The only immortal in the world

Chapter 85 Pure Fire

Bai Weixuan drove the broken bowl to the black land, looked up at the golden flame, and nervously picked up the broken bowl and floated on the black rock.

The burning temperature did not rush in through the protection of the broken bowl, which made Bai Weixuan somewhat relieved. However, the strength of the broken bowl also surprised her even more.

According to the rough hint in the elixir formula, Bai Weixuan got a lengthy formula. After coming a foot away from the flame, Bai Weixuan looked awe-in and whispered.

As soon as the formula sounded, there were slight fluctuations in the magma ocean. On the dark land, in the tall statue, the golden flame slowly beat and began to be active under the influence of Bai Weixuan's voice.

The temperature around rises again.

Bai Weixuan said at the end, with a slight shout in her mouth. As soon as her fingers pointed to the golden flame, she saw a long rainbow-like blue glow flying away from the broken bowl and touching the golden flame in an instant.

Bai Weixuan held her breath and stared at the blue glow wrapped the golden flame. Her whole heart rose to her throat, but when she saw the blue glow go back and forth and effortlessly wrapped the golden flame like dumplings, her brain began to be a little stuck.

Is it so easy? After all this, there is no dispute at all? Bai Weixuan instantly felt that she had made ideological preparations before, which was completely mediocre.

"...Is this the power of pure yang fire?" Bai Weixuan looked at the golden flame transported back by the blue haze and was a little unbelievable, but when she reached in to measure the power but was directly burned to ashes, she no longer doubted the power of the flame.

"What a terrible flame! What a awesome broken bowl!" Bai Weixuan opened her mouth and couldn't help marveling, almost ignoring the pain of her fingers. But when she stared at the strange golden flame, the space suddenly shook.

The magma ocean churled violently, and the black land quickly sank into the magma with the huge humanoid statue, losing the control of the pure yang fire. This huge magma world collapsed almost in an instant.

Bai Weixuan and the broken bowl were swallowed up by the oncoming magma waves and washed into the deep magma ocean in the rapids. The broken bowl staggered in the magma. Under great pressure, even if Bai Weixuan used all her spiritual power, she could no longer urge the broken bowl at all. Seeing the dark tide emerge frequently under the sea of magma, Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth and had to decide to settle the fire of pure yang first.

The blue glow wrapped in the pure sun fire suspended in front of Bai Weixuan, as if waiting for her guidance. Bai Weixuan simply sat down in the broken bowl, took a deep breath and adjusted her state.

Then, her hands flew into the air to form several complex fingerprints, and the blue glow was controlled between her fingers. After a long time, with a soft shout, an invisible force suddenly appeared in the broken bowl, covering the golden flame. Bai Weixuan hung her right hand over the pure yang fire and pressed her palms hard, trying to slap the golden flame into the broken bowl.

At this time, the broken bowl in the magma trembled violently, not knowing whether it was trembling or excited. Bai Weixuan grabbed her right hand with her left hand, turned her fingers into claws, and once again pressed the golden flame into the broken bowl.

One point, two points... little by little penetration. After a long time, when the golden flame completely sank into the broken bowl, Bai Weixuan fell to the ground, her whole body was drained, and her sweat soaked her black clothes.

She exhaled, and Bai Weixuan was indescribably happy to see that the broken bowl was coated with a layer of complex golden lines.

The fire of pure yang finally got it.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly flashed out of the broken bowl and directly disappeared into Bai Weixuan's body. Bai Weixuan was shocked all over. Before she could react from the collapse just now, she felt that her body seemed to be burned by a flame. The sharp pain blackened her eyes, and there was a brief numbness in her brain.

But this numbness only lasted for a while, and the clear sharp pain went straight to Bai Weixuan's nerve center, making her soul tremble.

The nerves could no longer control her body at all. Bai Weixuan had to keep her indecent posture and lie in the broken bowl. The huge consciousness made her consciousness very clear, and the pain from all over her body almost made Bai Weixuan crazy.

The burning pain of the flame spread from the inside, and Bai Weixuan hurriedly looked inside for the first time. When she saw a magma flowing along her meridians, she couldn't wait to faint immediately.

Isn't it? This pure yang fire is not so ferocious, is it? Bai Weixuan thought of the formation of magma outside and that she had just touched the fire of pure yang. She instantly guessed that the small magma flow in the meridians was related to the fire of pure yang.

The pure fire of yang! Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth a little.

Fortunately, although the small magma in the meridians stimulates the pain of the nerves, it did not burn the meridians, but slowly melted the excess cells and impurities, once again refining Bai Weixuan's meridians.

It's just strange that for all this, the bloodline of the god in Bai Weixuan's body did not stop it or merge with it, but followed its own path as if nothing had happened, and the boundary between it and the small magma was clearly drawn.

The permissiveness of the divine bloodline made Bai Weixuan suffer enough. Under a wave of pain, she almost felt that she was going crazy. In the end, she would rather die directly than this.

Time passed very slowly. When the small magma flowed in Bai Weixuan's body for a week, the latter's spirit was already in a semi-blank state. It seemed that in a while, it would be completely blank and become an idiot.

She slowly regained her consciousness. It was not until she felt that her body was no longer so painful that Bai Weixuan looked inside again, but at this time, she saw an incredible scene.

According to theory, there are only so many human meridians born, and all cultivation is also related to this meridians. To some extent, the size and strength of the meridians directly determine the cultivation of the practitioner.

Bai Weixuan's previous meridians were wide and tough enough. Her cultivation was invincible in the same level, and she could even jump to challenge monsters, and even cross two levels in the previous stage. This is why she can compete with the fourth-order monsters and even easily kill the fourth-order monsters after reaching the nine-fold refining of gas.

This is the difference in the strength of the meridians. Bai Weixuan's true qi is much stronger than the true power of ordinary monks in the fusion period, and she has even followed the elixir in the body of the monks in the golden elixir period.

But for other monks of the same level, the fourth-order lower monsters are already their nightmare, and even the third-order medium monsters may not lose to them. The importance of human meridians is self-evident.

But Bai Weixuan found that in a position symmetrical with her heart, a meridians that were no longer than thumb stretched out of thin air. What's more strange is that all the magma-like things in her body were poured into this meridians and formed a whirlpool at the end of the meridians, and countless auras came from It gushed out from all over the body and penetrated into the golden whirlpool.

Moreover, this meridians are also completely under Bai Weixuan's control, and the huge aura is not comparable to the aura in all the meridians when she is in full. What's more, this aura can be used directly without refining in Dantian. Although its strength has been reduced, it can become the key to victory at the critical time. What's more, its amount is unmatched by the true qi in Dantian.

Nima, this is tantamount to another way to save your life!

Bai Weixuan's eyes widened in surprise and was also excited. She felt that this new meridians were not as simple as they seemed today, and there might be more abnormal development in the future, and her suffering was not in vain.

It's just that the silver-haired man should know his identity and what he can get. But he still guided himself to take this pure fire of yang. Is it really so dangerous to fight with the demon clan in the future?

Thinking of all the experiences in the Dragon Cave, Bai Weixuan's mood became a little heavy. There are suppressed demons there, and the number is simply uncountable. If you let these demons come to the world, I'm afraid that these continents will fall into the end in an instant.

"Refining all the aura in this meridians and magma matter together!" Seeing that the broken bowl and herself were swallowed up by the undercurrent of magma, Bai Weixuan held the mentality of "as it comes" and strengthened this reserve power again.

Guided a stream of hot magma flowing into the ordinary meridians. Bai Weixuan took a deep breath and began to refine.

From major meridians, acupuncture points, and then to Dantian, this hot magma flow is constantly refined in this process, constantly strengthening Bai Weixuan's meridians, muscles and bones, flesh and blood. Finally, it returned to Dantian. After a few weeks of circling like a cyclone, it turned into a little golden fog and distributed in Dantian. Some of them will return to the newly added meridians.

There was a dense area in Dantian. As soon as the golden fog entered, it occupied a space domineeringly and squeezed out the white true air. It was not until the white true air was compressed ten times smaller and the turtle shrank in a corner, and the golden fog stopped lazily in the middle of Dantian.

Seeing this, Bai Weixuan shook her head helplessly, but did not stop her and continued to extract the magma flow from the meridians for refining.

Time passed quickly in practice, and in a blink of an eye, a month passed. The golden fog in Bai Weixuan's Dantian field has reached a very high level, and the original true qi has been compressed again, leaving only the size of a fist, and the degree of condensation far exceeds Bai Weixuan's imagination.

When another stream of magma entered Dantian, the calm Dantian suddenly boiled, and the magma flow was almost transformed into golden fog between two breaths. A golden blood suddenly appeared in the Dantian, and the next second after its appearance, the golden fog and the white true gas began to fuse little by little under the pull of the golden blood.