The only immortal in the world

Chapter 65 A failure?

While talking, I only heard a few spells that Bai Weixuan couldn't understand in her mouth. The red heart beads rotated smoothly. During a few breaths, I saw the three-eyed fire crystal quickly pinch the formula with both hands. Several red blood threads on the heart beads were separated, and then slapped everywhere by the three-eyed fire crystal to Bai Weixuan. Meridian.

"Wow..." The burning pain instantly pulled Bai Weixuan's consciousness back to reality, leaving the long nightmare, and there was still a fine cold sweat on her forehead. However, when she woke up, greater pain suddenly came.

There was burning pain everywhere. Bai Weixuan clenched her teeth, but in a few breaths, her whole body was soaked in sweat, bean-sized sweat still slipped on her forehead, and a trace of heat evaporated from her body surface.

"Hear again!" The anxious sound of three fire crystals came from her consciousness. Bai Weixuan couldn't help curling up and clenching her gums desperately, knowing that there was a faint blood in her mouth.

"Ah..." After all, she couldn't help moaning. When the red blood reached into her meridians, it was like 10,000 ants gnawing at her meridians at the same time. The pain from the inside out made her faint. However, the hateful sound of the three-eyed fire crystal in her consciousness kept reminding her that if she wanted to be awake, she must stay awake if she didn't want to become an abandoned person.

Who wants to become a useless person? She still has a lot of debts that have not been recovered, and there are still two people who need her to save and have favors to pay back. She would rather be killed than be a useless person! Grit your teeth and hold on! She got used to the pain... Bai Weixuan kept cheering herself and paralyzed her nerves, and when she was about to die in pain, the urgent sound of the three-eyed fire crystal finally came from her consciousness that she was about to collapse.

"Use the power of the mind to drive the heart to annihilate the power of Mo Linglan's destruction." Hearing the reminder of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan finally recovered from the divine tour and did it reflexively when she heard the words. But when she finally condensed her mind and locked the power of the heart full of tyrannical atmosphere, the pain that pierced her brain almost instantly made her faint. Fortunately, after the torture, her brain The nerves were slightly dull, which made her catch the last trace of consciousness.

However, it is not so easy to stimulate the power of heart beads to resist the terrible destruction left by Mo Linglan. As for the power of the three-eyed fire crystal to drive the heart beads to annihilate Mo Linglan's destruction, Bai Weixuan filters it directly from her brain. If it had been so easy, Chi Yujing would have done all this.

What she has done now does not seem to repair it gently, but to attack the poison, drive the power of destruction out of the body, and then instantly repair the meridians with the effect of the five fruits remaining in her body with the power of heart beads. Although it may not be able to return to its original height, normal walking is always okay, which is better than the current disability. .

Moreover, due to the initiative to repair the original red jade crystal, the power of destruction originally spread in Bai Weixuan's body has also gathered into her limbs. Now it is much easier to disperse than at the beginning.

However, at this time, this ease is just talking. For the painful Bai Weixuan, the power to drive the beads with her mind is about to reach the limit. Fortunately, this product also has a valuable spirit of thirteen desperately. He hung the last trace of consciousness and desperately pulled the power of the heart beads and rushed to his limbs.

And with her pull, the burning breath of her heart instantly spread to every corner of her limbs. The engraved pain made Bai Weixuan have to doubt whether her limbs would be burned to ashes if she finally drove away the power of destruction.

Pain, no matter where her consciousness goes, it is a burning pain. After a long time, Bai Weixuan can't remember it clearly. She doesn't know at all whether the power of Xinzhu has successfully expelled the power of destruction. Her consciousness is like a lonely boat in the vast sea, drifting without direction, drifting with the tide, and the only command in her subconscious is to stay awake and not to fall asleep.

"Bai Weixuan, Bai Weixuan..." The world was as quiet as death. When a faint call like a fairy sound came into Bai Weixuan's consciousness, the almost forgotten pain invaded in an instant.

"Pain..." Bai Weixuan unconsciously spit out a character, and this character seemed to drain all her strength in an instant. At this moment, a cool feeling broke out from the palm of her hand, and then swept to every corner of her body.

The burning pain gradually receded, and the comfortable coolness was transmitted from the outside to all parts of the body. The instantaneous contrast made Bai Weixuan's last tense mind break, and the deep fatigue immediately engulfed her consciousness.

It's so comfortable and peaceful, and my heart is as calm as water in an ancient well. The warm breath enveloped her soul and brought her into a sweet dream.

This may be the most stable and comfortable time for Bai Weixuan in the past few years. She was so comfortable that she was a little reluctant to wake up. Unfortunately, when her consciousness gradually recovered, a hateful voice did break in mercilessly.

"Hey, how dare you sleep?" With another instructive face, Bai Weixuan couldn't wait to punch her fiercely on the face of the three-eyed fire crystal.

"What? Hasn't it succeeded?" Bai Weixuan drumned her cheeks and said angrily.

"Tut, you are so beautiful. I don't know what the boy outside used to neutrally neutrally the power of your heart." The three-eyed fire crystal hit it without hesitation.

"What?!" Bai Weixuan's eyes were wide open, and all her previous sins were in vain? A failure?

"But it's strange that the power of those heart beads has been absorbed by all your muscles and bones." Three-eyed fire crystal touched her chin, indicating that she didn't quite understand.

"Damn! Would you have died if you had said that? Since the power of the heart is still there, there is still a chance to drive away the power of destruction. Bai Weixuan had a lingering forehead and stared at the three-eyed fire crystal angrily. But the latter didn't seem to hear it, humming a little song and walked away.

"Ouch..." At this moment, Bai Weixuan felt that her head was hit by something, and the clear pain quickly pulled her consciousness back to reality.

"Are you all right?" A man's worried inquiry came from her ears. Bai Weixuan struggled to open her heavy eyelids and looked into a pair of starry eyes.

"No, it's okay!" Being seen by these eyes, Bai Weixuan's reaction made her feel guilty in an instant. What should I do? Continue to pretend to have amnesia, or?

"It's okay!" When Bai Weixuan was worried about what to do, Qin Weiming, who held her, said softly and didn't care about her abnormality. This somewhat relieved Bai Weixuan, and when her eyes finally had a chance to look at the surrounding environment, she found that they had entered a place similar to an underground maze.

Wait, shouldn't it have reached the tombs of these people? Bai Weixuan sighed from the bottom of her heart. She could hear the conversation between Master Chu and Qin Weiming very clearly. Although she lost all her memory at that time, she still had a good memory. One of the purposes of Qin Weiming came here seemed to be for something called Xuanyuanjing, which was said to repair and improve the meridians. .

But the tomb or something, Bai Weixuan is really a little creepy!