The only immortal in the world

Chapter 146 Walk with you

"Good!" Guang Shihan was stunned for a long time before she came back to her senses. She looked at Bai Weixuan and said calmly. He could see that Bai Weixuan did not like him to ask for a kiss. She may have any other reason. Even so, when she heard her words, Guang Shihan couldn't help but feel a little happy.

Seeing Guang Shihan's calm nod, a pair of stars looked over like that. Bai Weixuan couldn't help swallowing saliva. She had to admit that for a moment, she was indeed attracted by this person's beauty.

His eyes are like two deep pools, which will make people unconsciously be sucked into them. Hearing that Guang Shihan agreed so easily and didn't ask anything, Bai Weixuan was even more worried.

"What? Do you regret it?" Seeing Bai Weixuan's hesitant appearance, Guang Shihan laughed a little and was a little helpless. I really don't know what was in this person's head, and why he made such a request that made her entangled herself?

"How, how can it be!" Bai Weixuan hurriedly said that she desperately searched for all the processes she had seen, and her heart must be out. Anyway, after kissing, he will forget and forget all this. "You, you close your eyes."

Guang Shihan did as he said. Bai Weixuan was a little nervous to see that the former closed his eyes as she said, secretly breathed, and summoned up the courage to reach out his hand to break his shoulder. At the same time, she slowly stood up and approached his lips.

The breathing of the two is getting closer and closer. When the tip of Bai Weixuan's nose is about to touch the tip of Guang Shihan's nose, she can clearly feel the temperature of each other's skin and the slightly tense breath.

Looking at her lips close at hand, Bai Weixuan's heart jumped wildly, but she didn't dare to breathe. She closed her eyes and pressed her lips with her breath.

Guang Shihan's lips are soft and elegant, and there is also a strange fragrance of clear orchid in his breath, which is as unique and noble as an empty valley orchid, which makes people can't help tasting it carefully.

However, Bai Weixuan doesn't have that kind of leisure at this moment. She kissed, but what should she do next? What can we do to make Guangshi cold and emotional? Bai Weixuan suddenly had an idea and took advantage of the situation to fall to the ground.

Unfortunately, she was so nervous that she was not sure of her balance. Instead, she suddenly fell on Guang Shihan's body and hit his chest.

"Weir, I have seven emotions and six desires. No one tells you, is this dangerous?" Guang Shihan's bitter face suddenly hugged Bai Weixuan's waist, turned over, and immediately turned away, "I'm an evil fairy, not a little sheep."

"But I didn't cooperate very well..." Bai Weixuan's face had turned red. She somewhat understood what Guang Shihan meant. She could fully imagine how shameful her behavior was, but what else could she do? If she doesn't touch the infatuation spell on Guang Shihan for a day, she can't feel at ease for a day.

What's more, Guang Shihan has been very indulgent to her these days, so she dared to try. If she really succeeds, she will end a big deal in her heart.

Unfortunately, she overestimated herself and underestimated Guang Shihan. This big reversal completely made her feel a little unresponsive.

"If Violet wants to know how to kiss, I can teach you!" Guang Shihan smiled, but the deep voice sounded in Bai Weixuan's ear. As soon as the words fell, Bai Weixuan felt that two soft pieces were pasted to her lips again, and then a little warm dragonfly swept her lips like water, as if with electric current, brushing the tip of Bai Weixuan's heart.

Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly trembled. She did not find that the forgetfulness in her body was determined. She woke up in an instant and hit Guang Shihan's chest, and a huge force gushed out to push the latter out. Then, for a moment, Bai Weixuan couldn't lift any strength.

"Yes, I'm sorry!" Standing up in a hurry, Bai Weixuan quickly picked up Guang Shihan, whose face was a little pale, and apologized. The slap just now was really light, and it also contained the power of pure yang fire. She hurriedly took action without knowing the importance at all, and Guang Shihan was unprepared and was slapped by this.

"Poo, haha..." However, Guang Shihan didn't know why he covered his chest with some pain while laughing uncontrollably.

"Hey, don't scare me!" Bai Weixuan thought that Guang Shihan was slapped by her and hurriedly said.

"No, it's okay. I just didn't expect you to give me a slap at this time." Guang Shihan couldn't help laughing and looked at Bai Weixuan's expression.

"What's so funny?" Bai Weixuan was a little annoyed.

"I'm curious, why on earth did you do this?" Guang Shihan finally stopped laughing and asked.

"I want you to take care of it. I haven't asked you yet, and you said you like me! Why didn't you be moved when I just kissed you? Bai Weixuan glanced at Guang Shihan and was indignant.

"Do I think I'm that casual person?" Guang Shihan's face suddenly turned bitter. At that time, he had been curious about what she was going to do, right? How do you want him to be emotional? However, this move is unmoved, only she knows, and how did she decide?" How do you know I'm not emotional?"

"Because..." Bai Weixuan just wanted to say it, but she suddenly woke up and choked down the words below.

"Because?" If Guang Shihan can't see any clues at this time, he doesn't deserve the title of evil immortal.

"Because...Well, intuition, intuition!" Bai Weixuan took a step back with a guilty heart and smiled.

"What if I say I'm in love!" Guang Shihan took a step closer and looked directly at her with a smile in his eyes.

"Impossible!" Bai Weixuan reflexively retorted that the Mu Xiyan of the empty bundle clan should not lie to her. If Guang Shi was cold and moved, the method of forgetting will react. At that time, she could give a kiss of forgetfulness to make Guangshi forget his feelings, but the kiss just now, the forgetting method had no reaction at all.

"Impossible?" Guang Shihan looked at Bai Weixuan suspiciously and said with a smile, "Would you like to explain the impossible method?"

", you'd better practice well, me, I'll refine!" Bai Weixuan avoided answering, oiled the soles of her feet, and planned to escape.

"Is it the woman who wants you to do this?" However, Guang Shihan behind him suddenly said coldly.

Bai Weixuan didn't stop walking, just as if she didn't hear it. As soon as she moved, she was about to leave. However, at this time, one hand grabbed her arm.

"I have nothing to do, so you don't have to force yourself to do anything. My feelings for you are from the bottom of my heart, and no one else can control it." Guang Shihan suddenly said that when he heard Bai Weixuan ask him why he was not emotional, he understood everything in an instant, and there was some inexplicable feeling in his heart.

"Okay, I tell you that I already know that you have fallen for the magic spell of infatuation, and you have also got a way to understand the curse of infatuation. If you say that your feelings are not influenced by others, then you can prove it to me." Hearing Guang Shihan's words, Bai Weixuan suddenly straightened her face and turned her head to look at the former awe-in and said.

"How to prove it?" Guangshi raised his eyebrows.

"Whether you have an infatuation spell or not, I want you to fall in love with me and accept my spell to remove the infatuation spell." Bai Weixuan said.

"The only way to relieve the spell of infatuation is forgetfulness. Are you really going to do this? If I don't fall infatuation spell, I'm likely to be erased of my feelings for you. Guang Shihan looked at Bai Weixuan.

"Hmm!" Bai Weixuan was silent and then nodded firmly.

"You're really ruthless..." Guang Shihan smiled bitterly, "But that's okay. If you can eliminate the guilt in your heart, I'm willing to accompany you once."

"Say a way that can move you!" Bai Weixuan didn't look at Guang Shihan's face and said lightly.

"Go to that mountain with me!" Guangshi smiled coldly and said.

"Good!" Bai Weixuan thought about it a little and knew which mountain Guang Shihan said was, and only there that they had been together and told her.

Looking back on the original scene, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt as if she was dreaming. The night was so beautiful that the man's expression was sad that she had never seen before. That's still a full moon night.