The only immortal in the world

Chapter 140 Encountered an ambush

Most of the endless rainforests are shrouded in black, and countless trees are either dead or twisted and ferocious in the black fog. Everything has fallen into decline. The once lush rainforest seems to have been drained out of vitality in an instant.

To the north of the rainforest, on the only lonely hill, a teenager in a fiery red robe sat on the ground, but he was not practicing. A pair of strange red eyes couldn't help floating in one direction and looked very anxious.

Xiao Bai, what the hell are you doing? If you don't come out, your brother won't be able to stop it! The three-eyed fire crystal looked at somewhere in the hill and frowned a little tangled.

It's been almost three months, and that guy has disappeared for so long, and it should have been almost two and a half years in the world of pins, right? Why hasn't she come out yet?

Seeing that the demons are stepping up and devouring everything in the ancient rock continent step by step, now, they are about to hit the ancient rock city. The strong men of the ancient rock continent come out, but some of them accidentally fall into the trap of the leading demon general at the beginning, incarnated into demons and become enemies.

According to this momentum, it is only a matter of time before the demons engulf this continent. Without Bai Weixuan's pure yang fire, it is very difficult for them to fight against the demon clan, and sometimes they can only passively defend.

That demon general is really horrible. If it hadn't been for the evil immortal Guang Shihan, I'm afraid those demons would have invaded the ancient rock city!

The three-eyed fire crystal thought helplessly that he didn't care about the life and death of these people, but after witnessing that kind of grief and sadness, he didn't want such a thing to continue. Working with those people to resist the demon clan has become what he is used to doing.

However, every few days, he always comes here to wait for a wait. I don't know how long it will take for the person hiding in the tie to come out. He asked Guang Shihan and knew something about the Kongshu clan, but that was far from the reason why she had left for so long.

Is there something wrong with the broom? Or, Bai Weixuan suddenly entered a state of cultivation? I'm afraid that the three-eyed fire crystal can't figure out the reason.

Today, the three seals in the rainforest have been forced. One of the three foreign treasures is said to have been recovered by the people of the Kirin Continent, while the other two were destroyed when the demon clan was broken, and the spirit of the demon clan was unprecedentedly rampant.

As the war becomes more and more tense, the three-eyed fire crystal can't stay here, and Guang Shihan has not been here for more than a month because of his strongest strength and the backbone of everyone. If it hadn't been for his ability to sense the seven-day spiritual crystal, that person might have happened.

Thinking of the fact that he came here and saw that Guang Shihan was about to go crazy, he couldn't help sighing. He didn't understand that feeling.

looked at the sand somewhere on the ground in a daze. After a long time, the three-eyed fire crystal stood up and was ready to leave. But when he was about to leave the sword, several strong breaths rushed directly from all directions, and the cold magic air enveloped the sky here in an instant.

"Haha..." A wild laugh came from the magic, and the three-eyed fire crystal's face condensed. The other party turned out to be the eight demon warriors under the demon general. One of the demon warriors had met with him, and his strength had reached the level of a third-class demon warrior, and the other seven people were not weak, no different from the third-class demon warrior. Far away.

Seeing the eight people's bodies appear in the magic at the same time, the heart of the three-eyed fire crystal sank.

"Isn't this Yan Yan? How about it? The scenery in our territory is not bad, right?" The third-class demon warrior who had had had a hand-eye fire crystal and sneered and said that he stared at the three-eyed fire crystal below from a high altitude, with a tyrannical look in his eyes.

"A strong man in the ancient rock continent has betrayed the land where he raised himself and is in line with the darkness. How can you still be qualified to talk to me?" The three-eyed fire crystal slanted the magic warrior, and the killing light also flashed in his eyes. When the demon clan rose, this person slaughtered a village with them. He was extremely bloodthirsty and ruthless. It was a great weapon under the demon general. Although it was only the strength of the third-class demon warrior, its lethality was higher than the ordinary second-class demon warrior. Absolutely Don't underestimate.

After the three-eyed fire crystal got the title of immortal fighter, his strength also advanced rapidly, and then kept fighting with the demon clan, often born and died. In just a few months, he was also promoted from the early stage of Yuanying to the late stage of Yuanying. It can be said that his strength was completely developed with the help of the spirit stone.

Today, although his cultivation is in the late Yuanying period, he has also been able to compete with the third-level demon warriors. However, in the face of so many demons that are not much different from his own strength, his chances of winning are too small. What's more, there is also a third-level demon warrior with strong combat power, and they are deliberately waiting to besiege and kill him here.

This time, the right time, the right place and the right people are not on his side, and his only way to live is to escape. Countless thoughts flashed in the heart of the three-eyed fire crystal, but her figure remained motionless and ready to meet the attack of these demon warriors.

The third-level demon warrior sneered indifferently when he heard the words of the three-eyed fire crystal, and did not refute it. With a wave of his hand, he directly launched an attack with the other seven fourth-level demon warriors.

For a moment, the demon spirit was surging and dark. The three-eyed fire crystal only felt that his breathing was blocked, and his heart sank again. It seemed that the three-level demon warrior was determined to kill him quickly, and even arranged a demon array that weakened his strength here, so that he could not escape from here.

Thinking of this, the three-eyed fire crystal is also fierce in his heart. It's not so easy to want him to die.

Seeing eight magic flames coming from all directions at the same time, the three-eyed fire crystal shouted low, and a bright long knife appeared in his hand. The knife body was as dazzling as a crystal, almost transparent, and the blade was much thinner than the ordinary long knife, which was cold.

Sum, the long knife in the hand of the three-eyed fire crystal trembled, and a flame swept out directly from the handle of the knife and wrapped the long knife in an instant.

When the eight magic flames attacked, the three-eyed fire crystals suddenly waved a long knife, and saw a circle of fiery red flames appearing around him. He waved the long knife in his hand. The eight magic flames were half blocked by him very quickly, and the other half was dodged by him without danger.

Even so, after resisting those magic flames, the three-eyed fire crystal still took a step back unblocked. Although it was only a short blow, it was obvious that he was still a little difficult against so many demon warriors.

Then another magic flame fell from the sky and greeted him, and the third-level demon warrior picked up a joking smile at the corners of his mouth. In his eyes, there was only one result of this siege. He was not in a hurry to kill the enemy, but to play with him well and appreciate his last struggle before his death.

He is not worried that Guang Shihan will come, because he has discussed with the demon general before that the powerful Guang Shihan will be dragged down by the demon general and the demon soldiers, and it is impossible to escape within three days.

"Hum!" The third-level demon warrior snorted coldly, and Sen Han's eyes fell on the three-eyed fire crystal. He wanted to kill the hairy boy who had challenged his majesty many times with his own hands.

The time passed minute by, and later, the more difficult the three-eyed fire crystal became. At the same time, he also guessed the intention of these magic warriors, and his heart was even more angry. He is not afraid of death, but it does not mean that he is willing to die like this. Looking at the third-level demon warrior who stared at him, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal. In his heart, he was sure that he was no longer ready to keep it.

Suddenly, he withdrew the long knife in his hand and let several magic flames hit his body. The three-eyed fire crystal suppressed the blood surging in his throat, and suddenly several flames rose all over his body. He held the knife to the sky, and his whole body suddenly merged with the long knife, as if he had turned into a huge fireball.

The magic flame was blocked from the fireball, and several demon warriors in the air intensified their attacks. The third-class demon warrior knocked out a clue and couldn't resist the excitement in his heart. He dived and threw himself on the fireball underground.

There was a deep roar in the void. The third-class demon warrior did not use any weapons, but turned his whole body into a magic flame like a three-eyed fire crystal, directly wanting to fight against the three-eyed fire crystal.

He wants to use the absolute and violent power to shatter the last hope of the three-eyed fire crystal.