The only immortal in the world

Chapter 117 Carey Plan

"It's almost like this. I will naturally explain the crimes I have committed myself. Now that the demon clan has surfaced, the forces of Nanjing City are about to be unified. At that time, I will try my best to clean up the demon clan and reduce the damage of the demon clan to this land. The city owner of Jinyi lowered his head slightly and said with incomparable sincerity.

Hearing the other party's words, Bai Weixuan was also clear in her heart. At the beginning, the giants of the three forces entered the tomb, but only the city owner came out alive. The leader of the Wu League and the master of the Red Blood Gang stayed in the Seven Kills Hall forever. Therefore, the remaining forces of them are vulnerable in front of the city lord of Emperor Wu. The unification of Nanjing City is only a matter of time or later.

However, since the city owner has such thoughts, it shows that he still has repentance. At the same time, it also makes Bai Weixuan feel a little better. With these forces to deal with the demon clan, the expansion speed of the demon clan will be slowed down accordingly!

"Actually, you don't have to tell me this. I'm here. I want four recommendation qualifications. Don't tell me you don't have it!" Bai Weixuan's dull face suddenly changed and opened an extremely gorgeous smile. She reached out and waved to the city owner, with a playful look. How could she be as murderous as before.

The owner of Jinyi City only felt a chill in his heart, but he slowly took out four dark green signs from his arms and handed them to Bai Weixuan.

"Thank you!" Bai Weixuan shook the sign in her hand and turned around to leave. But when she came to the door, she suddenly turned around and said coldly, "If I find that your words and deeds are different, I will be the first to take your life."

After saying that, he disappeared straight to the original place, leaving the owner of Jinyi City standing there in a daze, with a pair of deep eyes staring at the place where Bai Weixuan disappeared, silent for a long time.


Outside the gate of the city master's mansion, Xuanyan still stood quietly in that posture, like a long gun standing between heaven and earth. Her momentum was so fierce that people dare not to look at it. The people who came and went independently stayed away from here for fear of being careless and angering this person.

However, surprisingly, in the flash of people, a pretty girl stood next to Xuanyan and looked at him with a smile and said, "Let's go!" Go to the ancient rock city."

"Have you been qualified for recommendation?" Xuanyan was also smart and guessed this at the first time.

"Of course!" Bai Weixuan waved the dark green sign in her hand and looked proud.

"Then go on the road quickly! I'll find the carriage." Xuanyan was about to prepare, but was stopped by Bai Weixuan.

"No, let's fly with the sword." Bai Weixuan shook her head.

"Royal sword flying? However, it's better to keep our action this time confidential..." Xuanyan frowned and said puzzledly.

"Do you think we can still keep the secret when we all swagger to the city master's mansion like this?" Bai Weixuan asked back.

"This..." Xuanyan was speechless for a moment, and then he looked suspiciously at Bai Weixuan with a calm face, knowing what this guy might be planning to do. He directly said, "What do you want?"

"No one knows that my brother and I are on the same road, so I want to attract the attention of some people in the dark, while my brothers are low-key, secretly moving in the ancient rock city, and preparing to build a gang." Bai Weixuan said her thoughts calmly.

"Do you have any meaning in doing this?" This time, Xuanyan couldn't see Bai Weixuan's intention. In his opinion, anyway, when they go to the ancient rock city, they have to participate in the giant arena. At that time, they will use their respective reputation to establish gangs to recruit strong men. Anyway, the giant arena can hide their true faces. They can only show their true faces until the end.

The previous whereabouts need to be kept secret, so that few people can make ideas or even destroy their plans.

"Isn't that also risky? You know, there is no impervious wall in the world. Bai Weixuan said with a smile.

"Then what are you going to do?" Xuanyan couldn't help asking. This time, he couldn't think of Bai Weixuan's intention, and he was also a little anxious. Now they appear openly in the city master's mansion, and they must have been stared by many eyes. I'm afraid it's not so easy to get out at that time.

"Do you think we have attracted enough attention now?" Bai Weixuan said with a mysterious smile.

"It should be, almost!" Xuanyan suddenly felt a feeling of sweating. He always felt that Bai Weixuan was too much like a fox now.

"Hee, that's no problem. If you follow me, I will use my body to disappear in a corner. You just need not to resist my consciousness at that time." Bai Weixuan said, "Let's get rid of them first and let them lose their goals, then they will inevitably have doubts in their hearts and spend a lot of manpower to find us. At this time, we have flown to the ancient rock city with our sword.

"Are you sure?" Xuanyan couldn't help saying that disappearing in front of those stalking eyes is not something that ordinary people can do. Even if it is extremely fast, she can't escape the eyes of some masters, such as the city owner in the city owner's mansion.

"That's natural." Bai Weixuan raised her chin proudly. The art of escape is one of her great pride. I'm afraid it is unique in the world to connect the art of escape to her.

"What are you going to do next?" Xuanyan still asked uneasily.

"My friends and I went directly to the Giant Arena to participate in the fight, and you joined your brother and told him not to participate in the Giant Arena or participate less. Xia Chenze and you are also. You have been in the outside world for a long time, and it is easy to be recognized by some people.

Bai Weixuan said, "You set up a gang first and publicize it casually. It doesn't matter whether you recruit people or not. Anyway, there must be many gangs in Guyan City, and such a small gang will not attract attention. After we get the title of fairy-level Sky Fighter in the Giant Arena, you will announce that we are members of the gang, and we will also raise the threshold for joining the gang and recruit some masters.

"As for the fight against the demon clan, I don't think it needs to be all our gang. At that time, as long as our gang's influence reaches a certain level, we will definitely be able to respond and guide many people to join the army to eliminate the demon clan." Bai Weixuan talked, and Xuanyan was stunned.

Bai Weixuan's move is excellent. In the early stage, they can't know their identity at all, and in the later stage, they will become the banner of the gang. Their influence must not be weaker than their participation in the giant arena together. In addition, they are powerful and get immortal fighters. The title is not difficult at all, and it is extremely safe. They also have more time to comb the power of the ancient rock city and gather more gang necessities.

It's not so easy for them to make big moves under the keen sense of the giants in Ancient Rock City. It can't be better if they have been in the dark.

Bai Weixuan's plan obviously pushed their action to the most secret* and the easiest to succeed.

"Wonderful!" After a long time, Xuanyan sighed and looked at Bai Weixuan with a surprised face.

"Hey, that's natural, and I don't want to think about who I am?" Bai Weixuan was so proud that she almost put her chin up to the sky. She never knew what modesty was.

"But why did you get four green cards?" Xuanyan knew that there were only three people on Bai Weixuan's side, and he would not participate in the fight.

"Stealing beams and changing columns." Bai Weixuan smiled mysteriously. Seeing that Xuanyan wanted to ask again, she said directly, "I don't explain."

At this moment, she was very excited. The little Jinlong Xiaoyi, who had been forgotten by her, just sent her a message from the handcuff and told her a very good news.

Little Jinlong Xiaoyi finally doesn't have to sleep from time to time. It has grown from infancy to *, and its strength has also increased several levels, which is not what it used to be.

Now Xiao Yi's strength is basically the same as Bai Weixuan.

In its words, this sleep is so beautiful that no one disturbs it.

Bai Weixuan could only be indignant and powerless about this. She suffered so much to reach today's state. Xiao Yi actually slept well with her when she woke up.

It's too annoying to level its own father.

However, Bai Weixuan is still very happy about Xiao Yi's awakening, and she also has a trace of guilt in her heart. After all, since it followed her, she has not taken good care of it, and even hasn't thought of it at all before.

She secretly scolded herself for being heartless, and Bai Weixuan also wrote it in her heart. No matter what happens in the future, she will be better to this little guy.

Moreover, the three-eyed fire crystal turned into a human, and Xiao Yi could also transform into a human shape. Bai Weixuan instantly felt that the group of creatures around her was really wonderful!