The only immortal in the world

Chapter 168 Love

"I'm willing to gamble and lose. If you dare to resist, I won't forgive you!" Bai Weixuan came over with a smile on her face. She reached out to untie the three-eyed fire crystal belt. The fiery red coat suddenly slipped to **, and her underwear also relaxed down, revealing the tight and healthy skin inside.

Incarnate in the flame, the skin color of the three-eyed fire crystal is much whiter than that of ordinary mortals, and the muscles are particularly distinct. The whole body has a hidden sense of power.

Bai Weixuan scratched the skin of the three-eyed fire crystal** and pushed away the last layer of clothes little by little.

The three-eyed fire crystal was tormented. For a moment, he only felt countless electric currents spilling from the fingertips, invading his reason.

Even if she knows that it is an illusion, even if she knows that this is not true Bai Weixuan, she will still be greedy for every smile and every look back. Her expression, movements, and even the slightly teasing smile are no different from the real Bai Weixuan, and the touch of her fingertips is even more the same.

It's cold, but with a trace of tenderness.

He quickly closed his eyes and swept away the distracting thoughts in his heart. He can't be addicted. He needs to be sober. The real Bai Weixuan is still waiting for him to save him. He meditated in his heart: She is not Bai Weixuan. She is not Bai Weixuan. I don't have any bet with her. I want to take the holy water of life, and I want to go back to save her!

Biting the tip of the tongue to get a trace of sobriety, the three-eyed fire crystal quickly gathered the strength of the whole body and hummed the person in front of him.

The illusion dissipated, and the three eyes couldn't help gasping and hurriedly tied his clothes. Suddenly, his feet were empty, and before he could scream, he found himself lying on a person with a bloody smell in his mouth.

"Xiao Bai?!" Suddenly, his heart jumped and helped up the person under him. The familiar fear enveloped him in an instant. Fear, panic, fear that this person will disappear in front of his eyes for the next moment.

"Are you back?" Bai Weixuan's face turned pale, as if she had walked to the ghost gate.

"How are you? Why did you do this?" The three-eyed fire crystal trembled and brushed the hair on Bai Weixuan's face, and her eyes were already red. What did he deserve to sacrifice her life so much?

"Three eyes, don't cry, am I fine? Without you, my life would be much less fun!" Bai Weixuan smiled reluctantly and said.

"Fun, what kind of fun can I bring you..." The three-eyed fire crystal murmured, and his heart was confused.

"Three eyes, can you take me away? Find a quiet paradise and live a normal life without bleeding or injury, let alone contact death so easily. Bai Weixuan's eyes were a little confused, which made her three eyes hot and she couldn't help agreeing. A voice in her heart quietly told him to take her away, go as far as possible, leave here and leave this world that made her painful.

However, another voice jumped out and said that this was not her. She was seriously injured and was about to die. She was waiting for you to go back to save her. How could you be addicted to it? How could you not bear it at this time?

These are all illusions!

Yes! The real Bai Weixuan doesn't love him. He is just a little god, a lucky little god who has turned into a human body. It's enough to protect her side.

"Ah!!!!!" The three-eyed fire crystal roared up and closed his eyes in pain. He gently said sorry and disappeared in place.

Bai Weixuan's shouting seemed to be still echoing in her ears. He grasped the clothes on his chest tightly, and his heart throbbed.

Even if it is an illusion, even if it is not true, he still can't see her appearance and ignore her earnest plea.

For a long time, the magic sound dissipated, and the scenery around the three-eyed fire crystal changed again, surrounded by a confused void, pale cyan, and there was a mass of light in front of it. The three-eyed fire crystals narrowed their eyes and walked over.

The space is extremely quiet, without even footsteps, only the light in the center, like a continuous hope, leading people to go.

The footsteps stopped in front of the brilliance, and the fire crystal with three eyes gasped fiercely and was completely stunned.

In the light mass, there is a huge golden lotus. The center of the golden lotus is shining, and a drop of green water like tears is suspended there, emitting a strong breath of life.

"Holy water of life?!" Three-eyed Huojing felt that his mouth was a little dry. He raised his legs again and walked forward step by step. His heart beat violently because of tension, and Bai Weixuan was finally saved.

He came to the lotus platform, reached out and took down the green drops and put them in the already prepared jade bottle. When the green light of the holy water of life gradually disappeared, the golden lotus platform in front of it also turned into a little starlight.

It worked! The three-eyed fire crystal could not suppress the joy in his heart. He saw that the surrounding scenery was changing little by little, and the color of the snow was once again imprinted into his eyes.

"Hahahaha! I succeeded, Xiaobai. I'll come back to save you!" The three-eyed fire crystal was overjoyed and immediately chose the right direction to run to the Kirin Cave.

He was so fast that he disappeared into the snowy mountains in the blink of an eye.

In less than two days, the three-eyed fire crystal ran all the way and finally came to the Kirin Cave and quickly ran into the belly of the mountain. The three-eyed fire crystal saw the sad face of Kirin genfold.

"Senior, I brought back the holy water of life. Hurry up and be Xiaobai!" There was a slight bad feeling in his heart, but the three-eyed fire crystal still hurriedly took out the holy water of life and handed it to Kirin geng.

However, Kirin Yuanshen did not take it, but pointed to the pale blue lake and frowned: "The lake she incarnated has begun to slowly disappear. After all, you came back late. She is hopeless."


The three-eyed fire crystal smile was frozen on his face, and the jade bottle in his hand declined weakly to the ground, and the holy water of life fell on the ground, mixed with tears falling rapidly in his eyes.

is hopeless?

The three-eyed fire crystal ran crazily to the lake and knelt to the ground powerlessly. How could it be hopeless? He came back desperately and came back in seven days. Why did she still leave? Why didn't she wait for him?

"Bai Weixuan, why did you leave like this?" The three-eyed fire crystal was heartbroken, and the boundless despair enveloped him. He looked at the blue lake in front of him and suddenly stretched out his hand to touch them, but at the moment he stretched out his hand, the lake dissipated quickly and flew away from his fingertips.

"No, you can't go!" The three-eyed fire crystal was confused. He waved his hand randomly to grab the scattered water droplets, but the water droplets in the lake dissipated more, and the scope of the lake was rapidly decreasing.

The three-eyed fire crystal suddenly saw Guang Shihan kneeling in black at the other end of the lake. Seeing his godless eyes, he was thrilled and quickly ran over.

"Guang Shihan, why are you here? Why did you come back without getting the holy water of life? Three-eyed fire crystal questioned, but Guang Shihan did not respond at all.

"Why didn't you get the holy water of life before me? Why did you come back like this? The three-eyed fire crystal fiercely promoted Shi Han, but found that the latter was like a puppet on the ground.

"I came back with the holy water of life, but she told me that it's late, everything is late..." For a long time, Guang Shihan spit out a sentence with difficulty in his mouth. The three fire crystals heard clearly, and his heart suddenly trembled.

"What are you talking about? Did you get the holy water of life back?!" The three-eyed fire crystal grabbed Guang Shihan's skirt and shouted loudly.

"What's the use of getting it? You can't save her even if you get it!" Guang Shihan also became angry and stood up.

"Haha! Look at you now, Xiaobai will never like you!" The three-eyed fire crystal punched Guang Shihan's face, and then smiled, "Do you know that I also got the holy water of life?"

"What?" Guang Shihan was shocked, and then thought of something and exclaimed, "Is it still in the fantasy world now?"

"It should be. At that time, I was surprised why you had been motionless for two consecutive days in the fantasy. Since I ran here with the holy water of life and saw this kind of thing, I realized that what I did was what you had done, so it took so long." The three-eyed fire crystal nodded without any doubt.

"So, how many days are left before the deadline?" Guang Shihan suddenly became nervous when he heard the words and quickly asked.

"Only the last day!" The three-eyed fire crystal gritted her teeth and clenched her fist fiercely.

"Okay, then we will get the holy water of life on this last day, even if we grab it!" Guang Shihan also clenched his fist at the same time, and the murderousness suddenly appeared in his eyes.

This relationship is really vicious, leading to the most desired and fearful things in their hearts again and again. If it hadn't been for the two of them in this relationship at the same time, any one of them would have been trapped in it again and could not be freed from the despair of Bai Weixuan's death.