The only immortal in the world

Chapter 92 Crotch pants are better than skirt

In the center of the fluctuation, the three-eyed fire crystals sat with their eyes closed, and there was no expression on the white jade porcelain-like face. A magnificent soul fire poured into its body and converged into a blue whirlpool at the center.

There was a sound in the air, and Bai Weixuan quickly stabilized her body and looked at the three-eyed fire crystal that was undergoing severe transformation with a stunned face.

At this moment, the shape of the three-eyed fire crystal has soared dozens of times, as big as an adult, and its facial features are also undergoing great changes, changing step by step towards the human appearance. The white jade-like body has become white and tender skin, and the short arms and legs are constantly becoming slender and healthy.

Almost in a few breaths, the three-eyed fire crystal has completely separated from its original appearance and turned into a beautiful teenager. Moreover, this beautiful teenager is still... infervently.

Bai Weixuan blushed and became rarely embarrassed. Speaking of men's **, although she has seen more or less, she has never seen such a perfect one. Moreover, it is still a free live broadcast.

This reaction made Bai Weixuan feel that she had suddenly become pure in an instant. Originally, in her consciousness, she should not have moved her eyelids at all.

It seems that practice is still not enough! Bai Weixuan muttered to herself. After a short period of shame, I got used to it, but I don't mind so much. Just think of this thing as art as foreign countries call it!

Just when Bai Weixuan was thinking nonsense, the body of the three-eyed fire crystal had completely grown, shining and beautiful jade. Its eyes, which were not as big as mung beans, have grown into beautiful Danfeng eyes, and the beautiful eyeliner is fascinating.

Damn it! Is that all right? Bai Weixuan cursed in her heart, and even the little cute thing of the three-eyed fire crystal could transform into a peerless beautiful teenager? The world is crazy.

"Keng!" Suddenly, there was a cling sound in the void. The long knife that Bai Weixuan had just refined was suspended on the top of the three-eyed fire crystal at this time, and she couldn't help whispering, as if she were calling for something.

Bai Weixuan was stunned and almost didn't fall off her chin. Oh, my God, she just refined it for the first time. She still refined it with the most reiki-deriveled spirit stone embryo. How can this thing have such spirituality?

However, regardless of her surprise, the long knife hung there by itself and circled twice from time to time, which seemed to be very flexible, and it seemed to completely forget Bai Weixuan, the owner, and all her attention was focused on the three-eyed fire crystals.

The three-eyed fire crystal transforms into a human, and the powerful soul fire transforms his whole body. After becoming a human body, it is the veins, Dantian and the vital meridians. When everything is generated, the three-eyed fire crystal has completely become a complete human being.

It is even the most perfect existence of human beings. Because of the assistance and strengthening of the magic medicine in the body, the three-eyed fire crystal system is no worse than Bai Weixuan's divine body, and it will be half the result to practice in the future.

At the last moment when the three-eyed fire crystal transformed into a human, the knife hanging above his head finally moved, and the streamer flashed, and the knife directly turned into a light and settled into the body of the three-eyed fire crystal.

The stone gathers qi and has a spirit. If there is a spirit, it will grow, and the spirit will be born. It is a spiritual spirit. The body of the three-eyed fire crystal is a special spirit stone raised every day, with the attribute of fire. Only when she was discovered by Tianmiao, the spirit was not great and had no intelligence, so she refined into a little god and stationed the seventh generation of spiritual crystal.

Now, fortunately, when you meet the fire of the soul, the full soul has practiced higher wisdom, and the three-eyed fire crystal directly broke through the body of the spirit stone and became an adult.

As for the knife.

Maybe it's because of the same spirit stone, or maybe it's because of the fire of the soul here, not to mention that Bai Weixuan, the refiner, does not know that the three-eyed fire crystal selected by the knife is also very confused about this matter.

That knife may also be a miracle. Bai Weixuan couldn't help thinking about it, and she felt extremely excited when she thought that the other party was from her own hands. Huang Tian was on the top, and she didn't know that she was such a genius.

This situation occurred at the first refinery, and Bai Weixuan's self-confidence swelled blindly.

The overflowing eyes suddenly opened, and the three-eyed fire crystals finally woke up from the transformation. A pair of flame-like wings closed into the body, and the handsome face inadvertently looked at Bai Weixuan.

"Three eyes, how about it? Has it fully recovered?" Bai Weixuan asked with concern and swallowed her saliva secretly. Her eyes couldn't help staying on the other party's sexy collarbone. She is a clavicle control, and her beautiful collarbone always attracts her attention. She always felt that when a man's figure was so obvious that his collarbone was not obvious, she would no longer look at it. The shape and depth of the collarbone determined Bai Weixuan's evaluation of a man's figure.

Looking up and touching the eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan lost her mind for a moment.

The three-eyed fire crystal's eyes are red and strangely red, which makes Bai Weixuan can't help thinking of a comic character named Shu and his race, a vampire. However, it is obvious that the red eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal are not the symbol of vampires, but his body. He is a special fire crystal.

"Well, I have fully recovered, and I can practice like you in the future." The three-eyed fire crystal smiled and nodded. He couldn't help but be happy. He was very satisfied with the current state.

"Xiao Bai, is it beautiful here?" Suddenly, the three-eyed fire crystal caught Bai Weixuan's wandering sight and deliberately touched her collarbone with her slender fingers, as if smiling.

"Cough, don't pretend to be evil. Be careful that I'll take it for you." Bai Weixuan coughed twice, and then pretended to be vicious and said fiercely.

"Hey! If you have the ability, watch it!" The three-eyed fire crystal smiled cunningly and couldn't help teasing Bai Weixuan. After taking off the skin of the little god, his whole mind has also changed a lot. He is now a human and is no longer the little god who can do nothing. He is now standing at the same height as her.

The secrets of Tianxuan and Tianmiao are not only as many on the surface, and his consciousness is not as simple as Tianxuan's soul, and Bai Weixuan's background is not simple.

"Cough, I said that you are also a human now, and you should understand some human beings..." Bai Weixuan was suddenly embarrassed and just wanted to say something to avoid the topic. Suddenly, a thunder fell from the sky and hit the three-eyed fire crystal so abruptly.

Before the three-eyed fire crystal could react, he heard a few explosions. Under the light blue thunder and lightning, his body shrank at a visible speed. Finally, in Bai Weixuan's brighter and brighter eyes, he became a small man only as her shoulder, and the lines on his face became soft from knife.

The only thing that hasn't changed is such a beautiful collarbone.

"Little, Little Zhengtai?!" Bai Weixuan opened her eyes wide. Today, she witnessed too many miracles. For the first time, she practiced such a divine object. A stone turned into a beautiful teenager, and then a thunder made the beautiful teenager become a righteous teenager. Damn, is this day because you didn't read the almanac when you went out? Isn't it too strange?

"Damn thunder!" The three-eyed fire crystal also woke up from the initial shock, and a pair of dark red eyes stared angrily at the slowly dissipating thunder, hoping to spit out fire.

"Ah?! A thunderbolt made you rejuvenate? Bai Weixuan covered the smile in her eyes and deliberately shouted in surprise. This guy has become a little bit. Let's see how arrogant he is.

You have just returned to rejuvenation, and your whole family has returned to rejuvenation. In the face of Bai Weixuan's ridicing and counting her age, Sanyan Huojing couldn't help thinking resentfully, and at the same time, she was also a little doubtful about the sudden thunder.

His physical strength has been greatly improved, especially the power of the soul, which has been above many gods. According to his estimation, such soul power, in the world of cultivation, is the soul that has reached the period of deification.

But a thunder just now abruptly scattered most of his soul power, causing his soul power to drop directly from the divine period to the out-of-body period, which was not much better than Bai Weixuan, and the perfect * body originally born because of the strong soul power was also shrinking after the power of the soul instantly weakened. One-third.

This thunder... The three-eyed fire crystal looked up suspiciously, and the sight seemed to want to penetrate into the wall above his head, but everything here was too strange to be seen through with his power.

Qihe Hall, who built this palace, and what is his purpose? Three-eyed fire crystal frowned and thought of a few people in his heart, but he couldn't be sure. In the hundreds of years of reincarnation, it seemed that he had missed a lot of things.

"Three eyes, what are you thinking? So invested?" Bai Weixuan came over and knocked on the three-eyed fire crystal's head and said with a smile, "Here, the clothes for you are children, but they can't be so **!" She blinked at the fire crystal, and Bai Weixuan threw a women's dress with a bad smile.

"This is your dress. Are you sure I should wear it?" The three-eyed fire crystal raised her eyebrows.

"Of course, otherwise, what else can I wear for you?" Bai Weixuan raised the purple dress in her hand and smiled secretly.

The clothes in her inventory are made when she collects the fur of monsters in her spare time after hunting many monsters. Although it is not very beautiful, it is not much different from what she bought outside. Moreover, judging from the material alone, the value of this dress in her hand is that she can buy a storage bag of ordinary clothes.

"..." Three-eyed fire crystal gritted his teeth. Although he had never been a human, it did not mean that he did not know human beings, and he had always regarded himself as a human. This dress was obviously feminine, but in order to cover his body, he still had to wear it.

reluctantly took the purple skirt of Bai Weixuan's fingers and put them on his body, but he was shorter than Bai Weixuan's. The long skirt was slightly larger on his body, and the long skirt corners were dragged to the ground.

The three-eyed fire crystal moved, and then cut off the extra part and divided it into two halves. Then he split the skirt into two halves and tied it on his legs with the skirt.

"Ha ha... You, are you just wearing open crotch pants?" Bai Weixuan smiled and burst into tears.

"Open crotch trousers are better than skirts!" The three-eyed fire crystal curled her lips.