The only immortal in the world

Chapter 129 Let me be your apprentice!

The wind in the rainforest, with a damp and musty smell, is very uncomfortable. However, this is a paradise for venomous snakes. However, the insects hidden in the grass are now rushing around anxiously, as if to escape from here.

In the center of the worms' escape, there were two figures, a man and a woman. They stood opposite each other, and their eyes looked at each other sharply, and the atmosphere was indescribably solemn and solid.

Suddenly, a long dark purple knife appeared in the woman's hand. The long knife was extremely thin. Although it could not be said to be as thin as cicada wings, it was much thinner than the ordinary long knife. The woman's wrist trembled slightly, and the dark golden knife gradually disappeared into the air like a ghost.

This long knife is a lower fairy weapon refined from the shell of fire fruit in the seventh Lingjingpin of Bai Weixuan. At this moment, in the face of the warlike Bai Liyu, she did not hesitate to give up the cold hidden knife and directly used the lower fairy weapon.

This is a fairy weapon that has not yet been named. Bai Weixuan is looking forward to naming it in the battle with Bai Liyu.

"Keng!" Suddenly, Bai Liyu on that side also showed the long sword in his hand. He just held the sword and quietly pointed the tip of the sword at Bai Weixuan, and his whole body was like a sword that was about to come out of its sheath, fierce and wild.

"Wow~hoo~" pulled the sword flower crazily, and the wind roared. Seeing Bai Liyu waving her sword, Bai Weixuan seemed to feel a powerful storm sweeping her crazily.

Her face remained unchanged, and her whole body swayed like a flutter, facing the horrible sword front coming from the pavement. The footwork under her feet also changed, faintly flashed, mysterious and full of strange power.

Bai Weixuan's sword suddenly held back in her hand and handed it to the void, but Bai Liyu's sword seemed to come as expected. The sword collided and burst into strong sparks. Bai Weixuan's body suddenly retreated, and Bai Liyu's sword was also bounced back.

For the first time, the two had no choice but to win or lose, and neither of them could win.

Feel Bai Liyu's powerful and shocking sword spirit. Bai Weixuan's heart was as calm as water and slightly enlightened. She gently closed her eyes, and her whole body was completely removed from protection and completely exposed to Bailiyu's sword.

Naturally, Bai Liyu will not miss such a good opportunity. His sword suddenly became flexible and elegant, like an inadvertent breeze in the mountains and forests, which has passed by you before you realize it.

Of course, the breeze will not take your life, and Bailiyu's sword will be fatal.

However, what puzzled Bai Liyu was that his sword was about to be stabbed, and Bai Weixuan still did not move.

She seemed to suddenly fall asleep and seemed to suddenly enter meditation, making it difficult to judge what she was going to do and what she thought.

Bai Liyu was puzzled, but his sword did not hesitate at all. It helped him make the final decision, like a poisonous snake into Bai Weixuan's flesh and blood.

With a "sw" sound, the flesh and blood under the sword were pierced, and what flowed out was golden blood.

At the moment when her shoulder blade was pierced, Bai Weixuan opened her eyes. She did not show shock or fear, but she just smiled gently, and her delicate fingers suddenly held the sword that pierced her shoulder blade.

The blade is very sharp, but it failed to stab her near-perfect hand.

"Bai Liyu, I think I have guessed your sword meaning." Bai Weixuan smiled and said with the joy of victory on her face.

"Hmm! Nonsense, if you are killed by my sword, you will definitely die. Seeing Bai Weixuan's smile and golden blood, Bai Liyu somehow felt a little afraid, but the arrogance in his heart and confidence in his swordsmanship made him quickly drive away this fear.

"You're wrong!" Bai Weixuan shook her head faintly and said, "The reason why I fell in your sword is that it has already been invalid for me."

Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, Bai Liyu's eyebrows suddenly frowned. He suddenly sensed a trace of numbness from his fingertips, and then something unbelievable happened. The woman in front of him just stretched out her hand and gently on his sword body. The sword in his hand was like fragile thin ice, instantly shattered, turned into a piece of powder, and floated to the earth.

"You..." Bai Liyu was stunned and couldn't even say a word. He didn't see Bai Weixuan take action at all, and didn't even move. How did she break his sword?

"What I have is not just a knife, but the one who broke your sword is still my knife." Bai Weixuan said, but the long dark purple knife was mounted on Bai Liyu's neck, "You lost."

"Well, I admit defeat, but you have to tell me how you did it." Bai Liyu sighed helplessly and said with some entanglement. Now he has been put on his neck by other people's knives. What can he do if he doesn't admit defeat? And what was most difficult for him to accept was that he didn't even know how he lost.

They only had a short moment, but a few short moves.

"At first, in the genius war, I cared about your swordsmanship, which was the most subtle swordsmanship I have ever seen, and I couldn't help but want to compete with you." Bai Weixuan thought about it and said, "That's the first time I had that impulse."

"I just fought with you, saw more sword trajectories of your sword, and felt the strong sword meaning and unusual momentum you exuded. Only then did I notice the true meaning of your sword. It turned out that I thought that Yufeng was just borrowing the wind and could only assist myself. But after seeing your swordsmanship, I realized that the wind is the wind, which is a new level. It is to use the wind around you as your own weapon and can become my best means of attack. Bai Weixuan said slowly, but the look on Bai Liyu's face changed again and again. Later, it could almost only be described as Tieqing.

"So, with my understanding of the wind and my achievements in body, I no longer resisted your sword, but closed my eyes and felt some slight changes in the wind. When the sword in your hand just pierced my shoulder, I suddenly understood the meaning of the wind and broke your sword with a knife." Bai Weixuan said lightly and picked up the long dark purple knife in her hand, "From now on, it will be called a broken wind knife."

"Hey, you are too unkind. Just to name your knife, you have to break my sword?" After listening to Bai Weixuan's words, Bai Liyu was a little chagrined and helpless. He couldn't help muttering angrily that his sword was at least a medium spiritual weapon. He finally got it, and he was cut into powder by others.

"Cough, this, I'm sorry, I just accidentally entered a strange state." Bai Weixuan suddenly heard this, and her face suddenly changed. She grabbed the back of her head awkwardly and smiled shyly.

"You..." Seeing Bai Weixuan change from high to such a high appearance almost in an instant, Bai Liyu's eyes were almost falling off. He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a moment.

"Why don't you do this! I'll compensate you, and I'll help you refine one." Bai Liyu's shocked expression came to Bai Weixuan, and she was mistaken for a sword of love. She was depressed, so she felt even more guilty, thinking about whether to knock down a crystal on the red crystal mountain of the fiery realm and refine a sword for Bai Liyu.

"Can you refine?" Bai Liyu was shocked again. Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, his eyes lit up in an instant, and a pair of black and white eyes stared at Bai Weixuan so expectantly, for fear that the latter would say nothing.

"I know a little bit. This is what I refined." Bai Weixuan was a little embarrassed. She lit up the broken wind knife in her hand and said.

"Can you chop down medium spiritual weapons, this is at least a superior spiritual weapon, right?" Bai Liyu's eyes are brighter, and now Bai Weixuan is like a moving treasure mountain in his eyes.

"Calculation, that's it!" Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly broke out and said hard. If she said that the broken wind knife was a low-class fairy weapon, I don't know if this person would stare directly.

"Senior, will you take me as an apprentice?" Bai Weixuan thought that she was smiling secretly, but unexpectedly, Bai Liyu suddenly knelt down and said loudly.

"Ha???" Bai Weixuan was stunned. She was indeed stunned. Did she accept her apprentice? The opponent just now said that he wanted to worship her as his teacher. Did she hear it wrong?" I just beat you once..."

"No, you are the most talented person I have ever met. Anyway, please accept me as an apprentice. I, I want to learn refinery!" Bai Liyu quickly said that Bai Weixuan was the most special existence he had ever seen. She could see through his swordsmanship in just one fight and cut his sword in a strange way that he had not seen. Although Bai Liyu is arrogant, he has to admit that Bai Weixuan is a more talented genius than him, and his understanding and pursuit of the realm are far from being caught up with.

Moreover, he also has a reason to learn refinery. How can he miss the refiner he met?