The only immortal in the world

Chapter 135 Infatuation Curse

Bai Weixuan only felt that the space was distorted and suspended under her feet. When she came to her senses, she had come to a new environment.

Here are strange rocks, clear springs are pleasant to the ear, and there is an ethereal in tranquility, which is a cave under the ground. The cave is dotted with various forms of stalactites and continuous clear underground springs. Among them, a road paved with large green bricks mes and turns to the distance.

Guang Shihan walked on the green brick road first and motioned Bai Weixuan to keep up.

The cave was quiet. Except for the crisp sound of water droplets, there were only the fine footsteps of the two people. In such an environment, Bai Weixuan unconsciously became a little nervous.

Anyway, there is an old man with an empty bundle clan, and it is still owned by the heart of the scorching sun. In Bai Weixuan's subconscious, the other party is likely to be an old man with a white beard or a dying kind.

With trembling, she turned left and right with Guang Shihan, which made her dizzy. Finally, she saw a looming shadow in a large lotus pond full of lotus flowers.

The hibiscus that comes out of the water is naturally carved, lotus, light and natural, like a long ink painting. And everywhere where the lotus leaves and lotus flowers are intertwined, there is also a lotus platform the size of a water tank floating on the surface of the water, slowly extending to the depths.

Bai Weixuan's eyes fell on the very thin-looking figure through the various things in the lotus pond, and her throat couldn't help blocking it. She suddenly felt like a demon who came to kill people, and a sense of guilt arose in her heart.

Guang Shihan patted Bai Weixuan on the shoulder and walked ahead. After Bai Weixuan took the first step, she stood on the first lotus platform with some hesitation.

"I'd better come out by myself!" At this moment, a pleasant voice came from the lotus. The man sitting on the lotus platform in the middle stood up and slowly came out.

At this time, Bai Weixuan saw this person's appearance clearly. He was dressed in elegant blue clothes, and his hair growing over his waist was silvery white. He walked slowly and walked casually from a distance.

Bai Weixuan retreated to the shore. After seeing the man's appearance, she couldn't help taking a breath. Obviously, he has silver hair, but his face is particularly young, unlike Guang Shihan's coldness and evil. The lines on this person's face are very soft, and his eyes are a little narrow, which makes Bai Weixuan feel that he is a little charming.

Recalling her original expectation, thinking of the other party's age, Bai Weixuan has the impulse to support the wall. Are the people of the empty people forever young and beautiful?

"You're finally here, and my task should be over." The silver-haired man smiled, warm as the scorching sun and as pure as water. Bai Weixuan was a little stunned.

"Let's go! Go to the lotus platform." Seeing that Bai Weixuan couldn't speak at all, Guang Shihan came over, took her slightly hand and said softly. He understood Bai Weixuan's mood at this moment, just like when he brought her here.

"Han, no, let me talk to her." However, the silver-haired man shook his head, stopped Guang Shihan, and said with a smile, " lend her to me for a while!"

"I know." Guang Shihan's voice was a little hoarse. After listening to the silver-haired man's words, he let go of Bai Weixuan's hand and left here.

Bai Weixuan's heart was in a mess. Facing this gentle and jade-like silver-haired man who was not like a human being, she didn't know how to speak at all. She came to take away his heart of the sun. She came to kill him. She should be his enemy, right?

However, his face was indescribably relaxed and peaceful, which made Bai Weixuan's heart ache.

"Don't think too much. In fact, I should have died 700 years ago." Seeing Bai Weixuan's restraint and hesitation, the silver-haired man smiled and said.

"Yes, I'm sorry..." Bai Weixuan didn't know what to say and blurted out an apology. When the silver-haired man heard her words, he was first shocked and then laughed.

"I really can't see that you are a wonderful reincarnation!" The silver-haired man smiled and continued, "I'm Mu Xilian of the Kongshu clan. In the past, people called me Tianyuan Liuxian, but you can call me alian."

"Senior, do you want to say something to me?" Under Mu Xiyan's peaceful tone, Bai Weixuan gradually calmed down and couldn't help asking.

"Do you know why Han calls himself an evil fairy?" Mu Xili did not answer Bai Weixuan's words directly, but asked.

"I don't know." Although Bai Weixuan guessed in her heart that it was because of Guang Shihan's behavior, Mu Xiyan's question was likely to have other secrets, so she shook her head and said, at least, Guang Shihan did not tell her.

"Evil has the meaning of deviating from the right path. Everyone in the Kongshu clan is an immortal body and is born with immortal power, but ordinary Kongshu clan will not awaken immortal power. Han is a genius of the Kongshu clan. Not long after his birth, he awakened the immortal power and obtained the body of immortals. However, when he became an adult, he met Tianmiao. Since then, he began to deviate from the scriptures, break away from the Kongshu clan, and wandered between heaven and earth. Since then, he has called himself an evil fairy and does not want to return to the empty bundle. Mu Xili still said flatly.

"Why?" Bai Weixuan was puzzled. When she met Tianmiao, she began to deviate? Isn't this ridiculous?

"All things are only for one word of love. In order to get more powerful power, Han can't do it for ordinary people. He travels all over the world and tries various methods to practice hard, just to become stronger and reach the height of the person he loves. But many of his actions violated the rules of the empty bundle clan, which also caused him to break away from the empty bundle clan. Mu Xiyan said.

"This is a little selfish." Although Bai Weixuan didn't want to criticized Guang Shihan, she couldn't help saying that she heard that he was so capricious.

"What is selfish is not cold, but wonderful." However, Mu Xilian shook her head and said lightly, "The predecessors of the Kongshu clan are cold for the future. They expect that if he wants to break through the mortal world and become a true immortal, he must break through his own love disaster, and this love disaster is not natural, but given it to him by heaven."

"What? You mean that Tianmiao did it deliberately to make Guang Shihan fall in love with himself? Bai Weixuan was shocked, and her face suddenly changed. Guang Shihan's love disaster was not natural, but man-made, and this person was actually herself before the seventh generation?

"Tianmiao pinched the opportunity and cast an infatuation spell on him when he became a cold adult, so that he only had her in his heart and lived only for her." Mu Xiling continued.

"No wonder, no wonder he can even save his life..." Bai Weixuan only felt that her hands and feet were getting colder and colder. She never thought that Tianmiao would be such a person, and she would use such a method to control Guang Shihan.

"The original beauty was to take a fancy to the cold natural fairy body and the awakened immortal power, and wanted to get his heart of the sun." Looking at Bai Weixuan's pale face, Mu Xilian did not mean to stop and continued, "Until 700 years ago, the demon clan rioted and almost broke through the seal. I took the four secret treasures to fight against the demon clan with her and finally sealed them back."

"At that time, I tried my best to die in the end, and I almost died. Tianmiao also felt the strength of the demon clan and worried that her reincarnation was not strong enough to compete with it, so she wanted Han to assist herself after her reincarnation, and the heart of the sun she needed was taken from other empty people. Mu Xili's tone was indifferent, as if she was stating an ordinary story.

And Bai Weixuan's heart has been completely picked up, and she naturally knows what Tianmiao did next. She must take Guangshihan as a bargaining chip and at the cost of the future of the world, she wants the soft dream-like man in front of her willingly dedicate her heart to the heart of the sun.

"I was a desperate person, and it was also my blessing to be able to do something in the end." Mu Xilian said softly that he was very open about his life and death, "However, although you are a wonderful reincarnation, I can still feel a different breath from you."

"Senior Liang, I..." Bai Weixuan's heart was cold. In front of Mu Xili, she was ashamed and guilty and didn't know what to say.

"Miss Bai, you don't have to blame yourself for the past, but if you can, would you like to help Han untie the infatuation spell on him at the beginning?" Mu Xiling pondered and said.

"Can the infatuation spell on him be untied?" Hearing Mu Xiyan's words, Bai Weixuan's face suddenly glowed and said hurriedly.