The only immortal in the world

Chapter 60 Feimin's determination

The poisonous fog devoured the two devastated bodies, leaving only a little powder and returning to the dust, and their companions who escaped had to return to Nanjing City after being blocked by the poisonous fog in this area.

When I saw them again in the inn in Nanjing, it was five days later.

After five days of cultivation, the concubine Min and Liang Shouzi have recovered. As mercenaries, this blood loss is nothing. What's more, it is only a matter of time before they recover the red fruits they picked from the Yulin Mountains.

However, after Qin Weiming contacted the hidden Master Chu, his face has not been very good-looking. He couldn't be more clear about Bai Weixuan's situation.

"What are you going to do when I go to the arena this time?" Li Xiao took a sip of the liquor in the glass and asked Fei Min.

"Well, I have benefited a lot this time, and I also want to go to a few games." Liang Shouzi first opened his mouth. Although his injury had recovered a lot, his face was still a little pale, and the experience of life and death also shocked him. It's just that Feimin looked at Qin Weiming without saying a word, who didn't drink a sip of liquor, and a trace of loneliness flashed in her beautiful eyes.

After the woman with purple eyes appeared, this man rarely laughed again, and his heart and eyes could no longer tolerate the intrusion of others.

"Brother Weiming, you haven't said your plan yet!" It seemed that he had insight into Feimin's thoughts and said to Li Xiao.

"I... want to cure her first." Qin Weiming paused slightly, half lowered his eyes, and said slowly.

Li Xiao looked up and drank all the wine in the glass. He had already expected such a result. He would not say anything more. After all, that woman had also indirectly saved the lives of Feimin and Liang Slender, and it was understandable that Qin Weiming wanted to save her. However, in the eyes of some people, Qin Weiming's attitude is somewhat too focused, and even suspected of being confused by his beauty. As for the reality, it is unknown.

After Qin Weiming finished speaking, he fell into silence, and several people who had worked together for many years fell into rare embarrassment and silence. Liang Shouzi couldn't stand the strange atmosphere first. He coughed dryly, stood up and patted Qin Weiming on the shoulder and left the table.

"I'm full. First, I'll get familiar with the fighting venue." Then Lixiao also put down the wine glass, oiled the soles of his feet, and left quickly. Qin Weiming recovered from his trance at this time and saw the two people fleeing helplessly pulling the corners of their mouths.

"..." Feimin was also speechless, but when both of them left, when she looked at Qin Weiming again, her heart couldn't help beating wildly. It was not the first time that they were alone, but this subtle atmosphere was definitely the first time. Rare leisure, rare that there is no urgent task to complete in the future.

"Well, in this case, Feimin, we also..." Qin Weiming also felt the subtle atmosphere, coughed dryly and was ready to leave, but unexpectedly interrupted by Feimin halfway.

"Brother Qin, why don't you sit down and chat with me?" Fei Min's face had turned red. She felt that her brain was turning blank, but the cry in her heart made her summon up all the courage, leave him, tell him, and tell him how much you like him and how much you love him. The shouting sound made Feimin's heart rise to her throat, and the words that had been buried for a long time were almost blurted out.

"Well, well, this harvest is good. What are you going to do next?" Qin Weiming was determined to be extraordinary. He quickly searched for words in his brain and asked with a normal face.

"It should take a rest for a while in Nanjing." Fei Min thought slightly and the answer was a little vague.

"Well, thanks to you, we can find so many elixirs this time." Qin Weiming smiled and said from the bottom of his heart. Indeed, Feimin's combat effectiveness is not too strong and barely protect herself, but she has an extremely rare ability, that is, to survey the elixir. Even as long as the elixirs they have seen, Feimin can suddenly tell the characteristics of these elixirs. This ability is absolutely human, which is why their team has been bringing Feimin. One of them.

Li Xiao and Qin Weiming were the main attack, Liang Shouzi released cold arrows, Fei Min surveyed the elixir, and the rest were just substitutes. Their team has experienced several years of training in the Yulin Mountains, and their strength is quite good.

"Brother Qin said nothing. This is what Fei Min should do. Besides, if it hadn't been for the full protection of you and Xiao, I would have died under the claws of monsters." Feimin shook her head and smiled. Exploring the elixir is her only value and her pride. She is happy to do this for him. However, when Qin Weiming changed the topic like this, she could no longer have the courage to say anything.

"Okay, there is no need to talk about him between partners. If we are predestined, we will see each other again in the future!" Qin Weiming raised his glass with a smile and drank it all, but Feimin, who heard his words, froze there in an instant, with a pair of beautiful eyes looking forward, and the questions in it were self-evident.

"Brother Qin, what did you say?" Feimin finally found her voice, but found that she couldn't help trembling at this moment. She never thought that she would leave him, but this moment came so suddenly.

"I'm from a foreign country, and I will leave after all." Qin Weiming sighed. How could he not understand the love of this woman over the years? However, in his capacity, the word love was too luxurious and too vain for him to get involved.

"Can you take me away, no matter where you go?" Fei Min grabbed Qin Weiming's sleeve with a resolute face.

"No." Qin Weiming shook his head, was cruel, and said, "My next action will be very dangerous. I can't protect two people."

"Two, people..." Fei Min's delicate body trembled and seemed to realize something. Her clenched hands slid down weakly. Naturally, she guessed who the other person was. "Is it her? Our relationship between birth and death in the past few years is not as good as a strange woman we have known for only a few days..." Fei Min bit her lips and muttered, and the two lines of clear tears couldn't help sliding down.

"She is the person I'm looking for." Qin Weiming sighed. In the face of this situation, he suddenly became a little confused. Why did he leave in such a hurry? The order issued above is not so urgent, and there is nothing he has to do. Why is he in a hurry to leave?

Is it because of Master Chu's speculation about that woman, or because of the ominous atmosphere and hostility revealed somewhere in Nanjing City? Or his little selfishness? He doesn't want her to be the person they are looking for at all!

Qin Weiming closes his eyes slightly, and there is unprecedented chaos in his thoughts. Every time he recalls the woman's sad expression and the silent tears on her cheeks, his heart hurts dullly. He doesn't like this feeling, but he doesn't dislike it.

"What about me? What am I in your eyes? Feimin can't take care of much. At this moment, these words don't seem to need courage. She feels that her heart hurts so much that it is difficult to breathe.

"Wow, do you have to ask me to say it clearly? Don't you know this better than me?" Qin Weiming stood up and faced the street outside the inn. He did not see Feimin's trembling body. He was not aggressive, but said plainly, "Two years ago, you received the order of the city lord's mansion to sneak into our team and become our partner. You monitored our words and deeds and reported them to the city owner and designed to eliminate them. Several foreign warriors who tried to plot against Nanjing City..."

"Don't say any more!" Fei Min interrupted Qin Weiming's narrative loudly. Her face was full of dead ashes, and tears had blurred her vision. He knew that he actually knew that no matter how he made up for it, he could not erase the past! Fei Min smiled miserably. She suddenly rushed to Qin Weiming and grabbed the skirt on his chest with all her strength.

"I hate you! I don't want to see you again in my life!" As she spoke, she shed tears of heartbreak and turned away. Yes, she hates him. He knows everything but still treats her so gently. He is still willing to believe her, protect her, and make her fall in love with him uncontrollably. But at this moment, it shattered all her thoughts.

"It's okay to hate me..." Qin Weiming did not stop Feimin from leaving. He was aware of all this. He glanced at the note that Zhang Feimin finally put in his arms and raised his eyebrows. He had already found the nails hidden in the dark and exposed Fei Min's identity. One important reason was to help her recover. Freedom.

He is about to go to a place beyond his control and can't carry more people. If he doesn't expose Feimin, the city master's mansion will use all means to let Feimin follow him, which is by no means what he wants.

It's the best now. Qin Weiming hasn't paid attention to those nails in the dark.