The only immortal in the world

Chapter 127 Meizu and the Empty Bundle

The arrival of Qing Hanxuan and Xia Chenze did not cause any waves in the giant arena. They kept a low profile and covered their true faces, just like ordinary martial arts. Instead of a sensational leap-by-level challenge, they won high points in a large-scale melee, or they fought together to get a rich prize.

Compared with their low-key, Bai Weixuan and the three of them are much more high-profile. In just a few days, they faced the best of those mortal Tianya warriors one by one and defeated each other, still maintaining a winning posture. In this way, they are getting closer and closer to challenging fairy-level Tianya warriors.

The tenth day, Guang Shihan still did not come back. The head points of Qing Hanxuan are very close to the mortal warriors, and the points of Bai Weixuan have also increased greatly. Bai Weixuan's head points have reached more than 400,000, which is not far from being promoted to the immortal Tianiator.

There are also more than 200,000 three-eyed fire crystals. As for Xiao Yi, Bai Weixuan can only be described as a pervert. Xiao Yi never participates in individual battles, specializing in melee and group battles, and when fighting in groups, she often fights one by one against multiple groups. Coupled with her violent play, everyone who met her lost their temper in an instant.

And her head points also rose almost like a rocket, directly surpassing Bai Weixuan from more than 100,000 at the beginning to more than 500,000. God knows how many times she has fought in the past ten days.

At this point, Bai Weixuan's strength has been honed, especially the three-eyed fire crystal. His cultivation is originally lower than that of Bai Weixuan, and he has just become an adult, and his experience is not rich. Therefore, in this battle, his strength is the fastest and most significant improvement.

The cultivation broke through to the Yuanying period as early as the fourth day, and also had a strange talent and insight. Insight, so that the three-eyed fire crystal can see through all spells such as stealth, which has a slight effect on Bai Weixuan's escape.

In addition, what Bai Weixuan cares about is that the vertical eye of the three-eyed fire crystal when he was originally a little god also gradually emerged as he broke through to the Yuanying period.

The vertical eye reminded Bai Weixuan of the scene she saw in the underwater world. At that time, she was illuminated by the divine light of Tianjian's eyes. The three-eyed fire crystal not only immediately turned red, but also grew terrible tusks, like a fierce beast, looking ferocious and horrible.

Bai Weixuan thought that as the three-eyed fire crystal became a human, the vertical eye would also disappear, and she didn't care anymore, but at this time, the vertical eye in the middle of his forehead emerged again.

In this regard, the three-eyed fire crystal only vaguely prevaricate the past and did not explain more with Bai Weixuan. After that, Bai Weixuan stopped asking questions. Several people were still participating in various battles in the giant arena and preparing to leap the challenge again.

During this period, the demons scattered all over the ancient rock continent began to gradually attack and invade human villages. The magic air covered a region. Wherever they went, the trees died, the grass withered, and all the animals became the minions of the demons. More and more people in the ancient rock continent felt the black horror. lin.

On the fifteenth day, Guang Shihan still did not come back. Bai Weixuan's mood has become a little anxious and more uneasy. At this time, the invasion of the demon clan has caused a great response in the ancient rock city. Many people hope to organize and clean it together. Some invaders in the dark.

Everything came faster than expected. Bai Weixuan began the leap-level challenge in advance and defeated the fairy-level sky fighter under a narrow victory, but the leap-level challenge of the fairy-level sky warrior was not as cruel as it was at the mortal level. The fairy-level sky warrior no longer needed to start all over again, but lost all the extra points.

Bai Weixuan began the genius war. Qing Hanxuan and the two disclosed the identities of Bai Weixuan and others in due time, and began to attract some masters. The Star Gang is growing steadily.

But at the same time, there is also bad news. Qing Hanxuan and others suddenly lost the whereabouts of the "fuzi" and met a person who had been chasing the "fuzi" for many years in Gu Yancheng. The two sides had a fight and finally let the one escape.

And the whereabouts of the "fuzi" have been like a stone sinking into the sea from then on, and there has been no news.

In the genius war, Bai Weixuan thought she would encounter the young man named Bailiyu, but the young man did not appear at all. Then she inquired a little and found that the young man named Bailiyu had left the giant arena a few days ago.

No one knows where he has gone, and no one has seen him again. Bailiyu is like a star flashing in the genius war, coming and going without a trace, together with his challenge to Bai Weixuan.

As the movements of the demon clan became more and more frequent, the more urgent the action of the ancient rock city became, the more Bai Weixuan felt that she suddenly fell into a cloud and had no direction at all.

Seeing that the Star Gang became stronger and stronger under the influence of their flags, Bai Weixuan was also a little confused.

Fifteen days have passed. Why hasn't Guang Shihan come back yet? Where on earth did he go?

In her heart, she is worried about the safety of Guang Shihan, and the task in the giant arena has also been completed. Bai Weixuan can't lift any energy to participate in the fight.

Taking advantage of this rare free time, Bai Weixuan, Qing Hanxuan and others said hello and locked themselves in the house and entered the seventh generation of Lingjingpin alone.

Entering the seventh Lingjing hairpin, Bai Weixuan was not in a hurry to go to the medicine field or to alchemy. She just stood quietly next to the fragrant spring, looking at the reflection in the spring, her shadow, and in a daze.

"I remember that Tianmiao looks better than me." Bai Weixuan said to herself to the shadow, and all kinds of human faces kept flashing in her mind. There were ice dragons, another Xuanyan, Tianxuan, Tianmiao, and Mo Linglan, Xia Chenze... All the people she had met with some special colors were played back in her mind, just like fast The film clips are average.

"Meizu, Meizu..." Bai Weixuan muttered in a low voice, as if she had suddenly caught something and suddenly lost something. She suddenly stood up and found the map once drawn by Tianmiao from under the Wuwei fruit tree.

She saw the vague mark of the blood of chaos and appeared on the Qionghai, which was the place where she woke up, and then she saw the clear symbol of pure yang fire at the location of the tomb.

"The third is the heart of the sun." Bai Weixuan said to herself that her eyes were also scanning the huge map, and then stopped in a remote location, where a strange symbol was emerging faintly, as if it would soon disappear.

In that position, a place name was written in ancient words, an empty bundle.

"Legend has it that there is a family as famous as the Meizu, called Kongshu. They are also a special existence born in the early opening period of heaven and earth. They have a very powerful ability. Their talent is to seal themselves and let their time stay." Bai Weixuan's heart was suddenly enlightened, and she basically guessed Guang Shihan's identity.

She remembers some records about this empty bundle clan in the history of gods and demons.

The ancient empty bundle clan not only has the ability to affect time, but also has a very strong combat effectiveness. It fought against the demon army together with the Mei clan in ancient times when the Protos were not born. Later, the Protoss was born, and the status of the Kongshu clan and the Meizu were gradually replaced. Although the Meizu was no longer mentioned because of its wonderful relationship, it was still deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, and the Kongshu clan gradually disappeared into the waves of history under the passage of time.

Bai Weixuan guessed that Guang Shihan may have acted strangely in the past and had the power of heaven, which made people unpredictable. Therefore, he had the name of evil immortals. He should have hidden in the world with the Kongshu clan, but because of Tianmiao, he returned to the world and floated into the world from then on. Finally, in order to meet Tianmiao's reincarnation again, Qi The ability to seal yourself and stop your time.

Originally, except for Tianmiao, no one in the world can move Guangshi coldly, unless... the other party is also a member of the Kongshu clan.

Recalling Guang Shihan's reaction that day, it is not difficult for Bai Weixuan to guess that that Hong, even if he is not from the Kongshu clan, should have something to do with the Kongshu clan. Guang Shihan hurried back must have been because of something happened to the Kongshu clan, and he should have been restrained because of that change and could not rush back.

And the heart of the sun is only available to the people of the empty bundle clan. Maybe this time, it also has something to do with the heart of the sun.

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't sit still any longer. She quickly came out of the seventh generation of Lingjing, explained her where she was, and then flew directly with the sword and went straight to the Kongshu clan.

This time she went alone and left the three-eyed fire crystal and Xiao Yi in the ancient rock city. Although Xiaoyi was not very happy, she readily agreed that she was still fighting for the title of divine fighter. Three-eyed Huojing wanted to follow whatever he said, but in the end, he was still left in the giant arena by Bai Weixuan. Naturally, the reason was that he had not yet won the title of immortal fighter.

Although the three-eyed fire crystal is very unwilling, he is helpless. Now he hopes that he is still the little god, in that case, at least he can stay by Bai Weixuan's side all the time.

In his heart, the three-eyed fire crystal had to accept the facts and fought fiercely in the giant arena with Xiao Yi. He secretly decided in his heart that if Bai Weixuan had not come back after he got the title of fairy-level heavenly fighter, he would directly leave everything here to find her.