The only immortal in the world

Chapter 4 Escape

In the middle of the night, the light was still flashing in the house in the secluded bamboo forest. Under the uncertain light, Bai Weixuan locked her eyebrows and stared at the man sitting cross-legged on the couch. Her fingers pinched the corners of her skirt, which seemed a little awkward.

Suddenly, the man on the couch took a long breath and opened his eyes.

"Brother, are you feeling better?" Bai Weixuan asked quickly when she saw her evil brother waking up.

"Hmm!" Qing Hanxuan nodded, and there was a haze in his eyes that could not be swept away. He looked at his worried sister and seemed to be thinking about how to speak.

"Is there something wrong with the task?" Seeing that he was hesitant, Bai Weixuan simply asked by herself.

"Hmm!" Qing Hanxuan gave Bai Weixuan a look of admiration, nodded, and then said, "The three-eyed green python can bear the inner elixir after a hundred years of cultivation, but the three-eyed green python we brought back this time has lost the most precious internal elixir."

So what? Is it possible that it will be blamed on us if it doesn't knot Neidan? Bai Weixuan frowned and said puzzled.

"Why do you want to add a crime? Whether the three-eyed green python knot or not is not the key. The key is that Elder Qiu caught this empty man to deal with us this time. Qing Hanxuan shook his head and said heavily.

"You mean that he added a charge of guarding and stealing for us?" Bai Weixuan suddenly understood when she heard this, but she couldn't figure it out. What if her brother and sister took Neidan? The three-eyed python was originally killed by the two of them.

"That doesn't count. He attributed all our current cultivation to Neidan." Qinghanxuan shook his head, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a cold voice, "He wants to return us to the evil way, waste our cultivation, and sweep us down Xianjian Mountain."

"What?" Bai Weixuan was shocked. She knew that there was an unwritten rule of the Fairy Sword School, that is, the disciples were not allowed to absorb the inner elixir of monsters before reaching the golden elixir period. Once they were found, they would abolish the cultivation and drive them down the mountain.

This regulation was originally to make disciples strengthen their Taoism and practice hard, and at the same time to avoid the elixir in the monster, polluting the Taoism and true spirit of low-level monks. Nowadays, it is used by Elder Qiu as an excellent murder weapon to frame his disciples.

"At present, the head of the fairy sword is closed, and the rest of the elders are not very in charge. Elder Qiu covers the sky with one hand and must remove me quickly. Only then, I was secretly injured by him."

Qing Hanxuan said with a slightly cold face and solemnly, "Xiao Bi, the situation is critical now. I guess they will directly hit us in the future. At that time, regardless of life or death, as long as we are charged with violating the door rules, if our cultivation is abolished, we will have no power to return to heaven. If we don't clean up a little now, we will leave the Sword School in the middle of the night. He will build the road every day, and then come back to get his explanation.

"Good!" Bai Weixuan was surprised by Elder Qiu's power, and was also surprised by her evil brother's decisive behavior. She always feels that most of the practitioners are stubborn and proud, and can't tolerate a little more stain on themselves. In this situation, most of them will fight to the end and prove their innocence.

However, Qing Hanxuan did not do so. At a young age, he knew the truth of retreating and was well aware of the rules of this world of cultivation. The strong are respected, and the weak are not qualified to argue for themselves at all. He would rather bear a bad reputation than wait for others to impose unfair judgments on him.

It really deserves to be Bai Weixuan's brother! Bai Weixuan gave a thumbs up in her heart. At the same time, she quickly packed up her little work and threw it into the storage bag casually. In her heart, she went out of the house and cut a few thick bamboos with a real blade and threw them into the storage bag.

Everything was ready to stop, and Qing Hanxuan also came out of the room. The two stood side by side, looking at the familiar things around them with nostalgia. There was a feeling of reluctance in their hearts, but this reluctance was quickly suppressed by the two. Now their bad luck is only hanging on the line. Leaving here is their only way out.

With cruelty, Qing Hanxuan grabbed Bai Weixuan and jumped up the flying sword and rose to the sky.

However, when they stepped out of the fairy sword school, a group of fairy swordsmen hurried to the bamboo forest. The leader was Qiu Bofan. Qiu Bofan went and returned. Seeing that the people in the bamboo house had gone to the empty building, he burned with anger and smashed the door of the bamboo house with one palm.

"Chasing! Follow each other! Qing Hanxuan suffered an internal injury, and they can't run far!" His eyes narrowed with a dangerous arc. Qiubufan drank coldly and rushed out of the door with a knife.

It was only said that Bai Weixuan flew all the way to the north with her evil brother, and she had arrived at the ferry before dawn. This ferry is also known as Qionghai Ferry, and the ferry is located on the edge of Qionghai. This Qionghai is a wide sea between the ancient rock continent and the Qinglian continent, which is very wide. It usually takes a month for the monk's sword flight to pass. It is obviously impractical to fly there directly, so Qing Hanxuan chose to take a boat from the ferry.

Qinghanxuan also has his own plan to leave Qinglian Continent and choose to go to Guyan Continent. Many practitioners in Qinglian mainland are guided by themselves. With external power spells, they cultivate hearts and gods.

The ancient rock continent is different. There are few such practitioners in the ancient rock continent. He has long heard that the ancient rock continent worships martial arts and cultivates body and shape, with extremely strong explosive power and persistence. Qing Hanxuan took a fancy to the martial arts of the ancient rock continent, so he did not choose to stay in the Qinglian continent, but went far away to the ancient rock continent where martial arts were prevalent.

As for another Kirin continent, Qing Hanxuan never thought about it. It is said that the people there are extremely xenophobic, and everyone calls themselves the descendants of Kirin. The whole continent is mysterious. Few people know what they are doing, and rarely see people on that continent come out.

At this time, it was not yet dawn, and there were few people at the ferry. Only one or two early fishermen were carrying fishing nets and planning to sail to fish. Seeing two fairy people coming, I couldn't help but be stunned.

The monks of Qinglian mainland have always been arrogant and proud. Few of them go to the other two continents. Even if they go, they are top masters and do not need to be crossed by boat. Therefore, there have never been any monks in this ferry. Now there are two. It is normal for the fisherman to be unable to react for a while.

"Brother, can you borrow a boat to go to sea?" Qing Hanxuan has been in the fairy sword school for five years and has been carrying out missions in the mortal world. Naturally, he understands the worldly wisdom. He said that he borrowed it, but he handed over a grain of gold at the first time, which made Bai Weixuan pout.

I didn't expect that the evil brother like a god in his heart would have such a worldly side. However, even this side made Bai Weixuan smile, and her brother must see what he had to see. Unconsciously, she shamelessly forgot that she had been an "old man" in his early 25s.

"Immortal, dare not be, Xiaomin, this fishing boat is given to immortals." The fisherman was very simple. Seeing that Qing Hanxuan was gentle and polite, he was not arrogant, but very modest. He was willing to accept the gold. He rejected Qing Hanxuan and pointed to his fishing boat and smiled.

Qing Hanxuan didn't say much, nodded with a smile, turned his hand and took out an elixir and stuffed it into the fishermen's hand, and then stepped on the fishing boat. Bai Weixuan smiled when she saw this and followed. Waving to the kind fisherman, the fishing boat left the seaside like an arrow from the string at the urging of Qing Hanxuan.

Qionghai is as deep as an abyss. Not long after the brothers and sisters left the coast, a group of five people fell in the night sky. These five people are dressed in plain blue clothes, all dressed as disciples of the fairy sword school. Five people fell to the coast and went straight to the fishing boat on the shallow beach.

"Quick! They all followed. They dropped some coins at random, and the five people grabbed the fishing boat on the shore and rushed into the Qionghai Sea without looking back. The wind exploded, and the speed of these five people was much faster than that of Qing Hanxuan.

"Why did they catch up so soon?! What should I do now?" Bai Weixuan saw the five people chasing from the shore and saw their costumes, and her heart suddenly became nervous.

"If you can't avoid it, just fight!"

Qing Hanxuan stood by the boat with his hands on his side, and his face sank like water. At a glance, two of the five people have a deep breath and continuous power. Obviously, they are masters of the integration period, and the other three also have the cultivation of refining gas.

However, Qing Hanxuan has just broken through the nine heavens of gas refining and has not yet been washed through the washing pool to refine the true qi. Now the true power is not only small, but also extremely unstable. In terms of cultivation, the two sides have made a judgment. But if you insist that Qing Hanxuan still has a chance of winning, he is the only one with amazing swordsmanship.

The Qing family is a family of martial arts in the mortal world. The family's biography "Ryuguang Swordsmanship" is famous in the world, and Qing Hanxuan is the first son of the Qing family to practice this swordsmanship to the highest level over the years.

Liuguang swordsmanship, which was originally powerful with the blessing of Zhenqi, is now replaced by Zhenyuan power, and such power can only be known in actual combat. This is the last battle of Qing Hanxuan and the last life of the two.

"Xiao Bi, if I am invincible later, I will drag them as much as possible. You take the opportunity to urge the ship to go west first and then east." Qing Hanxuan whispered to Bai Weixuan, and the silver and white brilliance possessed her body. Indisputable, she stood in front of Bai Weixuan.