The only immortal in the world

Chapter 175 Life and Death

Jiu Tianxuan? Bai Weixuan was dumbfounded when she heard this word. If it is said that what level in the world is supreme, it is undoubtedly the nine-day mysterious level.

Jiutian Xuan level represents the most powerful power in heaven and earth. Only the high existence recognized by heaven and earth will it automatically give the title of Jiu Tianxuan. Every nine-day mysterious item or anything else is automatically named, which is the rule of heaven and earth.

Bai Weixuan suddenly realized the unusual experience she had encountered this time and was stunned for a long time before she came to her senses, and she finally understood the dilemma she was facing now.

The ordinary existence of nine heavens, such as Fu urn, will not cause thunder. Only the anti-sky existence that transcends the rules of heaven and earth will cause natural disasters. The more against the sky, the more horrible the disaster is.

And Bai Weixuan, who was also a little old in the world of cultivation, naturally had some vision and immediately understood what the cloud of disaster above her head was.

Under the pressure of the panic in her heart, Bai Weixuan can only do her best to survive the disaster.

The clouds in the sky suddenly stopped, and the beggets in the distance suddenly stagnated. They knew that the critical moment had arrived. The last nine thunderstorms, success or failure in this move.

Just below Lei Yun, Bai Weixuan's heart was also extremely nervous. Although she has not been injured so far, the numbness of thunder and lightning still made her movements a little dull.

Seeing that the thunder clouds above her head are getting thicker and thicker, and tightly compressed together, Bai Weixuan takes a deep breath, looks at her nose and heart, and runs her spiritual power with all her heart, enhancing the protection of the nine-day Xuanyu body.

She was full of jade all over her body, and a little divine light scattered from the top of her head. She stepped on the void, stood in the air, and kept pinching her hands and putting protection all over the space.

"Kka!!!" Suddenly, there was a deafening explosion in the black cloud. The huge electric dragon intertwined with countless small lightnings suddenly opened its huge mouth and flew into the void. It swallowed Bai Weixuan. For a moment, the lightning exploded. The void around Bai Weixuan made a series of explosions. Then, the void trembled, and Bai Weixuan crossed her hands over the top. He abruptly blocked this terrible thunderbolt.

Then, the clouds in the sky surged again. This time, the clouds suddenly turned red, blood red, reflecting the whole sky red.

After a few breaths, the red thunder cloud burst from it, and a thick red thunder flashed directly, and the speed fell on the top of Bai Weixuan's head very quickly.

Bai Weixuan was poured into by lightning before she could react, and the fine electric current crossed her body like a sharp knife, making her body tremble slightly.

Although the Jiutian Xuanyu body blocked most of the thunder and lightning, a very small part of it still came into direct contact with Bai Weixuan's body, causing a lot of damage.

But then for a moment, Bai Weixuan's face showed a trace of joy, but the joy was quickly suppressed by her and came back and took a deep breath.

"So that's it..." Huazi saw this scene and muttered, "The power of the nine-color mysterious fire disaster is just the beginning!"

"What do you say?" The two women next to her said doubtfully that this was the last few thunderstorms. Why did Huazi say that it was just the beginning?

"Joy, anger, worry, thought, sadness, fear, shock, life and death, the nine-color Xuanhuo disaster constitutes reincarnation and controls the power of reincarnation between heaven and earth. It can lead people into the reincarnation of seven emotions and life. No matter how strong a person is, once he can't see through these, he will die in Jiucai Xuanhuo. Under the disaster." The beggar was silent and explained in a low voice that he did not expect Bai Weixuan to attract the existence of reincarnation.

Is it a curse or a blessing?

The begzi smiled bitterly. There is the power of reincarnation. This disaster can naturally change a person and train a person, which is also unavoidable. However, if it can't be passed, it is not as simple as death.

If you are swallowed by the power of reincarnation, you will integrate into the reincarnation, and your soul will be scattered and become a part of reincarnation. You can no longer return to this world and will never enter reincarnation.

While several people were talking, the color of the clouds in the sky changed again. This time, it was orange anger!

The angry thunder fell in a straight line, simply and full of explosive power. The angry thunder was mixed with thunder, and the orange thunder flew down, and the flame was boundless, directly submerging Bai Weixuan.

Anger can make people lose their minds. As the saying goes, impulse is the devil, and the source of impulse is anger, which can burn all anger.

Bai Weixuan is an irritable person and impulsive, but her anger comes and goes quickly. She doesn't hold much grudges, and her anger often subsides.

For several years, she has been angry with Elder Qiu's unscrupulous efforts and bitterness. Qiu Bufan's ugly face is also angry with Tianmiao's selfishness and Mo Linglan's cruelty... However, Elder Qiu failed to kill them. Qiu Bufan died of death. She could not intervene between Tianmiao and Tianxuan, but Mo Linglan was also the victim.

So Bai Weixuan had no anger in her heart. The events of the past were staged in a row. She just watched it indifferently and had no waves in her heart.

The past is over, and all this is no longer important. What she wants is to cherish the present and the people in front of her. This is deeply clear at the moment she thought she died.

Angry Lei couldn't help her and quietly dispersed.

Immediately after that, Worry, Thunder, Sorrow, Fear Thunder and Thunder fell one by one, but they could not shake Bai Weixuan's heart at all.

She is worried about the safety of her friends and relatives, and all kinds of demons, but she is not worried, because there are only two, life or death. Before the result appeared, all worries were useless.

Si, there are many people she misses, but she doesn't need people to stay away from her. She knows what they are in herself. Although she deeply experienced that kind of sorrow in Silei, she still has passed it.

Sad, Bai Weixuan deeply realized this as early as the moment when the three-eyed fire crystal almost died, and when she gave Guang Shihan a forgetful kiss. Even if you are so sad that you don't want to live, you have to live and try your best to save everything.

Fear, what is Bai Weixuan's most feared thing is death, the death of her beloved. Along the way, the people around her are her most cherished beings. She can't face anyone's death indifferently, so Bai Weixuan clenched her teeth and walked all the way with heartache.

She told herself that she would never allow this to happen before she died.

The thunder was shocking, but there was no danger. Bai Weixuan was just shocked by all kinds of things and the sudden thunder, but she didn't need to encounter any special pictures.

At this time, the Jiutian Xuanyu body on the surface of Bai Weixuan's body has changed again. After experiencing the seven emotions, there are seven more colorful lights outside the Jiutian Xuanyu body, which is the color of the seven emotions, surrounded by the seven emotions, forming a strong protection around Bai Weixuan.

After the seven thunderstorms fell, there was silence in the sky for a long time. The clouds in the air gathered together little by little, but there was no special sound.

On the contrary, with the interspersed flow of nine channels of light, the clouds in the void became transparent little by little. After counting, there was no shadow of clouds in the sky.

But Bai Weixuan knew that the cloud had not dissipated. She could clearly feel the knife hanging above her head, which was the knife of death. Everything before was not as good as this last blow.

There is no roar, no majesty, it seems that the clouds see the sun, but half foot stepped into the door of hell.

Bai Weixuan launched all the spells and treasures that could be launched, and even took out the fire fruit and Wuwei fruit, ready to refine at any time. For some reason, she was very uneasy. The last thunder did not fall for a long time, the more she could feel the approach of death.

The sky and the earth are terribly quiet.

The beggar in the distance narrowed his eyes, and there was no movement at this moment in the blue sky. His eyes suddenly turned to the sky above Bai Weixuan's head, and a faint breath escaped from it and was caught by him cleverly.

Then, the color of the sky suddenly darkened, and the pupil of Huazi suddenly contracted. He quickly shouted to Bai Weixuan, "Quickly use the ice formula and ice fruit, it's a nine-day mysterious fire disaster!!!"