The only immortal in the world

Chapter 95 The Action of Soul Beads

The purple flame is getting stronger and stronger, and the temperature of the flame has exceeded the limit of human beings, but this is nothing for Bai Weixuan, who was promoted to the late Jindan period. She had a slight golden light flashing all over her body, and the pure yang fire was obviously independently resisting the erosion of the outside world, while exercising Bai Weixuan's cells and flesh and blood.

Even if it is as strong as the body of the god, it is improving at an objective speed in such uninterrupted exercise, as if moving towards a higher level.

Bai Weixuan doesn't know how strong her soul is now, but she knows that it is at least better than her current cultivation. In the almost devoted practice, she obviously felt the rapid progress of her soul, and even her will became more indestructible under the refinement of many parties.

Now she can easily see the cultivation of the fire crystals in her three eyes, and a pair of divine eyes can even directly see everything in the other party's Dantian through that layer of flesh and blood.

The current cultivation of the three-eyed fire crystal is not inferior to her. Although the speed of improvement is not as fast as her, it is also extremely fast. In a few months, it should reach the Yuanying period.

However, Yuanying period is not Bai Weixuan's ultimate pursuit. She doesn't know how strong and how many the demon clan is sealed here. After hearing the speculation of the three-eyed fire crystals, she has a faintly uneasy feeling, and the source of her uneasiness is actually the controller of the Seven Evil Hall, the silver-haired god.

This uneasiness came suddenly, which caught Bai Weixuan off guard, but she couldn't think of a reason, so she focused all her energy on cultivation. Perhaps only higher cultivation can dispel the uneasiness in her heart! Bai Weixuan thought so and stopped suddenly.

The flame in front of her has gradually turned red, and the hot temperature made people's skin painful. Bai Weixuan stopped in front of the red flame, and the golden light of the pure sun on her body shone, as if a little thunder and lightning gushed out.

She reached out and touched the red flame. She couldn't help stepping back two steps, and her face turned pale in an instant.

"It seems that I still underestimate the intensity of the flame..." Bai Weixuan smiled bitterly. The ladder connecting the fourth floor is at the center of the flame. As long as she can resist the red flame within a certain period of time, she can reach the fourth floor. Unfortunately, the intensity of the red flame was beyond her imagination, and a contact just now directly injured her.

"Forget it, let's practice here!" She sat down with severe pain and absorbed the flames around her to repair her injured soul. After half an hour, Bai Weixuan's face finally recovered.

"Fortunately, there is a soul fire everywhere, otherwise I'm afraid it won't take a few years to recover from such a heavy soul trauma!" Taking a breath, Bai Weixuan smiled self-deprecatingly. Looking at the two soul beads suspended quietly in the ocean of soul, she suddenly felt like a dream.

As a modern person, she never thought that she would see her soul one day. What does the soul look like? She never seems to have thought about this problem.

Looking at the colorful ocean, it is as psychedelic as the fantasy world. Bai Weixuan squeezed her lips slightly. In this world, she really saw some strange things. Even the unpredictable thing like the soul can be cultivated.

The world of cultivation is really far from her original world. Although there are people from heaven and earth, the difference between them is really amazing.

Huh? The difference? Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly jumped, and she seemed to suddenly catch some important information.

"Yes! All worlds are different. If the ocean of soul is also a world, the biggest difference between it and the world of cultivation is that it is still in a chaotic state, hazy, regardless of heaven and earth. If you want to cultivate the soul, you must open up the world and become an adult!" Bai Weixuan said to herself excitedly, "The cultivated three soul beads can represent the people of heaven and earth. They are the foundation of a world."

"Now I have heaven and earth, and the remaining soul pearl should represent people. If you want to become an adult, you have to rely on yourself." Bai Weixuan thought of Nuwa creating people, and it was precisely because of Nuwa that she had human beings. Now for Bai Weixuan's soul world, her identity is Nuwa.

self-oriented, led by God, and human being human. The last soul bead is not a cumulative practice, but a momentary enlightenment, an understanding of heaven and earth, and an understanding of the soul.

"Hold your God." Bai Weixuan whispered, and her mind converge in an instant, turned into a little bit, and kept her heart straight.

The Tao Te Ching said, "The beginning of the unknown world is the mother of all things." Heaven and earth are born out of nothing, and there is nothing, and it is repeated and becomes natural. The sea of souls is at a loss, with no beginning, no birth and no destruction, and chaos. If you want to be born out of nothing, you must establish heaven and earth, break through the shackles, and separate the universe.

Starting with the three yuan, the three elements are connected, and then there is a way to check and balance, and heaven and earth keep order.

Bai Weixuan was not in a hurry and sat calmly. The ocean of her soul began to boil, and her vast soul was like a huge wave, as if she was going to swallow the two soul beads. However, no matter how violent the sea of souls is, the two soul beads are motionless, quietly emitting divine light and shining colorfully.

At a certain moment, the depths of the soul ocean suddenly trembled, and a little divine light slowly emerged from the sea, forming a huge whirlpool.

At this moment, everything stopped, and there seemed to be only a little light left between heaven and earth. Its color was not bright, but with a faint gold, it floated out of the water little by little and slowly suspended in the air.

The third soul bead successfully condensed.

The three soul beads attract each other and eventually form a line, perpendicular to the sea of souls, where the soul world is silent.

This seemingly short moment has passed seven days in reality. When the three soul beads were connected in a line, Bai Weixuan, who was sitting around, suddenly opened her eyes, and a faint light flashed in her purple eyes.

At this time, her eyes are no longer just sharp brilliance, but more faint pressure, which is the pressure from the soul, which makes the surrounding air stagnate.

"I didn't expect it to be so coincidental." Bai Weixuan smiled and lost her mind for a moment. She realized the truth by mistake, which undoubtedly fell from the sky.

"Try again!" Bai Weixuan said and reached out her hand to touch the red flame again. Although there was a breakthrough, this time she still carefully and slowly reached out her hand until she felt a not particularly serious tingling in her soul, and her eyes lit up. It should be passable, but if she wants to have a good time, she still needs to consolidate her soul.

All three soul beads have been cultivated. Now although she can't go to the middle of the soul beads against the red flame, there is still no problem to protect herself in the red flame, so after a short thought, Bai Weixuan sat directly in the red flame on the edge and began a new round of practice. .

At this moment, Bai Weixuan was only ten feet away from the soul beads. When she entered practice, the three-eyed fire crystal hundreds of feet away opened her eyes. Deep in his soul, the three soul beads had all been refined. He did not see Bai Weixuan's shadow in a blink of an eye. His heart moved slightly, stood up and walked slowly towards the depths of the flame. Go.

When he found Bai Weixuan only ten feet away from the soul bead and saw her practicing in the red flame, there was still some surprise in the heart of the three-eyed fire crystal. He was confident that his cultivation speed was amazingly fast, but he did not expect that Bai Weixuan would arrive here one step earlier and realize the third soul bead by herself. Conditions for forming.

"It seems that I underestimate you." Three-eyed fire crystal smiled bitterly. He subconsciously only regarded Bai Weixuan as an ordinary person, but Bai Weixuan showed much higher talent and wisdom than he thought.

"Maybe we are not the kind of people after all!" The three-eyed fire crystal pulled the corners of his mouth with some loss. As the guide of Bai Weixuan all the way, the feelings in his heart were extremely complicated. He thought that Bai Weixuan could not live without him, but now he found that he could not live without her.

This feeling made the three-eyed fire crystal's mood strange. He wanted her to be good, but he didn't want her to be too good. It seemed that she was so good that he no longer needed himself.

"I must be strong enough." The three-eyed fire crystal secretly said to himself that with the human body, he can completely cultivate into a powerful monk. He is no longer at the mercy of the little god. He is completely in control of his fate. A trace of firmness flashed across the three-eyed fiery and tender face.

Suddenly, a fiery red flame gushed out of his whole body, and with a trace of determination, he strode into the red flame in front of him. The red flame devoured his figure like a ghost, and the fire wind sounded and distorted the space.

Ten days later, Bai Weixuan woke up from practice, and her soul was condensed and strong again. The red flames around her could no longer bring her more harm. She patted her robe and stood up. Her eyes were full of confidence. This time, she must be able to break through this sea of fire, step up the ladder and enter the next floor. .

But when she stepped forward, her eyes fell on a bright red flame.

The flame burned extremely fiercely, as if there was a blower blowing vigorously, and the scorching breath almost burned through the space.

Bai Weixuan settled down and frowned slightly. She seemed to see a familiar shadow in the flame.

"Three, three eyes?!" Bai Weixuan's head rumped, and the person wrapped in flames was not a three-eyed fire crystal and who was it? But how did he come here? Didn't he practice in a hundred feet?

Bai Weixuan's mind was full of doubts, but when she saw the red flame wrapped in the three-eyed fire crystal slowly approaching the soul bead in the center, her whole heart was raised.

Seeing the closed eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal and the increasingly painful appearance on his face, Bai Weixuan did not think that he did it voluntarily, but saw the energy vortex around the soul beads a few feet away, Bai Weixuan had an answer in her heart. It seemed that the soul beads wanted to do something about the three-eyed fire crystals.