The only immortal in the world

Chapter 9 Weird Old Man

However, there is nothing we can do. The world is like this. When you are lost here, the other side may be proud of the spring breeze. Well, Bai Weixuan grinned in front of another counter and smiled proudly.

There are many stones and spiritual stones in the ancient rock continent, but there are few spiritual herbs and elixirs. After paying the account of the second brother, Bai Weixuan inquired about the place to change coins and joked and asked her to squander the Huiqi elixir so much. Her heart was dripping. So just change it to Lingwan, and you won't be upset.

But the evil brother's question pulled her back to heaven from hell. When the shopkeeper opened the price of five fingers with burning eyes, she thought it was five spiritual pills, but unexpectedly it was fifty pills, which was 25,000 gas elixir! Thinking of the pile of "expensive" medicinal materials in her storage bag, Bai Weixuan's mouth could no longer be closed.

Don't blame her for her for being worthless. Anyone who finds out that a hair on her body can sell thousands of yuan, and it will be the same as her. No one in that world hates money, just like no one in this world can resist the ** of Lingwan.

Obviously, Bai Weixuan can't do it, but she is very shrewd. This remote village can make such a price, so what about the central town? For the ancient rock continent that lacks spiritual herbs, those in her storage bags are all goods worth thousands of dollars! However, thinking that she still needs a lot of entrance fees when entering the arena, Bai Weixuan cruelly planned to change ten plants and had the right to supplement the family.

However, before she took action, the evil brother had already taken out 50 spiritual grasses and completed the transaction with the store. Looking at the indifferent smile on her evil brother's face, Bai Weixuan twitched the corners of her mouth slightly and swallowed the sentence "prodigal son" abruptly. Well, I miscalculated this immortal.

Pinched her storage bag, and Bai Weixuan comforted herself. Fortunately, I have a lot of inventory.

Changed Lingwan and follow the road pointed out by the second brother, and the two immediately went on the road. When the two came to the crowded place again, it was the afternoon of the second day.

Although there are many people in the ancient rock continent, the land area is also very wide. The gap between the two small villages is not available for ordinary people to walk. It is no wonder that the people in the ancient rock continent practice martial arts.

The village I came to this time is called Mashan Village, which is named after Mashan.

This is also the nearest village with a fighting field to the Nanhai fishing village. As long as they win the championship of the fighting field here, the two can live in the ancient rock continent for a long time and become a part of it. Otherwise, you have to pay the temporary retention fee.

This rule is also a reflection of the strong in the ancient rock continent.

As soon as you enter Mashan Village, the deep-rooted martial arts style is stronger. There are only dozens of martial artists specializing in Nanhai Fishing Village, but this Mashan Village is different. Except for a few large inns and small restaurants, the rest are either simple houses or simple cultivation tools.

There are several long strips on large and small stone piers, and the thicker tree sections are hanging everywhere, and there are often two middle-aged men shouting and fighting.

Small fights are endless, and they are all young and strong people. After winning or losing, they will practice separately, or say a few words of experience exchange, and compare them twice in place.

Looking around, the number of people practicing martial arts is amazing.

The arrival of the Qing Hanxuan brother and sister did not attract their attention. Only two young people who were closest to them saw that they were dressed strangely and looked slightly surprised, but later they smiled, as if they were saying, "Two new people are coming."

The two also smiled when they saw this, and Bai Weixuan looked at those people practicing with great interest. When she saw the benefits, she also called them good. For a moment, she got close to these warriors a lot. As for his sister's familiarity, Qing Hanxuan just watched quietly and was also waiting for the manager of the village to arrive.

"This girl is so heroic. Is she a lady who comes to play elsewhere?" After getting a little familiar with those straightforward men, a man asked with a smile.

There are many female warriors in the ancient rock mainland, but not many. Generally, women only practice some internal kung fu and rarely go to the arena. Especially in such a small mountain village, female warriors are even rare. The strong man saw that Bai Weixuan's fingers were slender and her wrists were not as slender as her own. He only regarded her as a young lady from a large family and came out to see the world.

Conversely, when they look at Qing Hanxuan's eyes, they are somewhat contemptuous. Can such a man with thin arms and thin legs really protect his young lady?

"We are here to participate in the arena!" Bai Weixuan did not shy away and said her purpose directly with a smile. In her opinion, martial arts prevail here, and foreign monks will definitely be welcomed. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, the strong man was stunned, and then shook his head and smiled.

"The arena requires strength. If you go up like this, I'm afraid you can't even hold on for a round. The children here are better than you. I think you'd better give up this idea early!" The previous strong man shook his head and said nothing, but the man beside him glanced at Qing Hanxuan faintly and said with a sneer.

His words are also a reminder and there is no malice.

After all, people on Qinglian mainland rarely come to the ancient rock continent, and there are very few merchants connected, limited to the coast. Therefore, people in the ancient rock continent do not understand the cultivation methods of Qinglian mainland. The reason for this is self-evident.

The spiritual herbs on the Qinglian mainland are controlled by many sects. The Qinglian mainland is rich in land, and those monks do not lack spiritual stones. However, most spiritual stones are in the hands of people with high cultivation, so they seem a little precious. Moreover, the spiritual stone in Qinglian mainland is also very useful for ordinary monks. In ordinary battles, the elixir of recovery is the most important.

Similarly, for people in the ancient rock continent, the Huiqi elixir does not have much effect. Lingshi can also moisturize itself, and because Lingwan is better made than Huiqi elixir, this is why Lingwan is used as the currency.

Qinglian mainland's internal cultivation and ancient rock mainland's external cultivation, the people's practice methods in the two continents are completely different, and naturally there is a physical gap. Therefore, on the ancient rock continent, a physique like Qinghanxuan looks very weak, and naturally will be looked down upon by people who believe in "respecting the strong".

However, Qing Hanxuan didn't want to waste more words about this, and Bai Weixuan just spit out her tongue playfully. She also knows the geographical gap. So when a little boy sent by a suspected manager walked towards them, Bai Weixuan walked over naturally.

"Come with me." Seeing that the two guests were thin and had no martial arts momentum, the little boy was too lazy to use respectful words. He directly left a sentence and walked back.

Although Bai Weixuan understood the truth, she couldn't help but feel a little unhappy. She rolled her eyes at the sky and had already grabbed the dead kid like 250,000 to 800 yuan and** it fiercely.

Thinking so sinisterly in her heart, Bai Weixuan did not dare to do it. After all, they wanted to stay here for a long time. When they came to other people's territory, it was very unwise to open up criminals.

For this, Qing Hanxuan is still like a stuffy gourd, silent, as if nothing had anything to do with him.

Two people came to a short wooden house and stopped.

"Fare, new guest travel, please register." The child shouted inside and saw a white-haired old man with strange braids sticking his head out from inside, glanced at the Qing brothers and sisters casually, and then withdrew. When he saw him again, he had already held a thick bark book and a straw pen that he didn't know if he could write.

"Name." The white-headed old man leaned against the corner of the window and didn't look at the two. He just insisted on writing and said lazily.

"Qing Hanxuan."

"Qing Xiaobi." The two brothers and sisters said one after another.

"Name." But the old man didn't seem to hear it. He yawned and still said so.

"..." Bai Weixuan and Qing Hanxuan looked at each other and didn't know how to answer.

Seeing the old man's dizzy appearance, Bai Weixuan's heart moved, walked over and said with a flattering smile, "Old uncle, thank you for your hard work! I think you are also tired. Is it better for the younger generation to do this kind of thing for you?

"Well, it makes sense. Then it's up to you." The old man did not look up when he heard the words, but stuffed the bark into Bai Weixuan's hand, and then leaned against the corner of the window and pretended to lie. After a while, he said, "Name." Bai Weixuan brushed down the names of her two and felt that the straw pen seemed to be quite useful.

Then wrote about the age, gender and purpose of coming here, as well as whether to participate in the arena. After finishing all this, the old man grabbed Bai Weixuan's pen and paper in her hand and looked at it. When he saw the last column, he stared at them inexplicably and turned around and got into his cabin.

"Go to the registration office tomorrow to hand in ten spiritual pills." For a moment, such a sentence came out of the hut that made Bai Weixuan eager to vomit blood.

For this strange old man, the two felt quite helpless. After completing this strange registration, they found an inn and stayed there.

A day's running around is nothing for practitioners like the two of them, but for the sake of their future fighting career, they still decided to take advantage of this opportunity to raise money and save energy. So after entering the inn, the two went back to their rooms, found a place they like, and sat down.

The sun flies and night falls. After the low sound of insects gradually calmed down, a new day is coming.

The time passed like water. When Bai Weixuan recovered from her cultivation, the morning sun was already red through half of the sky.

spitting out turbid air, Bai Weixuan felt a little true qi in her body, and a satisfied smile appeared at the corners of her mouth. Seeing those strong men who exercise every day and their various methods of practice, she unconsciously looked forward to the upcoming arena.