The only immortal in the world

Chapter 32 Is that an egg?

The overwhelming terrible pressure pressed Bai Weixuan's raised foot back to its original place, and the pervasive rage almost deprived her of her breath.

"Hum~~~~!" The space suddenly shook, and the monsters hissed like a tide. Bai Weixuan's eyes widened, and the black iron sword in her hand came out and fell into the endless darkness.

The increasingly tyrannical breath swept from the bottomless darkness like a storm.

"What's going on?" After a brief stiffness, Bai Weixuan found that she could not even speak at all, so she could only communicate with the three-eyed fire crystal.

However, under her eager inquiry, it was only a terrible silence to respond to her. Under the horror, she lost contact with the three-eyed fire crystal again.

"Ang!!!!!" The figures of monsters were dragged to the whirlpool in the dark, and the sad roar never stopped.

Bai Weixuan in the void was dead and did not let herself be hit by the terrible suction. However, a greater force swept up from the soles of her feet at this time, and the crazy black whirlpool slapped her back fiercely.

Bai Weixuan only felt black in front of her eyes, Zhenyuan's power was immediately lax, and her body was also swallowed by a black tornado at the same time.

The space of nothingness, the light summoned by the bioluminescence, disappeared little by little, the wind roared, and the dark world came again.


Darkness, endless darkness.

In the roaring wind, the world suddenly became quiet. There is no longer the roar of monsters in my ears.

Only the faint sense of weightlessness that falls continues like bone runony.

I don't know how long it has passed, maybe just for a moment, maybe a thousand years, and there is nothing else around. Bai Weixuan in red is floating in the air so much that she can't feel that she is still falling.

Everything seems to have fallen into an unprovoked stillness.

Until a faint light comes out from somewhere under the ground.

It is a trace of dark red light, which seems a little unreachable in this boundless darkness. It circled and flew, and finally flew into the forehead of people who had hardly breathed.

The divine light suddenly appeared, and a pair of star-like eyes suddenly opened in the darkness. The faint divine light dispelled a little black.

The starry eyes are shining with faint confusion, and the red clothes are glowing.

Bai Weixuan got up and her eyes were attracted by a floating red light not far away.

In the middle of the red light, a delicate and exquisite hairpin lay quietly, with a small jewel-like bead on the head of the hairpin, emitting a faint red light.

"Aren't I dead?" Bai Weixuan reached out and held the handpin and muttered to herself for a long time. At the moment when she was swept by the wind, she felt that she was bound to die.

However, the current situation seems to be nothing. Even the strong pressure around him disappeared without a trace.

"Where is this place?" Holding the handcuff, through the faint red light on the handcuff, Bai Weixuan saw the soil on the soles of her feet and couldn't help shaking her whole body.

How long has it been since you set foot on the land so safely? She almost forgot the down-to-earth feeling on the bottom.

"There seems to be a tunnel ahead." The sound of the three-eyed fire crystal came at the right time, making the stunned Bai Weixuan almost have the impulse to hit the wall. What kind of cheating is this? As soon as it was critical, he fell off the chain and ran out for a walk when he was fine.

"Don't stare at me. At that time, the outside world forcibly cut off the contact between us. You can't blame me." It seemed that she felt Bai Weixuan's dissatisfaction, and the three eyes shrank her head and said aggrievedly.

"Hmm! You pushed it clean." Bai Weixuan snorted coldly.

"What can I do? That force just now is too horrible..." The three-eyed fire crystal flattened its mouth, and it couldn't resist that power at all.

"No nonsense, do you remember this now?" Bai Weixuan interrupted the three-eyed fire crystal's speech and asked angrily. At least this guy has been to Yinyang Mountain, and it should be a little useful.

"You walk to the tunnel in front of you, or, maybe you have some eyebrows." The three-eyed fire crystal swallowed the saliva and said with some modesty eyes under Bai Weixuan's angry eyes.

When Bai Weixuan heard the words, she whitened her cowardly three-eyed fire crystals and slowly walked forward.

The road ahead is very flat, and there is nothing raised except some scattered semi-wet soil. Bai Weixuan walked step by step for half an hour and finally saw a hole full of two people.

The entrance is narrow at the height, wide at the low level, and the shape is very irregular, which can accommodate two people. The footsteps stopped at the mouth of the cave. Bai Weixuan hesitated and didn't find anything unusual, so she walked in.

"Ding Dong!" With a crisp sound, Bai Weixuan subconsciously clenched her right hand, but because the Xuantie sword was lost before, her grip was empty, and her heart also jumped.

"It's the sound of water." The low comfort of the fire crystals in her ears came from her ears, and Bai Weixuan's tight nerves relaxed slightly. The foot took another step forward and disappeared in three or two steps.

And at the moment when she disappeared, a sound of water suddenly sounded in the dark space. Then, the two scarlet eyes larger than the house slowly opened, and the crimson pupils contracted slightly. Looking faintly at the place where Bai Weixuan disappeared, her expression was as variable as a human.


Bai Weixuan walked into the cave and a cool wind blew on her face, with a slight earthy fragrance, which made her feel as if she had returned to the grass outside Mashan for a moment.

A hole is separated, as if it were separated by a world. This wonderful feeling made Bai Weixuan stand still for a long time.

"Here, here..." Just as Bai Weixuan tasted this rare kindness, the incredible sound of the three-eyed fire crystals spread faintly.

"What's wrong?" Bai Weixuan was a little surprised. It was the first time she saw such a dull expression on the three-eyed fire crystal.

"This is the demon and dragon cave..." The three-eyed fire crystal muttered, "No wonder, no wonder..."

"Magic Dragon Cave? Isn't this Yinyang Mountain, but the territory of Shenlong? How can there be a magic dragon?" Bai Weixuan was puzzled.

"Since it is Yin and Yang Mountain, it will not be just the dragon. Legend has it that the power of the dragon is the power of the magic dragon that has been sinking in the ground. Unexpectedly, the forbidden land, which even the gods did not dare to step into, was accidentally bumped in by you..." Three-eyed fire crystal looked at Bai Weixuan's face in disbelief.

"Forbidden, forbidden land..." Bai Weixuan's head took a black line. What kind of concept is forbidden land? It is impossible for her not to know. It is a Jedi that has no entry and no life. Otherwise, how could she dare to step on the gods?

"But you don't need to worry too much. Since you are safe and sound when you get here, it means that the magic dragon doesn't mean to stop you at all. At present, you are still safe." The next words of the three-eyed fire crystal made Bai Weixuan calm down a little. Otherwise, let her face the magic dragon that is as famous as the dragon, or let her die immediately!

"Wow...huh? What is that?" Bai Weixuan glanced at the fire crystal anly, and Yu Guang caught a glimpse of a gray-white round thing and couldn't help but be shocked. Then she skillfully pinched the bioluminography, and for a moment, the bright light gently spread in the dark space.

The sight of the three-eyed fire crystal turned with the direction of Bai Weixuan's eyes, and then the expression called dullness appeared on the little god's face again.

Under the bright light, both of them can see the appearance of the things in front of them. It is a huge egg under the large and small dark rocks.

Yes, it is indeed an egg, and it is a three-height egg.

The gray texture makes it quite conspicuous in a pile of dark rocks, and at the same time, it is also conspicuous of the magma river surrounding it.

"Goo!" The three-eyed fire crystal rolled heavily down its throat, and it had vaguely guessed the origin of the egg.

"Hins..." But Bai Weixuan, who was beside her, widened her eyes and took a deep breath. By the magma river, she clearly saw the remains of monsters that had not been completely melted.

The fiery magma, like a transiting furnace, melts the corpses of those monsters one by one, transforms them into the purest force, and pours them into the giant egg in the middle little by little.

The red magma climbed up the gray-white giant like an active meridians. The dazzling red almost spread the whole space in an instant. Even Bai Weixuan's lighting technique seemed to be affected, and the bright light gradually dimmed.

"Quickly, throw a few five-flavored fruits in!" When the three-eyed fire crystal saw this strange scene, she was not surprised. Instead, she rubbed her fists and palms excitedly and urged Bai Weixuan with burning eyes.