The only immortal in the world

Chapter 39 The Third Eye

"Three eyes, do you think, brother, is he still alive?" With her eyes closed, Bai Weixuan lay in the wooden house. It took a long time before she asked. In a daze, she remembered that the three-eyed fire crystal mentioned Qing Hanxuan when she tried to wake herself up. To this day, she really doesn't know whether the only relative in the world she came to is still alive.

Thinking of the voice and smile of the evil brother, Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly tightened, and suddenly had some regret for the question. She was really scared to hear the results she didn't want to hear. She has life-saving means such as a caret and Chiyujing, and she is still dangerous and always walks on the edge of life and death. So what will happen to Qing Hanxuan, who has few means to save her life?

In this huge mountain, survival has almost become the greatest luxury for ordinary people! Thinking of the embarrassment and weakness in the previous battle against the gray ball, Bai Weixuan rolled up in pain and buried her head deep between her arms.

"Oh..." Seeing Bai Weixuan's ostrich-like movements, the three-eyed fire crystal sighed helplessly, with a sense of hatred that iron can't become steel. Then it said, "You're still not smart enough to adapt to the current world for so long." After saying that, it looked at Bai Weixuan's reaction, but the latter did not move at all and didn't listen to her at all. The three-eyed fire crystal couldn't help but jump up and roared loudly, "You stupid girl, what do I want to say about you? Where did you put the secret I taught you before?"

"How to spread the sound?" Bai Weixuan was thrilled and finally found such a formula in the depths of her memory. The look on her face suddenly became wonderful. Recalling that in the peach forest, she also used this formula to report safety to Qing Hanxuan. However, after using it at that time, the formula was left behind by her. At this time, if it hadn't been for the three-eyed fire crystal, I'm afraid she wouldn't have remembered it even if she wanted to break her head.

After all, everything in this fairy and chivalrous world is beyond Bai Weixuan's cognition. She has no sense of survival that a monk should have. And her bad habit of losing it after using it will make the three eyes painful for a long time to come.

"Hey! I forgot a little, but now I remember it. Feeling something falling to the ground, Bai Weixuan lowered her eyelids shyly and said with a dry smile, "It's okay. Now there is a way to contact my brother. You are really my lucky star!" As she spoke, Bai Weixuan suddenly paused and said strangely, "But why can't I release my consciousness at all now?"

"Bang!" Another muffled sound made Bai Weixuan frown puzzledly.

"I think you will either be trampled to death by monsters or stupidly killed by yourself in the future. You don't want to think about where this is. How can your consciousness spread?" There was a three-eyed fire crystal angry sound in her ear. Bai Weixuan couldn't help curling her lips and said quite disapprovingly, "Then where are you talking about this place?"

"Uh..." The three-eyed fire crystal was immediately choked. Theoretically, this should be the bottom of the sea of desire, but it is really unclear where it is. Perhaps, for Tianxuan, it is the same. This is just the place Tianxuan found after being buried in the sea of desire. His consciousness is also because of the protection of this world. Only then can it be preserved.

That said, the three-eyed fire crystal was still helplessly despised by Bai Weixuan. Seeing the latter's proud smiling face, the three-eyed fire crystal couldn't help moving to her eyes. There used to be two of the brightest stars in the world, but now they have become gray. It's just like this.

"Three eyes, why don't you talk? Is it a loss? Hee!" After not hearing the response for a long time, Bai Weixuan couldn't help tilting her head and continuing to lose three-eyed fire crystals.

"Humph, who is at a loss? I don't bother to argue with you." The three-eyed fire crystal curled his lips, and there was quite a feeling that there was no silver three hundred taels here.

"Hey hey, is it because I'm about to be blind?" Bai Weixuan smiled and said, "But it's strange to say that my eyes hurt hotly just now, but now they are cold."

"Can you open it?" Three-eyed fire crystal said quickly when she heard the words.

"Ha, you really care about me!" Feeling the rapid tone of the three eyes, Bai Weixuan grinned and then said, "Well, I'll try it."

"Good!" At this time, the three-eyed fire crystal didn't care about Bai Weixuan's jokes. She only opened two mung bean eyes and stared at Bai Weixuan's eyes without blinking.

The long eyelashes trembled and separated, and the first thing he saw was a little red gold, followed by blue. Ice blue tends to sea blue, with three points of depth and three points of dust, as well as three points of mystery and one point of weirdness.

What kind of eyes are these? Under the gaze of these eyes, no matter how you hide and avoid, all your secrets seem to be easily seen through by them.

The three-eyed fire crystal forehead* unopened vertical eyes suddenly burst into a bright golden light. At the same time, its body retreated a few steps and retreated to the edge of the wooden house.

The golden light shines, and the vertical eyes on the forehead of the three-eyed fire crystal slowly opened for the first time under the pressure of the eyes. As soon as the vertical eye only opened a line, a terrible momentum suddenly burst out of its small body.

"Bang!" The only small wooden chair in the small wooden house could not stop such oppression at the first time and burst into pieces. Wood chips flew, and under the oppression of two terrible momentum, they were all nailed into the wooden wall of the cabin.

Even the air seems to be unable to withstand such heavy pressure, constantly bursting out bursts of air.

However, Bai Weixuan had no time to take care of these. At the moment she opened her eyes, she almost saw the body of the three-eyed fire crystal almost for the first time, and even the peerless medicine in its body that supported all its vitality could be seen clearly.

The three-eyed fire crystal, which claims to be the guardian god in the seventh spiritual crystal, turned out to be a spiritual spirit that could not exist in heaven and earth, and it is also the most difficult fire spirit to form.

Spiritual spirit is a strange existence after the spirit stone has a soul. It requires many conditions to awaken the soul to become a special existence that can be cultivated like a monk. It is said that if the spiritual spirit spirit can be transformed into a spiritual immortal if it is practiced at a normal pace for thousands of years, it can practice immortality and become an extraordinary existence.

However, in this world of cultivation, not to mention immortals, even spiritual spirits have never been seen, and the appearance of three-eyed fire crystals is strange. First, its soul is almost divided by Tianxuan's soul, which is not formed naturally. Second, it can move completely because of the peerless magic medicine in its body. Otherwise, it is still a dead thing, and the soul can't rely on the original body.

Think about it, these should all come from wonderful methods.

However, Bai Weixuan could not see through the third eye, and the pressure from it made her very uncomfortable.

"Roar!" Suddenly, Bai Weixuan heard a beast-like roar. Her eyes couldn't help looking at the three-eyed fire crystals, but saw that the latter's eyes became red at some point, and sharp fangs also spread out of its mouth, revealing a ferocious cold light. And in the middle of its forehead, the slightly erect eye beat like a heart, and the golden light kept overflowing from it. It looked like a peerless beast that was about to wake up.

"Ah!" Bai Weixuan screamed and quickly retreated and closed her eyes at the same time. Although she didn't know why the three-eyed fire crystal had such a change, one thing is certain is that the latter's change is likely to be related to her open eyes. And it turned out that Bai Weixuan's idea was right. The next second after she closed her eyes, the vertical eyes on the forehead of the fire crystal of the three eyes immediately shrank, and then closed heavily.

The huge momentum disappears, and the pressure in the air is also light. Bai Weixuan gently covered her eyes and tried to dispel the scorching coolness in her eyes before she dared to open a crack with her fingers and look at the fire crystals in her eyes.

The body of the peerless magic medicine and the three-eyed fire crystal did not appear in her vision. Bai Weixuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief and guessed that she should have returned to normal now.

"Three eyes, are you all right?" Bai Weixuan carefully climbed to the side of the three-eyed fire crystal and pushed its shoulder with her fingers. Bai Weixuan asked very worriedly.

At this time, the three-eyed fire crystal woke up leisurely. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked to see Bai Weixuan. She dodged and found that the abnormality in the latter's eyes had faded away, and then she gasped and collapsed to the ground.