The only immortal in the world

Chapter 79 Black Shadow Attack

Bai Weixuan curled her lips. Naturally, she never knew what "sky machine" was, and she was not interested in the so-called "sky machine". However, this is called Guang Shihan. Since she calls herself an evil fairy and appears in this way, her strength should not be that bad, right? Then he should also share the task of killing demons, right?

Thinking of this, she looked up at Guang Shihan, but the other party just looked at it with a smile. Her eyes were connected, and Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly missed half a beat.

God, what kind of evil is this? Bai Weixuan quickly recovered, looking at her nose, nose and heart, and "sin" in her heart! Sin!" I have read it many times.

But at this time, I heard Guang Shihan smile and said, "My strength is good, but I can't beat the chaotic demon."

"Chaotic Devil?" Bai Weixuan was stunned. Can the guy in front of her be mind-reading? How did she know what she was thinking? Then her forehead was full of question marks. What was the chaotic demon he mentioned?

"You don't even know the chaotic demon?" Guang Shihan's eyes stagnated and seemed to be a little unbelievable.

"How can I know? I only heard from the silver-haired man say that he would be promoted to the Yuanying period within a year, then kill demons and demons, and ascend to immortality. Bai Weixuan spread out her hands and said very innocently.

Silver-haired man? That's right! He didn't tell you about the chaotic demon..." Guang Shihan raised his eyebrows and was a little puzzled. At the same time, he looked at Bai Weixuan with a little scrutiny. Suddenly, his look moved and his face suddenly relieved, "Is there anyone else doing this test with you?"

"Huh? How could you guess this?" Bai Weixuan was stunned and a little stunned. Shouldn't this person really have mind reading skills? Even Qin Weiming's existence is known.

"Hey, the sky can't be leaked!" Guang Shihan blinked, and then ignored Bai Weixuan's angry face in an instant, and then said, "Once someone predicted that there was only one person in the world who could kill the chaotic demon, but... I hope that person will not be you."

Guang Shihan's words were half serious and half joke, making Bai Weixuan can't guess his thoughts. However, Bai Weixuan had no time to care about those, but the chaotic demon completely aroused her interest.

"What on earth is that chaotic demon? Well, if, I mean, what if I'm the only one who can kill him? Bai Weixuan became a curious baby.

"..." Guang Shihan looked at Bai Weixuan with a curious face, and his eyes were a little stunned. Then he raised a shallow arc at the corners of his mouth and shook his head, "All this, when you walk out of the Seven Kill Tower, I will tell you."

At this time, the space of the seven-kill tower shook, and a vague shadow projected out in mid-air, which was the silver-haired man. His eyes opened slightly, looked at Guang Shihan, nodded gently, and then took a photo of the eldest hand, and a halo appeared, taking Guang Shihan away from his place.

"The channel on the second floor has been opened. Go ahead!" The silver-haired man sent Guang Shihan away, and then looked deeply at the stunned Bai Weixuan, and said mechanically, and the virtual shadow of the whole person disappeared in an instant.

And in the center of this hall, a thin gate of water looms. Finally, the second floor has arrived.

Bai Weixuan held her breath, tightened her heart, and slowly stepped into the water gate with full precautions.

The array of space twisted, and Bai Weixuan only felt that it was dark and bright in front of her eyes, so she came to another place.

Everything in front of him is no longer the same layout in the Seven Kills Hall, and there are no dazzling treasures piled up in front of Bai Weixuan. It turned out to be an endless forest. Countless towering trees rose from the ground, and the trunks of each tree were straight and smooth, as if they had been skinned.

The canopy is thick, covering the sky and the sun, and there is little shadow of sunshine between the scattered branches and leaves. The whole forest reveals an indescribable gloomy atmosphere.

Bai Weixuan was in this slightly strange forest and vigilantly clenched the cold knife in her hand.

At this time, an owl suddenly came from the silent forest. Bai Weixuan's eyes were cold, and she saw a huge dark shadow suddenly falling from the sky, and the huge eagle's claws reflected a frightening cold light in the air.

The shadow swooped down and became powerful. Pieces of leaves flew over and splashed in a dazzling light. Bai Weixuan staggered away. She was like an electrician and followed a wonderful route. When the shadow did not stop, she suddenly turned around. The cold knife followed like a shadow and drew to the shadow with the arc of the sickle of death.

Seeing that the blade was coming, the shadow was not busy. The huge figure turned a strange arc in the air and escaped the attack of the cold knife at a critical moment.

Seeing this, Bai Weixuan could not easily give up the offensive, and the cold hidden knife in her hand quickly turned into a sweep. Her wrist trembled, and the knife gas shook, as fast as a meteor. Although the dark shadow changed its shape again to avoid the key point, it was still scratched on its back by the sharp blade.

In the first confrontation, Bai Weixuan prevailed slightly.

The dark shadow fell to the ground, and the haze's eyes cut like a sharp blade to Bai Weixuan. It is huge, like an eagle, but its wings are wider and more powerful than the eagle. A pair of huge claws occupy almost half of its body, and there is a red and gorgeous crown above its head.

However, Bai Weixuan still had time to look at this strange dark shadow in the future. Suddenly, there was a strong wind in the forest, the shadows of the trees swaying, and the leaves rattled. Then with the sound of breaking through the sky, dark shadows rushed out from the tree crowns, like black lightning, rushing towards Bai Weixuan.

The dark shadow almost surrounded her in all directions, and the cold claws immediately made Bai Weixuan's scalp numb. These things are not the useless golden-haired rabbit. Thinking that she had just wasted some strength to leave an irrelevant scar on the other party, Bai Weixuan had an indescribable aggrieved feeling, and what's more painful was that she couldn't see through the other party's cultivation at all.

However, even the golden retriever rabbit is in the golden elixir period. Presumably, this eagle-like monster will not be lower than that cultivation, and in terms of attack power, this eagle-like monster will throw rabbits dozens of streets.

And here, such a monster even has to besiege Bai Weixuan, who only has five heavens of cultivation. Bai Weixuan smiled bitterly. I really don't know whether it's a tragedy or an honor. Although she has a divine body and strong physical resilience, it doesn't mean that she is willing to feed monsters.

What's more, although the time from injury to repair is short, the visual and neurological stimulation makes Bai Weixuan feel lingering. Therefore, in the face of so many monster attacks, Bai Weixuan's first choice is to escape.

Bai Weixuan cultivated her figure well when she was chased by the first layer of rabbits. At the same time, her speed was also extremely fast, and her escape skill had completely reached the point of perfection.

However, the eagle-shaped monsters here are also much faster than rabbits. It is not so easy for Bai Weixuan to break through. What's more, they come from all directions. If Bai Weixuan goes in the wrong direction, she is likely to encounter more of such monsters. At that time, perhaps even if she has the body of the gods, she will only be The fate of the corpse.

So Bai Weixuan did not break through, but walked between them with a cold hidden knife when the monsters arrived. Fortunately, this eagle-shaped monster is huge, so the number of people who can attack Bai Weixuan at the same time is not large. Three or four heads have been capped. Fortunately, the intelligence of these monsters is not very high. Although they don't know why they will act collectively, they have no tactics.

Otherwise, under the dive attack of this large number of monsters, Bai Weixuan is afraid that she will finish playing in less than a moment, and she is also sweating behind her back, for fear that those monsters will realize this.

Fortunately, the former did not have such wisdom, but just besieged it. Bai Weixuan took turns to fight with the cold knife, and at the same time, she was observing the surrounding environment and looking for an opportunity to break through.

Suddenly, Bai Weixuan's eyes lit up. In the dense shadow of monsters, she suddenly saw a high hill, which was mostly rocky, occasionally vegetation, and the surrounding trees were also unusually dense and lush. Most importantly, Bai Weixuan clearly saw a half-human-high cave in the rock.

This is it. Bai Weixuan was overjoyed. She shook her knife in the group of monsters, and struggled to break her shoulders and arms by several monster claws, and roared into the half-human-high cave.

And the big toad, which was dormant in the cave, was cut in half by her like cutting melons and vegetables. Before she understood what was going on, she was already dead.