The only immortal in the world

Chapter 71 Unicorn Thunder Lion

In the dazzling hall, although there are piles of treasures in the center, the overall space is not small, and it can even accommodate the five monsters to fight with Qin Weiming at the same time.

Five lion-shaped monsters have faintly reached the peak of the fourth level, and can break through to the lower level of the fifth level with almost only a small opportunity. The fifth-order lower level is already the cultivation of Yuanying in the early stage. Even if Bai Weixuan, who has returned to her heyday, is not an opponent.

Fortunately, these five monsters have not broken through. The fourth-order high-level monsters are not invincible for Qin Weiming, who can kill the bloody skeleton and frozen mermaid. You know, although the bloody skeleton and frozen mermaid are not monsters, they are also extremely powerful demons, and their strength is almost the same as these five monsters.

However, now there are few enemies, so Qin Weiming does not intend to fight a passive defensive battle. When the lion-shaped monster walked out of the treasure mountain, his body rushed out quickly, and the blue light flashed, drawing dazzling lights in the air.

"Roar!" When a lion-shaped monster unexpectedly took the initiative to attack, he immediately roared, and his huge figure flew by quickly, easily flashing over the blue light and rushed to Qin Weiming. As soon as its thick claws were grasped in the air, it heard a burst of explosion in the air, and three slender airflows shot directly into Qin Weiming's heart.

The lion-shaped monster's attack was tricky, and Qin Weiming's face also changed slightly. He jumped forward and avoided the attack of the airflow at the critical moment. At this time, the other four lion-shaped monsters also jumped in, and the hill-like body could almost flatten the two people in the field.

Qin Weiming's face was calm, his eyes were like electricity, and his feet suddenly moved when the lion-shaped monster came. Stepping on the seven-star step, he was like the wind and flying like willow catkins. In the blink of an eye, he dodged the four and flashed aside. Then he saw him kicking on the ground, his body flipped neatly, and then recovered that his feet had steadily landed on a lion-shaped monster.

Before the lion-shaped monster could react, a green light had hit its head. When its head was buzzing, the other four monsters roared and came, and their thick claws mercilessly grabbed Qin Weiming. Qin Weiming dodged left and right, but the green mang in his hand greeted the waist and lower abdomen and head of the monsters again and again like a bone maggot, beating the four monsters roaring repeatedly, but they had no temper.

At this moment, the lion-shaped monster trampled on the soles of Qin Weiming suddenly had an idea and rolled over, trying to throw Qin Weiming out. But how could it escape Qin Weiming's eyes? Just as it turned over, Qin Weiming kicked it ruthlessly on its waist and abdomen, and then kicked it away several feet away. It hit the wall fiercely and there was no sound, and his life and death were unknown.

However, it also won the opportunity for the other four monsters. Just as Qin Weiming kicked the monster on the soles of his feet, the other four monsters rushed up from all sides, and the blood basin opened their mouths greatly. For a moment, the fishy wind hit his face, and the dangerous breath came in an instant.

Bai Weixuan's heart was stunned, but she saw a monster appearing at Qin Weiming's feet. She opened her mouth and was about to bite off his leg. At this time, the monster suddenly twisted strangely in her inevitable leg, and then kicked the monster out like a long whip.

On the other hand, Qin Weiming's fist had just been withdrawn from between the eyes of a monster and hit the waist and abdomen of another monster. At this time, the last monster opened its mouth and bit him from behind, but saw him rotated and his elbow hit the monster fiercely.

This change is complicated to say. In fact, it was only during a breath that Bai Weixuan's eyes widened and caught this picture. When she raised her ears, she only heard the crackling sound of broken bones.

She never knew that Qin Weiming's attack was very powerful, but her physical attack was also so good and even horrible. When she recovered from the shock, the five monsters had fallen to the ground with grief, and their bodies kept twitching. Obviously, they had lost their fighting power.

Bai Weixuan only felt that her head was buzzing, which was a little difficult to accept. She never knew that she and Qing Hanxuan were already geniuses, but unexpectedly, compared with Qin Weiming, their strength was nothing. Moreover, in terms of combat skills, Qinghanxuan is reasonable. Bai Weixuan is just a rookie among rookies at all. Except for being tough or clever, she has no technical content at all.

What's more, the person in front of her is still so young that she can't catch up with such talent and hard work.

However, after she returns to normal, she must ask Qin Weiming for advice on these combat skills. After all, the pressure on her body is not small. Qing Hanxuan and Xuanyan are now unknown, and her combat strength is indeed far from enough.

Qin Weiming's battle against the five monsters seems to have no gorgeous spells or great momentum. Each blow is simple and unpretentious, but it is really thrilling. If you are not careful, you will be torn away by these monsters. Bai Weixuan felt that she did not have the courage to fight five fourth-order high peak monsters alone.

However, she clearly felt that these lion-shaped monsters were unusual, but the battle was really going too fast. Qin Weiming did not give them the opportunity to carry out their strongest attack at all. Bai Weixuan did not think that they were just decorations.

And Qin Weiming's next action also confirmed Bai Weixuan's idea. Although he did not directly kill the monsters, Qin Weiming still went to the side of the monsters at the first time and quickly cut off the long horns of the curved moon above their heads.

Thunder and lightning flashed, and sparks overflowed from the long corner of the curved moon. In Bai Weixuan's mind, the sound of three-eyed fire crystals suddenly sounded: "The unicorn thunder lion's unicorn, this length is enough to create several thunder sleeve arrows. It's good, but this boy has some vision."

"What is a thunder sleeve arrow?" Bai Weixuan was stunned and asked.

"It is a hidden weapon with the power of thunder, with strong penetration and lightning attacks. The attack method is changeable, which makes people prevent it carelessly. However, it is not easy for this boy to kill the one-horned thunder lion so easily. The three-eyed fire crystal lazy voice sounded again.

"Why didn't this one-horned thunderbolt launch a lightning attack?" Bai Weixuan paused and still said her doubts.

"You don't think they want to! Unfortunately, although they are talented, they are limited by the environment here. It takes time to accumulate to launch a lightning attack. Otherwise, do you think the boy can put them down so easily? The three-eyed fire crystal is not good.

"So that's it..." Bai Weixuan nodded and suddenly opened her. From this point of view, she was fortunate. What's more, after dealing with these monsters, there are a whole bunch of treasures waiting for them!

Seeing those glittering crystals, spiritual stones and jade stones, Bai Weixuan's eyes glowed. She couldn't wait to hold Qin Weiming's sleeve, licked her face and said, "Young man, you have a share!"

Unfortunately, she couldn't move her hands and feet, so she could only watch Qin Weiming stuff those babies into the storage bag.

"Don't worry, I have your share." As if feeling Bai Weixuan's "green" eyes like a hungry wolf, Qin Weiming consciously patted the storage bag and looked over with a smile.

He looked at Bai Weixuan's face and said secretly, is his intention really so obvious?