The only immortal in the world

Chapter 70 won the grand prize

"What's going on?" Everyone by the door withdrew their feet and looked at the dark palace gate with a frightened face. At this moment, a deaf and roar came from the depths of the palace door, and then the sound of "crunching" like breaking bones echoed in the quiet palace, making everyone outside the palace creepy.

"It's a monster!"

The main brains of the three forces frowned together. Naturally, they did not know the arrangement of the owner of the palace. After hearing the roar of the monster, they realized that the tomb was not only a treasure in their consciousness, but also with thorns.

"Don't panic, don't enter alone, gather dozens of people to walk together, and at the same time take precautions and be ready to take action at any time!" The city owner of Jinyi was the first to calm down. He appeased the frightened people, first gathered the people of the city owner's mansion and walked to another palace gate again.

This time, there was no scream, only deep silence. Seeing that the people of the city master's mansion entered the tomb first, the people of the Wumeng and the Red Blood Gang suddenly couldn't help it and quickly gathered people and marched towards the palace gate.

Qin Weiming looked at all this lightly and said nothing. With the warning of those people for the first time, the rules mentioned by Jin Zi were also conveyed at the first time, so he did not need to talk more, and no one could tell which side of the eight palace doors was safe. Whether it was life or death, so he had to rely on a trace of luck.

Facing the same form of palace gate, Qin Weiming did not hesitate much, but walked close to one. The palace gate was dark and soon drowned his figure.


The hazy corridor is filled with some blurred light of oil lamps. As a cold air gushed out, the firelight of the oil lamp beat rapidly, reflecting a strange cold light on the dark and uneven walls around it.

Bai Weixuan leaned in Qin Weiming's arms, and her heart beat suddenly. Each of the eight palace doors had its own universe. She didn't know what kind of existence they were about to encounter. Thinking of the reminder from the owner of the tomb, Bai Weixuan couldn't help but be nervous.

At the same time, she also has some panic and deep unwillingness in her heart. In this dangerous tomb, she could not say how to dominate with her strength, but there is always no problem in self-bao bao.

But now, she can't even stand and walk, which has completely become a burden for others.

"I can't do anything. It will only drag you down. Why do you still take me with you?" Bai Weixuan pouted and wanted to ask, but she didn't know why she didn't ask. At this moment, she suddenly thought of Qing Hanxuan. She thought that if it were him at this time, he would have taken herself by her side! Nothing else, just because in this place, only by bringing her by his side can he ensure her safety!

Bai Weixuan looked at Qin Weiming's sharpened side face and held a soft smile at the corners of her mouth. Unconsciously, she suddenly realized the different moods brought by the two.

For the kindness and tolerance of Qing Hanxuan, Bai Weixuan will always have a sense of guilt in her heart. After all, in the consciousness of the former, she is Qing Xiaobi, his sister, so she can't enjoy that care with peace of mind.

But Qin Weiming is different. They only met by chance. He saved her and protected her. He knew that her name was Bai Weixuan. His kindness to her was only to her and had nothing to do with family. In front of him, she is just an independent individual, not Bai Weixuan who occupies Qing Xiaobi's body.

Although she can't see his purpose clearly, there is no pressure around him, which is enough.

With a faint warmth in her heart, she watched Qin Weiming walk slowly through the dark corridor. When they came to a hall with soft light, Bai Weixuan couldn't help holding her breath.

The mountain-like spiritual stones shine like glowing jewels, and the purple and red crystals shuttle between the spiritual stones, and the dense aura rises like clouds, covering the whole hall like a fairyland.

"So, that's not jade, is it?" Bai Weixuan looked at the violet jade that was almost one person high in the center of the hall, and her whole body was stunned. God, although she has always had no eyesight, she came into contact with the luxury of jadeite because she once designed clothes for customers, so she can still distinguish this thing, but the jadeite in front of her is actually tall!

One person tall? What concept? It seems that she has never seen such a huge and complete emerald in her consciousness, and it is also a rich violet. The price of such a complete piece of jade is estimated to be more than 10 million, right? Or hundreds of millions? This is no longer the range that Bai Weixuan can estimate. If there is such an emerald on the earth, it is estimated that she will not worry about eating, clothing and squandering all her life.

Moreover, this hall is more than this good thing, the scattered crystal, palm-sized spiritual stone, aura-rich jade... Anything here can cause a great sensation in the jewelry industry when it gets her original world, and these valuable treasures are now placed without defense. In front of her.

Oh, my God! This is not a dream, is it? If Bai Weixuan's hand can move, she will have a chance to pinch herself without hesitation. With such a huge wealth, even though she has experienced the shock of the Mashan medicine field, she is still a little unaffable! Moreover, if the spin is there, those jade crystals and so on may also produce the strange transparent crystals and gain inexhaustible power of life.

Oh, my God, throw a meteor and kill me! Isn't the owner of this tomb too rich?! Bai Weixuan kept shouting in her heart. Although she is not a gold worshiper, a normal person will see "money"! If you still don't care about these wealth and don't care about them... God, does that kind of person really exist?

"Woo..." Bai Weixuan secretly burst into tears. If she could move now, she wouldn't mind jumping directly into the pile of shiny treasures. Unfortunately, now she can only see and can't touch it. Wang Baoxing sighed.

"It's really rich." Even Qin Weiming, who had always been calm, couldn't help taking a breath of cold air. The strong aura made him feel comfortable and couldn't wait to sit and practice. Moreover, if he absorbed the complete spiritual stone, I'm afraid that his cultivation would further reach the level he had been pursuing.

"Roar!", "Roar!", "Roar!", "Roar!"

But at this time, five roars interrupted their thoughts. They looked up and saw five huge figures slowly walking out behind the pile of treasures, and five pairs of fist-sized green eyes looked at Qin Weiming with hostility.

These five giants are about one or more tall, with a sphinx and a moon-like horn on their heads. When they walked out from behind the treasure mountain, the air in the hall suddenly became cold, and a huge momentum came to Qin Weiming and the two.

"Damn!" Bai Weixuan raised her middle finger at the owner of the tomb. Before that, the three forces broke in for the first time and heard a roar. There was only about one monster, and there were as many as five where they were. Obviously, they were not lucky and won the grand prize for the first time.

At the moment when Bai Weixuan was slandered, Qin Weiming had silently put on a posture and was ready to accept the anger of the five monsters.