The only immortal in the world

Chapter 106 Mysterious Girl

The monsters under the ground shouted in the flames and turned into flying ash. The fire filled the whole space and sprinkled an unquenchable sea of fire in the hall.

The light of the flame flashed in everyone's eyes, and the dark transmission array next to it emitted a vague light. The sky and the earth suddenly trembled, and the ground cracked through winding cracks. Then, the roar sounded, and the hall above the head quickly cracked, and countless huge stones were about to fall.

"This place is about to collapse. Let's go!" Guang Shihan reminded that Bai Weixuan quickly waved to take back the fire. She looked at the few people who survived there and saw that they were all running towards the transmission array without saying much. She looked at the other two and nodded and walked into the transmission array together.

The light of the transmission array suddenly lit up, and then the three disappeared in place.

Bai Weixuan only felt a flower in front of her, and the next second, they came to the ground.

Fresh air pours into the nasal cavity and pores from everywhere, and the faint natural fragrance makes everyone indescribably comfortable. After staying under the ground for so long, she lived an isolated hard life. Such a difficult life was something that Bai Weixuan dared not think of in the past, but now, she has unconsciously walked all the way.

The world is ermanent, and in general, it's nothing more than that!

"Let's try to clean up some now!" Guang Shihan said in a low voice that he knew the seriousness of the matter better than Bai Weixuan. If these monsters were allowed to spread, it would be no less than a terrible plague, disaster and panic in this area, and would quickly come to all corners of the world.

However, how can they clean up all those monsters after they have been out for so long? They all know this in their hearts. Nowadays, they can only say that they can do their best to reduce as much as they can. In this situation, they have no way to recover. However, Qin Weiming, the originator of this incident, disappeared without a trace after the teleportation array was opened, as if it had evaporated in the world.

"Three seniors, please stay and take the liberty to ask if the underground monster has just escaped. I don't know if we can help?" The three were trying to find the traces of monsters in three ways, but they heard someone behind them say.

Looking back at the speaker, Bai Weixuan still had some impression that it was the gorgeous man, that is, the city owner of Nanjing City. There were several people behind him, all of whom were superior strength. Among the people with low strength, only Feimin survived, and the rest were either killed by monsters or turned into monsters. Stayed underground.

Only those who reached the realm of King Wu survived, and Liang Shouzi was on the list.

"Go back to Nanjing City. If you meet monsters on the way, you must work together to kill them. If you let those monsters enter the city, there will be endless troubles." Seeing this, Bai Weixuan said that those monsters will not act together when they come to the surface. If they are scattered, they must increase the search range. Although they can't all be annihilated, killing more can reduce more threats.

She looked at the owner of Nanjing City and thought of Mo Linglan. Thinking of what happened at the beginning, she couldn't help clenching her fist, but finally squeezed her lips and didn't ask more questions.

"Hmm! Let's go right away." The man in Huafu looked alin and hurriedly. Then he looked at Bai Weixuan, was silent, and suddenly whispered, "She has gone." After saying that, he greeted the remaining people, and the others quickly swept away in the direction of Nanjing City.

Bai Weixuan was stunned. He said that she had already gone? This "she" should refer to Mo Linglan, right? Has she already gone? Does it mean that it has disappeared? Or, what else does it mean?

"Let's go too! I'll go north." Guang Shihan reminded.

"Hmm! I'll go south." Three-eyed Huojing nodded cautiously and said, "Xiaobai, how about you?"

"Ah?! I, I'll go this way!" Bai Weixuan pointed to the east and said absent-mindedly.

"What's wrong with you?" Three-eyed Huojing noticed Bai Weixuan's abnormality, frowned and asked. He always felt that Bai Weixuan had been a little depressed from the beginning. Was it because the boy disappeared? Thinking of this, he shook his head impatiently and dispelled the thoughts in his heart.

"It's okay, let's go!" Bai Weixuan shook her head. She didn't know what was going on with Mo Linglan, but if she wanted to leave like this, she would never allow it. She would return the suffering she had added to her.

She knew that Mo Linglan had survived for thousands of years, not the soul form, and she would not disappear without a special reason, let alone disappear. That woman's obsession with Xi is so much that even she, an outsider, can feel it. There must be a special reason why she stayed in Nanjing City, and she should also have a certain purpose to leave Nanjing City. Maybe it has something to do with her lover before the seventh generation, Tianshenxi.

Things became more and more complicated. Bai Weixuan frowned tightly. She didn't know what would be waiting for her the next second. The hand of fate hidden in the dark didn't know how to play with her future.

However, no matter what happens, she understands her situation and foresees the disaster the world is about to face. Therefore, for whatever reason, she has to keep getting stronger. Only when she has enough strength can she survive and protect her closest people.

"Brother..." whispered in her heart, and Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly gushed out a trace of sourness and grievance. She missed Qing Hanxuan very much and wanted to hug him and tell him how scared, helpless she was and how painful she was these days. If she can, she really wants not to face these pressures, but just be an ordinary daughter and live a carefree life.

Unfortunately, her wish can only be a wish. She is not an ordinary person. She is the reincarnation of Tianmiao. She is burdened with all the responsibilities given to her by Tianmiao and the final expectations of the Protos. She has seven generations of spiritual crystal, with chaotic blood, thunder, soul beads and fire. These are the most precious treasures in heaven and earth, but they have become the shackles she has to carry.

"I'm so tired..." Bai Weixuan sighed and flew aimlessly towards the east. The speed was neither fast nor slow. After a while, she saw a few black shadows in front of her.

"It's a monster." Bai Weixuan saw the black shadows clearly. Even if she recognized them, she quickly pressed down the flying sword and released a fire to sweep towards that place.

The monster at the end was swallowed up by the fire before it could react at all. Before he could exclaim, it was burned into nothingness in an instant.

"Disappear!" Bai Weixuan waved a flame with a faint face. Seeing that she was about to sweep the monsters, the surrounding air was indeed suddenly stopped, and then a voice floated out of the dark.

"No, if it disappears, I will be very troubled." The voice was slow, a little loose and delicate, crisp, and it was actually made by a girl.

Bai Weixuan just wanted to react, but found that her body could not move at all.

What's going on? Who is this person? How can you even stop the fire and quietly calm yourself down?

"Don't struggle. I'm here to kill you. Just be good and die!" The girl smiled, her face was pure and flawless, but her words did not leave any room.

"Who are you?" Bai Weixuan said with some hostility, but she muttered in her heart, "Nima, is this the legendary angel's face and the devil's heart?" What does it mean to die obediently? Who would do that kind of idiot thing?

"Hee! Dead people don't need to know." The girl smiled, and her face was so beautiful and refined, but the next second, when she poked the shining dagger into Bai Weixuan's heart, her flawless face became so horrible again.

"Uh..." Bai Weixuan's throat wasgeng said and spewed out a mouthful of blood. The severe pain suddenly came from her heart, and her beating heart tightened under the cold dagger.

"Huh? Didn't you die like this?" The girl's crisp voice then sounded, with a trace of surprise, and then looked at Bai Weixuan with a smile as if she had found something interesting and said, "What if you dig out all your heart?" She said, as if she were talking about a trivial thing.

Then he really raised his hand, grabbed the dagger stuck in Bai Weixuan's heart and moved down.

"Ah!" The torn pain made Bai Weixuan's pupils contract violently, and the golden blood had filled half of her body.

"What a beautiful color, people can't help but want to taste it." The girl looked at the golden blood flowing out, and suddenly reached out and put a little on her lips to lick it. That look is no less than a bloodthirsty demon.

Bai Weixuan's heart couldn't help trembling. Although the severe pain made her nerves a little stiff, it did not affect her thinking. In the sea of magma, she suffered a lot. Today's pain is nothing at all. While pretending to be very painful, she thought about how to deal with it.

This woman who came out from nowhere fixes her as soon as she appears and kills her face to face. The method is cruel and it is hard to imagine that such a girl with an angel face will be so fierce.

What should I do? If it really goes on like this, she will die. The fire was directly fixed in place, and she couldn't move a finger, let alone cast spells. Now the only thing she can use is probably the powerful soul power.

Looking at the girl's smiling face, Bai Weixuan shuddered, gritted her teeth and closed her eyes. She ran her heart, and her soul power was completely mobilized.

Before the other party found out, it was released like a wave. Suddenly, a strong soul storm blew out with her as the center. The girl was caught off guard and was overturned by the waves. Her beautiful eyes were full of disbelief.