The only immortal in the world

Chapter 20 Magical Dan Effect

rushed into the room and greeted Qing Hanxuan. Bai Weixuan sat down to the soft **, sat up, and quickly entered a state of cultivation.

After quickly adjusting her state to the best, Bai Weixuan summoned the five tiger elixir furnace and gently exhaled air. Then his hands flew like flying, and he quickly pinched out the secret of collecting elixir like a phantom.

"Bold!" The five tiger elixir furnace rotated in the air. After Bai Weixuan scolded gently, she suddenly accelerated, and then only heard a "bang". The lid of the elixir furnace suddenly flew up, and a rainbow light followed.

Bai Weixuan's eyes were fast and her hands were quick. She reached out and waved a jade bottle. As soon as she grabbed it, she grabbed the rainbow light and sealed it into the jade bottle.

"There are actually as many as seven?" Bai Weixuan was slightly stunned. After casually scanning the jade bottle, she found that the alchemy results were more abundant than she expected.

Generally speaking, it's good to have three or four pills for the first time. Seven, obviously, has gone far beyond this range.

In this regard, Bai Weixuan doesn't think she has a talent for alchemy. After all, she probably attributed all this to that drop of fragrant spring.

"Huiling Pill is just a third-class ordinary elixir, and the original medicinal properties are not mellow enough, but only because of a drop of Lixiangquan, the quality of this elixir will be so good..." Bai Weixuan twisted a small elixir, looked at the smooth and warm dark purple elixir, and praised it in a low.

Bai Weixuan, who originally owned the whole pool, did not think that Li Xiangquan was so precious. She once swallowed a lot like a cow drinking water and regarded it as a delicious drink in her heart. Now that I think about it, as the three-eyed fire crystal said, she is a complete prodigal son.

After that, she licked her mouth. Bai Weixuan laughed twice and didn't think much about it. She took out a newly released Huiling pill and planned to try the effect of this elixir in person.

The first thing in the mouth of the warm elixir is a faint fragrance, and because of the fragrant spring, it is slightly cool. The elixir melted in the mouth, and in a moment it turned into a half-warm and half-cool liquid soaked the throat. A wave of aura filled Bai Weixuan's esophagus with the spread of this liquid.

Taking a deep breath, Bai Weixuan felt as if she had drunk a large glass of liquor in one gulp, and her whole stomach was warm. At the same time, this medicinal liquid also constructed that strange formation in her body. In an instant, the aura between heaven and earth surged like a tide and rushed into Bai Weixuan's body.

Huiling array in Huiling pills, as a low-level elixir, the essence of those spiritual grass is just an auxiliary, and the most important of them is the array in the elixir. Only when there is an array can there be a spirit, and if there is a spirit, it is strange. The spirit of the array of Huilingwan is to gather the aura of heaven and earth and refine it into an endless true power through Dantian.

Its absorption speed is much faster than the monk's usual breathing and spitting, and the accumulated aura is extremely pure, and the effect can usually withstand ordinary days of hard practice. Bai Weixuan's elixir, with the help of Li Xiangquan, may be several times or even ten times stronger.

When two hours later, Bai Weixuan woke up from practice and found that the effect of this elixir had reached as much as two months of hard work. Such a miraculous effect exceeded Bai Weixuan's expectations.

Originally, Huiling pills were only the lowest level of the third-class products, and the effect was not superior, and with the increase of taking elixirs, the effect will weaken, and to a certain extent, it will no longer be effective.

Now the Huiling pill refined by Bai Weixuan not only has a good effect for the first time, but also found that the effect of the former has not weakened much after Bai Weixuan tried again.

That is to say, this originally inconspicuous elixir has become a hot elixir through the transformation of Lixiangquan. Its value has increased dozens of times.

If the original Huiling pills can be worth hundreds of lower-grade Ling pills, then the price of Huiling pills transformed by Lixiangquan will reach nearly 10,000 lower-grade Ling pills. Moreover, this 10,000 yuan is just an estimate. After all, this elixir is an excellent tool to shorten the practice time. If it is auctioned, it may cause many monks to go crazy.

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan only felt as if she had been hit by a huge pie. And in her eyes, the pool of Lixiangquan immediately turned into countless best spiritual stones and shining treasures.

"This elixir is far more effective than Huiling pills, and there are more Lixiangquan in the formula, so it should be renamed. The true practitioners earn their lives with heaven. This elixir is also against the sky, stealing the time of fate and resisting the sky. It's better to call it the heaven elixir. Bai Weixuan said to herself that it gave birth to this rare elixir.

Feeling that there was a lot of real power in her body, Bai Weixuan smiled and happily put away the remaining five elixirs and walked out of the room. Naturally, such a panacea is indispensable for that evil brother.

Walking to the hall, Bai Weixuan found that there was no one in Qing Hanxuan's room, and when she walked out of the house, she saw the handsome man who was concentrating on honing swordsmanship by the bamboo forest.

"Brother!" Bai Weixuan lowered her voice. Seeing that Qing Hanxuan stopped her movements, she walked over and said with a smile, "I have learned new alchemy and came out some elixir. Why don't you try the effect?"

"What the hell are you doing, girl?" Qing Hanxuan smiled in his nose, looked at Bai Weixuan helplessly and said, "Take it!"

Huh? Does your cultivation seem to be refined again? Perceiving that Bai Weixuan had stabilized a lot of breath, Qing Hanxuan said strangely that he had only heard that the former had only entered the early stage of integration for a few days, and he had only seen him for half a day, and the girl's cultivation had improved a lot. This speed, even if it is as evil as Qing Hanxuan, is also quite surprised.

"Hey!" Bai Weixuan smiled and said nothing. She just handed over the elixir and blinked her eyes. Qing Hanxuan was a smart man. While taking the elixir, his eyes were also a little surprised. I want to come from my sister's cultivation, which has something to do with this elixir.

Glancing at Bai Weixuan with a dry smile strangely, Qing Hanxuan sighed secretly and took out an elixir and took it down. He sat cross-legged, quietly waiting for the power to play.

The dark blue night is as quiet as water. The swaying shadow of the tree rustled like a ghost. Just as Qing Hanxuan sat down, the space was strangely quiet, and the thick air made Bai Weixuan couldn't help breathing.

"Hum!!" The air around her suddenly shook. Bai Weixuan's whole body trembled and looked up. She saw a whirlpool of aura visible to the naked eye, hovering down, and her target pointed straight to the sitting Qing Hanxuan.

"Wow!" The aura vortex was poured down, and Bai Weixuan saw Qing Hanxuan's body tremble slightly, and the reiki vortex poured into the latter's body, forming a gust of wind roar around her. Even Bai Weixuan's own unrefined aura in her body almost wanted to come out and join the reiki whirlpool army.

And with the infusion of the aura vortex, Qing Hanxuan's own momentum climbed up. It has been some time since he reached the beginning of fusion, and his cultivation has been stabilized. At this moment, he was hit by such a strong aura, and some stagnant channels were immediately washed open. The aura in Dantian was crazily transformed into true power like a spiral and merged into the meridians.

"Wra!" The sound like water flow seemed to come from the sky, which made Bai Weixuan mistakenly think that there was a mountain spring in front of her.

"Convergence, medium-term?" Bai Weixuan was stunned and looked at Qing Hanxuan with white light all over her body, and couldn't help opening her mouth and whispering. She didn't expect that a little thief elixir would have such a miraculous effect. At present, Qing Hanxuan seems to have stepped into the middle of integration with this elixir.

"This..." Bai Weixuan was a little unbelievable. She took two elixirs and just refined her cultivation. Why did Qing Hanxuan make such a big difference as soon as she took them?

Bai Weixuan looked at Qing Hanxuan and sighed at the evil. However, it is naturally a good thing for Qing Hanxuan to break through. Bai Weixuan was also happy to see its success. Knowing that the effect of the medicine would not dissipate quickly, she sat aside and protected it.

The night became darker and darker. After passing through the reiki vortex, Qing Hanxuan's side also became quiet, and the external aura entered his body relatively slowly.

Under the moonlight, there were bursts of low insect sounds in the dark grass. After a long time, Bai Weixuan's ears, who were sitting quietly under the moonlight, suddenly moved, and her sharp eyes instantly shot at the foot of the east mountain.