"I don't know." Unexpectedly, Emperor Qi said, "You may not believe it, but I really don't know why I killed her back then."

"You killed a person without any reason." Even Qi Yu felt a little strange.

"Some things have no reason, just like Qi Yu said before that the world is about to be destroyed, and there is no reason." Emperor Qi said.

"Qi Yu, let's go." Qi Ming turned around and left.

Qi Yu looked back at Emperor Qi, caught up with Qi Ming, and asked doubtfully, "Are you leaving now? Won't you kill him? He killed the crown princess.

"Can the crown princess survive if you kill him?" Qi Ming said, "Even if I kill him, it's just to stain my hands with more blood."

Qi Yu said, "I really can't understand you, big brother. I can't understand at all."

"Ha ha, there are too many things you can't understand." Qi Ming said.

"Are there many things I can't understand?" Qi Yu said, "Brother, what you said is so mysterious. Does it mean anything special?"

"What's the special meaning? You are too careful." Qi Ming said, "Aren't we in a hurry to start tonight? Therefore, even if you have to settle accounts, you will not be cheered when the empty matter is solved.

"That makes a little sense." Qi Yu said, "But brother, you are still very powerful. If it were me, you would have killed him directly."

"Eh? Kill him directly? Anyway, he is your brother, although he was not born to the same mother. Qi Ming said, "Ah, I almost forgot that you are not from this world. Ha ha, I'm confused."

"Er, this..."

"Haha, I'm just kidding." Qi Ming said, "At least you are still affectionate and righteous towards my eldest brother."

"Well, who made me your brother?" Qi Yu said.

Emperor Qi watched his two brothers leave, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly. He had already expected such a day, and he never intended to hide it. But when Qi Ming asked him why he killed the crown princess, for a moment, he felt that the whole world had collapsed.

Why did you kill the crown princess? Why? This problem has been around his mind for a long time. At that time, the real reason for killing the crown princess in Jiaotai Hall, as he said to Qi Ming, he didn't know why. But now, he knows, which stems from hatred.

Does he hate that he can become the heir of this country just because he is the eldest son? Can you marry the most noble woman? On what basis? Do you have to live with your head down just because you are a bastard? When he saw the princess, his only thought was to kill her, so as to vent his dissatisfaction, otherwise he would definitely go crazy.

"I didn't expect you to kill the princess." Yi Xinrou slowly came out from the rear.

"Why, didn't you think that I was the murderer who killed the crown princess?" Emperor Qi said.

"It's a little surprising, but I can understand why you did that."

"Oh? Do you know why I did that? Even I don't know why I did such a thing, how can you know?"

"Hate." Yi Xinrou said, "You did something to kill the crown princess because of hatred. Although I don't know the truth of the matter, I think you must be out of hatred, so you want to destroy what was already the prince at that time, right? Maybe the princess is just a coincidence. No matter what it is, as long as it is his, you want to destroy it.

"Why do you know so much?"

"Because we are the same kind of people, but the difference is that you don't have my courage." Yi Xinrou said, "It should be that you have stayed in this palace for a long time, so your spirit has been worn away, and maybe it has been so dark for so long that you dare not do many things. If you had enough courage in those years, why wait until now?

"Yes, if I had been more ruthless in those years, maybe it wouldn't have been like this." Emperor Qi said, "I shouldn't have killed the crown princess. I should kill Qi Yu and kill him when he was born."

"Why Qi Yu?" Yi Xinrou asked.

"If Qi Yu was killed, the whole world would not be like this." Emperor Qi said, "Everything happened because of him, and the world changed because of him. After all, he is the protagonist of the world, and we are just clowns.

"Do you even think so?" Yi Xinrou said, "He is just a coward who is good at escape."

"You don't know him, that's why you say so. Indeed, he is weak and likes to escape, but even so, the world is his. Emperor Qi said, "But no matter what, the world is his, because he doesn't want to play now, so the world is destroyed. Although he said that the destruction of the world stems from your ambition, maybe I think you also know that you have told me that you are her weakness and your ambition is also her weakness, so in the final analysis, the whole world appears for him and ends for him. We can't change."

Yi Xinrou was silent. He never knew that Emperor Qi knew so much. Does this world exist for Qi Yu? If so, then what is your existence? After leaving that small village, can't you still find a bigger world? Why, why can't you escape the fate designed by others?

"Are you thinking, why can't you escape the fate designed by others?" Emperor Qi asked, "In fact, even Qi Yu can't escape the fate designed by others. He is obviously not from this world, but he came to this world, so no one can control fate, and fate is omnipotent.

Fate? Is it omnipotent? But who decides the fate? God, still God. But now, heaven and earth are about to be destroyed. If God can control the fate, why not stop this catastrophe? Why not organize it?