The only immortal in the world

Chapter 120 Genius Wars 1

In the space, more than 40 days passed quickly. Bai Weixuan refined a variety of different elixirs, and the total number reached a terrible thousand digits. Such output is estimated to make ordinary alchemists shameless.

Of course, this is inseparable from the assistance of Li Xiangquan. With the help of treasures such as Li Xiangquan, the speed of refining elixir will also be multiplied.

However, coupled with the unique pure yang fire in the world, I'm afraid no one can catch up with the speed of Bai Weixuan's alchemy.

These days, although he has not read all the classics on the other side of the three-eyed fire crystal, he has almost read them. The rest are mostly some practiced skills, and he hasn't had time to read them.

When it comes to skills, Bai Weixuan has been practicing all the way, but she only knows that the most common skills handed down to her by the Fairy Sword School only until the Golden Dan period. The reason why she broke through to the Yuanying period was only by a trace of luck and chance. As for how to practice after the Yuanying period, she was confused.

Bai Weixuan is not very anxious about this. She can't fully master her own cultivation. What she needs most now is not to continue to push up her cultivation, but to make good use of her own strength. Before the time is ripe, she will not choose skills for herself.

The three-eyed fire crystal knows this and is also deeply convinced. Although their cultivation is not weak, they still lack enough experience, and their grasp of their own strength is only at an ordinary level.

In addition, Guang Shihan's strength has also made a breakthrough. The momentum of the whole person is even higher than that of Bai Weixuan, and the whole body is full of an unfathomable breath, which surprised Bai Weixuan and the two of them.

In this regard, Guang Shihan was quite helpless. He lost too much essence of life and lost his skills because of saving Bai Weixuan. He was despised by these two people before.

When the group was ready, they went straight out of the seventh generation of Lingjingpin and flew directly to the ancient rock city without stopping all the way. After showing the recommendation token to the city guards, they entered the ancient rock city without hindrance.

In the ancient rock city, people are full of voices and masters are gathered. Bai Weixuan casually glanced at the crowd and found that no one here had a lower cultivation than King Wu, and even Emperor Wu, who was equivalent to their cultivation, was not uncommon.

Those merchants at the stalls are also the cultivation of King Wu. Although their strength is not necessarily good, they also have a trace of master style.

"It really deserves to be the center of the ancient rock continent, and it is estimated that only those above King Wu can enter!" Bai Weixuan couldn't help sighing that Nanjing City was really not good enough compared with this ancient rock city, just like an ordinary civilian and an emperor, with a very different distance.

The other two are also quite surprised. The high-end martial arts here is too dense. The ancient rock city is so big that if it is as prosperous as the gate, then the number of martial arts in the ancient rock city is really terrible.

As for Xiaoyi, this little guy has been hiding beside Bai Weixuan since she first appeared in the crowd, and her big eyes look around curiously. She doesn't care what kind of cultivation the people here have!

"Eh, er~ Excuse me! Excuse me!" Several people couldn't help looking around, but they saw that the people around them actually got up and rushed forward like a pilgrimage.

"What happened before?" Bai Weixuan quickly grabbed a person and asked.

"Oh, it's another genius war in the Giant Arena. The genius war is about to begin. Let go of me quickly. In case you go late, there will be no place." The man who was pulled forward stopped and immediately stopped. Seeing that she was overtaken by many people, the woman said angrily, shaking off Bai Weixuan's hand and continued to run forward.

Bai Weixuan was so strong that she was dumped by her. She leaned back and almost didn't fall down.

"This...what's wrong with this woman!" Bai Weixuan was speechless and a little helpless. She couldn't help walking over. She wanted to see what happened to the genius war among the population.

The crowded crowd formed one human wall after another, which has been stretching dozens of miles from the outside of the giant arena. It can really be said that it is a sea of people, and the huge flow of people is almost overwhelmed. Fortunately, everyone is a person with a weak cultivation, and there is no discomfort.

Bai Weixuan and several people looked up at the periphery of the stream and saw the large flow of people gathering in the center. There was a round stage floating in the air. A figure appeared on the platform and was quietly looking down at the crowd.

Far away, Bai Weixuan can only see the man's costume, but she can't see his face. She can only vaguely feel that this person is a martial artist, and his cultivation is comparable to her own. It is estimated that he is in the realm of Emperor Wu.

"Hey, Xiaobai, look over there." At this time, the three-eyed fire crystal suddenly patted Bai Weixuan on the shoulder and pointed in one direction and said.

Bai Weixuan looked over there doubtfully, but saw that the woman they had met before was squeezing forward little by little. Her body was very flexible and soon disappeared into the crowd.

"Isn't it a little immoral to jump the queue?" Bai Weixuan curled her lips and said. Three-eyed Huojing was about to laugh at her, but suddenly found that the former's figure had disappeared.

"You are immoral, you big-headed!" The three-eyed fire crystal was indignant, and she also unfolded her body and squeezed into the crowd. Finally, Guang Shihan glanced at the direction in which the woman disappeared and frowned tightly. He seemed to have seen the latter's strange figure somewhere.


Besides, relying on her magical escape method, it only took Bai Weixuan to easily reach the front end of the crowd. The crowd looked at the round platform in the center, and no one noticed her abrupt appearance.

Bai Weixuan looked at the people on the stage again and found that this person was very young and probably as old as her. She didn't look very handsome, but her facial features were also very durable and cold.

At this moment, the teenager stood quietly on the round platform with his sword and became independent, as if the crowd below did not exist at all.

In a moment, Bai Weixuan caught a glimpse of a cyan figure and got out of the crowd, and recognized that she was the woman she had just pulled to ask for directions, but unexpectedly, she would squeeze forward before three fire crystals.

The woman was very excited when she came to the front. Her big watery eyes stared straight at the teenager on the round platform, and her little face was full of joy, as if seeing him was the happiest thing in the world.

Compared with the previous rudeness, the woman at this time looks particularly naive and pure, like a little girl, clearly writing happiness on her face.

"Be careful, there are enemies ambushes around here." Just as Bai Weixuan withdrew her eyes doubtfully, Guang Shihan stood behind Bai Weixuan and a low voice entered her mind.

"Emy?" Bai Weixuan looked at Guang Shihan puzzledly. They only came to the ancient rock city for the first time. How could there be an enemy? Moreover, in such a crowded crowd, even if there are enemies, how can they ambush?

"There are more than ten eyes looking at your position repeatedly, and there is also a master in the early stage of the martial emperor who locked you with his divine consciousness." Guang Shihan explained that he dissipated his consciousness all the way and quickly captured these messages.

"In the early stage of Emperor Wu?" Bai Weixuan was shocked. She didn't expect that she would be targeted by Wuhuang-level masters as soon as she arrived in Guyan City. What would their purpose be?

"It's okay, just be careful. They won't do it for the time being, and I don't think they dare to provoke us easily. Guangshi said coldly and indifferently, and his eyes inadvertently swept across the position of the round platform.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared and flew onto the round platform, far away from the previous sword-drawn teenager.

"Come on..." The man who flew to the stage was about to introduce himself, but the teenager on the other side came straight with his sword, and his whole body was murderous.

The man who came on stage dared not go any further and quickly drew his knife to defend himself.

"Hmm!" The teenager before the meeting did not attack directly. The man snorted coldly, and the big knife in his hand suddenly turned over, as fast as Jinghong. The knife light swept up the sound of breaking the wind and directly cut off the previous teenager.

The teenager still stood faintly, with his fingers clasped on the hilt of the sword. Seeing that the big knife was about to be cut to his chest, his feet suddenly moved, and his whole body disappeared directly in place like a phantom.

The knife cut through a void, and the man suddenly widened his eyes, only to find that the teenager had entered him, and the sword had hung on his throat with a flat face.

"If you don't have enough strength, you have to attack head-on, stupid." The teenager spit out a few words faintly, and his murderous spirit suddenly convered, and he didn't even look at the man.

"I, I admit defeat." After swallowing the saliva, the man's body trembled slightly and said in a dry voice. The strength of the two was so different that he didn't see the other party's move at all and had been subdued by the other party. He couldn't imagine that such a powerful strength would be possessed by such a young teenager.

But he was convinced that he lost this battle, took a big knife, and went out.