The only immortal in the world

Chapter 125 Guang Shihan's opponent

Bai Weixuan, who rolled out, did not stop moving. She was so fast that she flashed back around Gong Tie again, and the cold knife in her hand stroked towards Gong Tie's neck at a very tricky angle.

Gong Tie didn't have time to stop with one blow, but he keenly felt the trace of unfathomable murder. At that moment, his heart was amazed, and he didn't care how embarrassed his image would be. He fell directly to the ground, rolled out quickly with the impact, and half knelt on the ground with his sword a distance.

"You are very strong." Gong Tie's voice still had no feelings, even surprise or anger. He just looked at Bai Weixuan coldly, then carefully raised the heavy sword in his hand and threw it on his shoulder. "But I will still let you die happily!" As he spoke, the momentum of the whole person suddenly turned aside, and the muscles of his whole body rose at a speed visible to the naked eye, but for a moment, the whole person seemed to be bigger again.

Bai Weixuan's heart tightened, and she knew that the most critical time had come. Although they only fought for a few breaths, their respective strengths were exerted. Gong Tie knew that he could not defeat her by ordinary means, so he directly used killing moves.

Bai Weixuan has seen this martial arts move. When she was in the tomb, Chen Shou, the leader of the Red Blood Gang, used this move. This move can greatly improve his strength in all aspects in a short period of time. It is a major feature of martial arts practice. It can be practiced from the beginning of King Wu.

However, the martial arts change used by Gong Tie is very different from Chen Shou. Not only is Gong Tie's cultivation higher than Chen Shou, but Gong Tie's martial arts transformation form is also more horrible than Chen Shou. In that feeling, Bai Weixuan seems to be facing a fierce wild python, and her heart is overwhelmed by the terrible momentum.

Helplessly, Bai Weixuan had to run the power of her soul to resist and spread the huge power of her soul all over her body, and this feeling disappeared.

"Roar!" Gong Tie roared, and his whole body rushed towards Bai Weixuan like a fierce beast. This time, his body was faster. The black epee made a deep mark on the ground, which hit Bai Weixuan with great explosive force and cut heavily to her facade. This blow was bound to hit Gong Tie's mouth. The horn has opened a cruel smile.

However, the epee in his hand seemed to have been cut on the iron wall in the next moment. The epee was shaken back heavily, and his forward figure was also born halfway and retreated several steps before it could be stabilized.

At this moment, there is a white barrier in front of Bai Weixuan, which is the protective shield formed by her body protection aura. Just now, Gong Tie's sword was neither unpleasant nor horrible. Moreover, the attack range of the epee was extremely wide. Bai Weixuan knew that she had no good strategy for a while, so she directly attracted the protective aura and blocked the sword.

She thought that her protective aura could only slightly block the split of the sword and would be scattered, and she could escape from this gap. However, the fact surprised her that the irresistible sword could not even break her external defense and was completely bounced back.

It seems that she still underestimated her strength.

Bai Weixuan smiled slightly and had some understanding in her heart. In this battle, she had a deeper understanding of her own strength. She faintly dispersed the protective aura beside her and suddenly slowly raised the cold knife in her hand.

The flowing aura covers the cold knife like a flexible water. Her movements are gentle and elegant, like a god who is about to dance with the divine light.

Seeing this, Gong Tie's heart suddenly became irritable. He clenched the epee in his hand and roared heavily. His whole body looked crazy and rushed to Bai Weixuan like a crazy sword. His eyes were cracked, and he couldn't wait to cut his opponent in front of him immediately under the sword.

"You are defeated, from the bottom of your heart." Bai Weixuan calmly held her sword, looked at Gong Tie's crazy face, and closed her eyes slightly.

Gong Tie's figure rushed, and Bai Weixuan's feet also moved. The two bodies staggered by, and all the people under the stage held their breath and secretly speculated in their hearts who were better in the end.

However, the two people on the stage stopped at the next moment when they missed each other.

Gong Tie's eyes were still open, but the heavy sword held high in his hand suddenly fell from the air without warning and fell on the ground of the stage, making a crisp and roaring sound. His pupils tightened with some trembling.

Behind him, Bai Weixuan, who was still, suddenly shook the cold knife in her hand, opened her eyes, and walked straight to the gate of the arena without looking at Gong Tie again.

Gong Tie's body also slowly fell to the ground at this time.

The sharp-eyed person soon found the blood stain on the stage, which was the blood stain thrown from the thin blade, splashing like a gorgeous blood flower.

At the end of the fight, the result was so unexpected that it was the newcomer who won.

The crowd under the stage was suddenly silent for a second, followed by loud shouts and shouts. Such an ending undoubtedly made those people at the bottom feel excited and ecstatic, and at the same time stimulated their confidence.

The Heavenly Fighter can win the mortal Heavenly Fighter, and it is still such a clean and neat victory. Han Yin told them with his actions that everything is possible.

Then, when they heard that there was another challenge, the hearts of these low-level martial arts practitioners were completely excited. They have been walking on the edge of the giant arena, abandoning their past dreams and expectations, just to fight to survive. At this moment, after the news of leap-level challenges spread, their hearts also boiled, and their original dreams seemed to show signs of resurgence.

And when they saw the code names of those who leaped the challenge, they were puzzled again.

Evil Immortals, Fire and Xiaoyi.

It is rumored that these three people appeared with Han Yin. They are likely to be the same passers-by. If their strength is as horrible as Han Yin, then who are they?

And where did this evil existence come from? Even without using the martial arts, he directly defeated Gong Tie, who was known as the ephemi sword butcher. How strong are these people?

Naturally, they don't know the identity of Bai Weixuan and others, let alone that they are not from the ancient rock continent, but practitioners far away in the Qinglian continent. The reason why Bai Weixuan could win so easily in the end is also because of the unbreakable aura of the practitioners.

Somewhere in the giant arena, Bai Weixuan opened a storage bag she got after opening the fight, with joy on her face. The giant arena is really rich, and she was rewarded with 10,000 best spiritual stones just in the leap-level challenge.

"Tut! If I make a general elixir to sell and sell 10,000 best spiritual stones, I guess I will be directly exhausted. Bai Weixuan couldn't help making a comparison. In this battle, the field remained a complete victory. Even if she had a high spiritual stone income at the same level, this time she directly got 10,000, which really made Bai Weixuan feel a little comfortable.

Of course, what makes her more comfortable is that her title has been directly promoted to the mortal level, and the head points have also reached as many as 100,000. It can be seen that Gong Tie usually competes a lot, and the winning rate is also extremely high. He has maintained 100,000 head points, which is quite powerful.

However, unfortunately, who told him to meet Bai Weixuan?

How's it going? When will your fight start? Three figures walked outside the door, and Bai Weixuan didn't have to look at which three they were. She asked directly with a smile.

"It's almost time. It will be Guangshihan in a while." The three-eyed fire crystal said directly, "Well, you have won that stupid bear and gained a lot, right?"

"It's okay, it's just 100,000 points and this spiritual stone." Bai Weixuan said with a smile, not knowing what modesty is at all.

"Look at you!" The three-eyed fire crystal rolled her eyes and ignored Bai Weixuan's pride.

"The head point of the person I challenged is 300,000." As soon as the three-eyed fiery crystal fell, Guang Shihan's words were amazing.

"How do you know his head points?" The three-eyed fire crystal was surprised.

"I saw it on the leaderboard." Guang Shihan said slowly, "The strength is good, and it is about to break through the later stage of Emperor Wu."

"Can you play it?" Bai Weixuan frowned and asked. The people who scored 300,000 were already masters. Their strength was stronger than Gong Tie. She was a little worried that Guang Shihan would lose to the other party's hands.

"You'll know when you come and have a look." Guangshi smiled cunningly.

"Hmm, so it's a mystery." Bai Weixuan muttered, but she still couldn't help worrying. After encountering Gong Tie, a heavy sword butcher, she also deeply felt the murder here.

In the giant arena, the fight is regardless of life or death. Every fight can't tolerate any deviation, otherwise, it is likely to be buried. Guang Shihan's challenge of that level of master must be very risky.