The only immortal in the world

Chapter 58 The Deadly Strike

However, only a pair of quiet eyes responded to him, light purple, with an indescribable monster. Qin Weiming frowned, and now he found that there was deep confusion and confusion in his eyes. He seemed to be looking at himself and seemed to be silently asking something.

"Brother Weiming, what's going on?" Li Xiao killed several wolves casually and took out a gap to ask. It was the first time he saw such an expression on Qin Weiming's face.

"Her hands have been used, and so are her feet." Qin Weiming checked Bai Weixuan's hands and feet and said in a low voice, and Li Xiao's expression was stunned after hearing his words, and then his face quickly sank down. Even Fei Min, who was quickly collecting pollen, was a pause, with a trace of consterred and pity on her face.

"Can it be cured?" Fei Min involuntarily turned her head and asked, which made Li Xiao slightly stunned. Is the woman really full of sympathy?

"I don't know. Maybe Master Chu has a way." Qin Weiming said calmly that it was the first time he had seen such a complete destruction, and the anger in his heart became more and more difficult to hide with his understanding of Bai Weixuan's injury.

No wonder she cried as soon as she opened her eyes. No wonder she was always silent. No wonder her eyes were so confused!

Fei Min looked at the anger on Qin Weiming's face, bit her lip, and continued to collect pollen. Now she has no jealousy, but only boundless sympathy and pity. The wound is so much that she needs to ask Master Chu to be touched. How on earth has this woman tortured?

"Collect it quickly. I feel that there are more and more monsters." At this moment, Li Xiao, with a cautious face, suddenly said in a low voice, and he had just killed a violent snake, and dark blood splashed on his robe.

"Hmm!" The five people collected nodded together and tried to improve their starting speed. As soon as Li Xiao's words fell, the surrounding jungle suddenly trembled, the vegetation shook, and a murderous and suppressed breath gradually moved from far to near.

"It's coming!" Li Xiao licked the corners of his mouth, and the blood-soaked knife in his hand reflected a cold light under the faint sunlight. Qin Weiming protected Bai Weixuan behind him and stood up in awe. His eyes narrowed slightly and looked into the depths of the jungle.

"Wang..." There was a slight shaking in the wind, which made people's heartstrings tense.

"Brush!!!!!" Suddenly, several dark shadows flashed out of the jungle and rushed to the five people collected by the cliff in a thunderous manner. This blow was as fast as a streamer, and the few people collected in the flowers were too late to resist.

At this moment, I only heard a "cry" sound and waved a knife from the moment, blocking several attacks on one side. On the other side, Qin Weiming's eyes were cold, and he didn't see any extra movements. He only saw several lightning-like lights flash by, and those dark shadows were annihilated in an instant and turned into ashes beside a young man buried in his head.

"Wow..." Suddenly, the wind roared rapidly, and countless trembling long vines in the wind raised their crazy tentacles.

"It's a rattan demon." Li Xiao opened his mouth coldly, and the big knife in his hand turned slightly, "Brother Weiming, you pull me, I'm the main attack." Li Xiao skillfully said his plan and was about to rush over first, but was pulled by Qin Weiming behind him.

"Vimingo?" Li Xiao looked at Qin Weiming with some doubt, but saw that the latter wink at him. Li Xiao couldn't help but look in the direction he guided, but saw a towering tree with the height of an ordinary building, squirming the roots and slowly pushing forward. In this big tree's high position, a nearly twisted face looked at here ferociously.

"Is this a tree demon?" Lixiao swallowed his saliva, and it was the first time he saw such a huge tree demon.

"..." Qin Weiming did not answer when he heard the words, but looked at the ferocious face with colder and colder eyes.

"Ji Jie~~~~" The huge tree demon smiled evilly and waved countless long tentacles. Although the next moment, these tentacles quickly turned into pieces in the powerful attack of Qin Weiming, but with the attack of the tentacles, the body of the tree demon was getting closer and closer.

"It's not a tree demon. The tree demon doesn't have such a high intelligence." Li Xiao exclaimed in shock while cutting his tentacles.

"It's a woman." Qin Weiming said in a low voice, and his face was a little solemn. This action would encounter the legendary mother-in-law, which he never expected.

"What?" Li Xiao shook his hand and almost took out the big knife. Hearing the name of his mother-in-law, he was as brave and warlike as him, and he couldn't help but be a little scared.

Bassa, a monster that grows in a dark place, is born from decay, gets the aura of the earth, is cruel, extremely bloodthirsty, and has a strong ability to rebirth.

The attack is not powerful for them, but the inexhaustible tentacles are the nightmares of all of them. After all, they are human beings. There will always be times when they are tired. No matter how magnificent the true qi is in their bodies, there is also times when they consume empty space. In the face of infinite rebirth, generally speaking, the only way they can choose is to escape.

However, Qin Weiming did not intend to do so. He has his own plan. Although the mother-in-law is terrible, she is not invincible, otherwise won't the mother-in-law dominate the world? Moreover, this infinite rebirth ability may have some other uses. Qin Weiming looked at the woman lying flat on the ground with a trace of determination in his eyes.

"xiao, be on guard, and give it to me." Qin Weiming ordered in a low voice. There was a little ground under his feet, and his body swept out like a wild goose, and a flash of lightning-like blue light flashed in his hand at this moment.

"Good!" Li Xiao's eyes lit up and responded cheerfully. He had reached the level of complete belief in the strength of the former, and with the former, the big knife in his hand could also secretly guard the land behind him.

"Ji Jie Jie..." The thick rotten smell permeated the air, and the roots squirmed slowly. The twisted face became extremely excited after seeing Qin Weiming's approach, and its roots and vines also gathered together at this time.

At this time, the mutiny suddenly appeared, and I saw that the scattered vines were straight one after another. Then these vines comparable to the thickness of their arms twisted out of thin air. A net of more than ten feet formed in an instant, sparks flashed, and the big net actually covered Qin Weiming in a wild smile.

"Brother Qin!" Fei Min's heart was so worried that she couldn't help jumping over, but she was stopped by Lixiao, "Xiao, what are you doing?" Feimin said urgently, and Xiumei wrinkled tightly.

"Viming will be fine. Just protect yourself." Li Xiao curled his lips and said carelessly. He waved a big knife in his right hand and cut off a vine that was piercing Feimin's throat.

"..." Feimin looked a little worriedly, then looked at Qin Weiming, who was standing quietly on the field, bit her lip, and seemed to understand that she could not help even if she went there, and might cause trouble to that person. Fei Min turned around again and collected pollen faster.

At this time, the attack of the vines weakened. After swinging a big knife and smashing large areas of vines, he put the big knife on his shoulder and grinned.

At this moment, a creepy scream suddenly sounded, and the huge tree couldn't help rising. At this time, the black figure in the field still stood still, as if it had never moved, and the huge net of vines that originally covered the world seemed to disappear out of thin air.

Only Li Xiao opened his eyes excitedly and saw such a powerful and mysterious attack again. He couldn't help clenching his teeth and couldn't wait to slowly play back the broken blow in his mind and taste it slowly.

A little wood chips fell, white, like the snow in early winter. In the flying wood chips, Qin Weiming was independent, and his black clothes floated gently, like a beautiful ink painting.

"Ah, ah, oh..." The woman screamed, with a strong hatred on her ferocious and twisted face. Her empty eyes looked at Qin Weiming, and suddenly a trace of red light appeared. Li Xiao still had time to react, and a touch of red suddenly zoomed in quickly in front of his eyes.

"Ah!" "Ah!" ......

Several frightened calls sounded almost at the same time. When Li Xiao reacted, several slender red silks directly penetrated his skin and penetrated under his epidermis. Then a burst of dizziness rushed to his mind, and he washorrified to find that these red silks were absorbing his blood rapidly and low.

"Shan, cut off the red silk!" At this time, Qin Weiming's shout came from Li Xiao's ear, and he also reacted at the right time and cut the red silk with a big knife.

However, what shocked him more happened. His unfavorable knife was directly bounced out by the tough red silk.

"Don't move, I'll do it." Suddenly, a green light flashed, and Qin Weiming came with the sound. The dark cyan blade flashed, and the red silk that bounced away from the big knife broke in response to the sound and suddenly withdrew.

"Brother Weiming, the others..." Li Xiao quickly exclaimed. He was the closest to Qin Weiming and was the first to be rescued. Even so, he felt that his blood was about to be sucked dry. What about the others? Thinking of this, he suddenly felt in his heart and turned his head with some difficulty.

"Puff..." Qin Weiming waved his hand and cut off several red silks. However, the names of two people were taken away at this time. Li Xiao's pupils widened. Although he had killed many people for various reasons, he saw such a horrible death for the first time. His stomach churled and his sourness went straight up.

The two people who were struggling with their hands suddenly collapsed to the ground with a scream, and at this time, the red silks quickly wrapped up and penetrated their faces, bit by little bit of their flesh and blood. In an instant, the two fresh people were eaten by a piece of flesh and blood, withered down little by little, and there was no good place around them.

"Get out!" Seeing this, Qin Weiming's eyes were congested, and he encouraged all his strength to wave his hand and split wildly. The red silk broke one by one, but it was still too late, and another person fell down screaming. Qin Weiming clenched his fingers painfully when he saw Feimin's pale and inhumane face.

"Ah! What is that?" At this moment, he suddenly heard Lixiao exclaim, and then a brilliant golden light soared into the air, and the remaining red silk was annihilated in an instant. Fei Min ploped to the ground. Qin Weiming grabbed it and helped him up, and then turned his eyes to the golden light.