The only immortal in the world

Chapter 24 Horror

The cliff is steep and steamy. On a cliff wall that is deep and bottomless, a small purple figure curled up on a raised rock, narrowing slightly, as if it were a fake room. The cold wind blew, and the purple figure couldn't help shrinking his limbs, as if he wanted to bury himself in his clothes.

Looking at the face, this awkward purple figure is Bai Weixuan who strangely disappeared beside the lotus in the stone. Things should start from the moment she approached Shi Zhonglian.

Everyone mistakenly regarded the limestone snake as a treasure protector, but they did not know that Shizhonglian was not attractive to ordinary monsters at all. Only some extremely powerful monsters knew its benefits and were coiled around.

The gray rock snake is obviously not a powerful role. It can't even compare with the demon emperor's poisonous spider, let alone guard the lotus in the stone. It just ran out of the hole to bask in the sun, but unexpectedly, it encountered Bai Weixuan and others halfway, which directly triggered a fierce fight.

The limestone snake was also a tyrannical nature. It was hit by the other party and held a big fire in his heart. Just as it was about to attack, it suddenly sensed a breath that made him afraid from the bottom of his heart and was slowly waking up. Therefore, it gave up its opponent and went into the cave in dismay.

This is the instinctive reaction of the limestone snake, and it was at this time that Bai Weixuan just put away a handful of stone lotus, and then suddenly felt a chill rising from the soles of her feet.

She subconsciously stepped back a few steps, but saw a blue-black flame suddenly ignited from where she was. The flame was silent, and even the shape was very vague, but it burned the hard rock clean in an instant, burning a ten-step pit, and the flame slowly dispersed.

If there is no danger here, then what happened later makes Bai Weixuan a little scared when she thinks about it now. She was clearly hidden, and there was still some distance from the cliff, but even so, a tentacle that came from nowhere tied her accurately and easily.

After the tentacle trapped her, she quickly withdrew, and the speed was no weaker than Qinglei. It retreated quickly and sometimes rubbed against the hard rock, scratching many scars on the former's body.

However, these are nothing. When the strange tentacle finally stopped at a certain moment, Bai Weixuan saw a horrible picture that she had never seen before.

What is the dance of demons? Maybe what is in front of you can be counted.

When Bai Weixuan was finally released by the tentacle and ushered in her first breath, she spit it out. The pungent smell filled this space tightly, with dry or dry blood stains everywhere, and thick tentacles swaying in the space like magic light and flying shadows, showing their strong vitality.

Countless tentacles were pressed black, and when Bai Weixuan entered this space, all the tentacles suddenly stopped all their movements and stared at Bai Weixuan like a demon.

Yes, keep an eye on it.

This feeling made Bai Weixuan shudder. At that moment, she almost thought that she had become the Tang monk's meat under the mouth of the monster, and she could only wait to be eaten.

All the tentacles calmed down and gathered in front of Bai Weixuan strangely and carefully. Bai Weixuan wanted to escape, but her limbs were not at the command at all. When she saw that several slender straws were suddenly drawn into her calf on those root-like tentacles, she pulled out the hairpin inserted in her hair without thinking.

The handpin is still that one, simple and exquisite, simple and elegant, and not much different from other decorations. But somehow, after grabbing the hand of the hand, Bai Weixuan's heart immediately settled down. In the face of the almost invincible strange tentacle, she vaguely had some different expectations in her opponent's handpin.

Once pulled her back from the mouth of the three-eyed python, and helped her open the power of the jade charm at the last moment of Qionghai's escape, killing Qiu Fufan in one fell swoop, and creating such an anti-sky transparent jade, which not only saved the dying Qing Hanxuan, but also made the two of them make great progress. At the same time, there was such a strange and wide interior. Space, the whole pool of Lixiangquan is stored in.

All these signs show that the pincer in her hand is extraordinary. The seven-day spiritual crystal is different from the seven worlds. So what is the role of the world opened by Bai Weixuan now? What's so strange about it?

Recalling the scene when the three-eyed python stormed away in Suxi Village, Bai Weixuan had an idea and saw more straws floating in. She didn't care about the consequences and waved the pins to cut off those straws that were attached to her calves.

But this time, this pin seemed to be against Bai Weixuan. She waved it several times and did not see the straws cut off. On the contrary, she was sucked away a lot of blood during these few breaths. After two times of hard work, her strength gradually became weak and her consciousness became a little blurred.

"I won't hang up like this, will I?" The sky turned around, and Bai Weixuan thought sullenly that her body also fell to the ground weakly. This time, she was afraid that no one could save her anymore.

When she thought about it, she felt that her body was getting colder and colder, and her heart was getting heavier and heavier. In the confusion, she seemed to see an old and terrible face in the countless tentacles. The face was extremely ugly, grinning, like a devil crawling out of hell, which only made people shudder when they saw it.

Bai Weixuan was frightened, but there was nothing she could do. Only a second before she fell asleep, she saw the terrible grimace in front of her and suddenly twisted strangely, and then she no longer knew it.

Until she woke up not long ago, she found herself lying on the lonely rock under her. Everything in the past seemed to be like a nightmare and disappeared as soon as she opened her eyes.

However, the weakness of the body and the blood marks left on her calves reminded Bai Weixuan over and over again that everything was not a dream, but real.

I just don't know what happened when she was in a coma and what happened to that grimace. Bai Weixuan buried her head deeply between her arms, and her body trembled involuntarily for the rest of her life. Recalling the previous horrible scenes, she unconsciously clenched the hairpin in her hand.

Seventh spiritual crystal, three-eyed fire crystal, red dust... Are these all her wishful hallucinations? Why did the three-eyed fire crystal no longer appear here, and the seventh spiritual crystal seemed to have lost all its spirituality?

Is it a joke between God and her?

Bai Weixuan looked up confusedly, but saw a white fog, and she could not see the shadow of the sky. The corners of her eyes left two curved springs. For a moment, Bai Weixuan's heart was full of fear and despair.

"No! It can't be fake." Feeling the warmth slipping from the corners of her eyes to a silky chill, Bai Weixuan suddenly trembled and hurriedly wiped away the tears on her face, as if she had suddenly grasped a key point and muttered to herself. But I can't think too much.

After being sucked blood by the strange tentacle, Bai Weixuan lost her mana. Now she is no different from an ordinary mortal. Even in terms of her current physical condition, she is not as good as some strong mortals. At this time, her brain is already a little dizzy.

calming down, Bai Weixuan stretched out her head and looked around, only to find that she could not see anything else in front of her except the clouds and the rock wall behind her. The rock wall behind him is also smooth and bright, white, like clouds and fog, making people's vision blurred.

Moreover, there is not even a trace of life on the rock wall.

"What a strange place..." Bai Weixuan stood up slowly, and her eyes were even more confused. The fog was thick and the rocks were steep. It was normal to say that there were no animals, but if there were no plants, it would be somewhat strange. Anyway, mossy plants can still grow even in such places.

However, there is no sign of life on the rocks here. Instead, it is as smooth as a mirror and without any soil, just like a good jade deliberately polished, faintly emitting impeccable brilliance.

Bai Weixuan suddenly scraped a few black lines on her forehead, because at this moment, four big characters strangely appeared in her mind - wordless jade.

God knew what wordless book she thought of the next second, and even she herself was thundered.

"Alas..." She sighed helplessly, and Bai Weixuan collapsed on the ground, which was really not good every day. On such an embarrassing suspended rock, even walking is a problem, let alone escape.

"This rock?" Bai Weixuan's thinking suddenly stopped and seemed to have captured some important information. She muttered several times, and her whole body suddenly lay down and rubbed the rocks under her feet tremblingly.