The only immortal in the world

Chapter 180 Frozen Thousands of Miles

The king of demons is actually broken? A few years ago, this powerful existence in the world broke the seal and returned to the world at this time. Is the real disaster going to begin?

The ice dragon's face darkened and knew that the other party was the king of the demon king, so he stopped attacking rashly and looked for a suitable opportunity.

"He took away my chaotic blood and the body of God, and has a strong recovery ability. You must be careful!" Bai Weixuan's voice came from his mind, and Binglong was stunned. It was the first time he heard that someone could seize the blood of chaos and the body of the gods. It seemed that the king of the demon king was indeed as difficult and horrible as the legend. Now, he is afraid that five people can resist it.

Bai Weixuan narrowed her eyes slightly. There is no doubt about Bixi's strength, but she is not weak. Jiutian Xuanyu body can't appear casually. It's just that she has just passed the colorful mysterious fire disaster and is not familiar with her own strength, so it is inevitable that she will be passive when fighting.

The Jiutian Xuanyu body not only has extraordinary defense ability, but also has unique attack methods. The power of Jiutian Xuanyu produced by Jiutian Xuanyu body can suppress all bodies, even the body of the god.

Therefore, in terms of level, Bai Weixuan is not at a disadvantage, and the Jiutian Xuanyu body has a strong bonus to the secret of escape, and Bai Weixuan's speed is not much worse than that of Bixi. After crossing the heavenly disaster, she reached the middle of distraction, and she also had a slight sense of the power of space. Now that she has calmed down to think about it, Bai Weixuan is not very afraid.

She watched Bixi slightly hook the corners of her mouth. She did not intend to sit back and wait for death, nor did she intend to wait for Bixi to have any flaws. She wanted to take the initiative to attack and test her current strength with Bixi.

"The secret of killing demons!" In her heart, Bai Weixuan's eyes were slightly cold, and the cold knife had been destroyed. She sacrificed a broken wind knife and used the demon-killing formula for the first time in a long time. Bai Weixuan is the most familiar with the seventy-two magic skills of Diha, and she has also relied on it all the way to the present. Among them, the strongest attack is the demon-killing formula.

The highest level of the demon-killing formula is ten thousand blades. With an idea, tens of thousands of blades can be condensed within a hundred miles in an instant, and attack is launched at the same time, which is terrible.

Once Bai Weixuan could play hundreds of blades, but now there are thousands of them. For a time, the whole space was filled with vast blades, and a huge murderous atmosphere emanated from Bai Weixuan's body. In the middle of distraction, the power of the perfect colorful heart has gradually been revealed, and every blade has even brought Some minor mental attacks.

After applying the demon-killing formula, Bai Weixuan obviously felt the changes in the surrounding space and had a little vague understanding of the third secret shuttle of the heavenly shield formula.

With a low shout, thousands of blades shot out, the wind roared, the air burst, ice and snow splashed wherever they went, and the ice was crushed and collapsed by the powerful impact. However, in an instant, this icy land was razed, and Binglong and others evacuated early at the early warning of Bai Weixuan.

Only Bixi stood calmly in the middle of thousands of blades without panic. Seeing that the blade was about to touch his body, his whole body suddenly disappeared in place. No one saw how he disappeared. Only Bai Weixuan, who was the closest to him, felt a strange space fluctuation and was alert in an instant.

At the moment of her alertness, a strong chill suddenly gushed out of the void. Bai Weixuan quickly launched the shape of the secret of heaven and dodged away. At the same time, she waved a broken wind knife and shot a knife gas into the void.

With a loud noise, the void was slightly twisted, and Bixi's figure was revealed in the blink of an eye. Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly launched the imperial wind formula. She stepped out in an extremely strange posture, and her whole body suddenly disappeared out of thin air, and then appeared in another place, and in her original place, sharp ice arrows. It staggered, leaving a slender black crack in the void.

"Good response!" Bai Weixuan dodged this blow completely by feeling, as if she had predicted it in advance. Even Bixi was slightly surprised by this kind of combat awareness.

However, he was surprised, but he was not soft at all. With a wave of his hand, a large storm suddenly gushed out with his sleeves. The storm was silent, but it could cause waves of space distortion. Bai Weixuan did not feel that there would be good results if she rashly resisted.

So in the face of such an attack, Bai Weixuan's first reaction was to hide. She had just slightly felt the strange existence in the space, and Bixi was obviously able to master this existence.

If she can also freely control the power of space, she can fight head-on with Bixi.

After the previous temptation, Bai Weixuan also understood the key point. She failed to feel the power of space. No matter how many attacks she made, it was ineffective for Bixi. He could avoid the space at any time and ignore any attack. Unless Bai Weixuan can attack into the void.

Otherwise, there is no good way to cause harm to Bixi at Bai Weixuan's current level. Unless she bears Bixi's space attack and understands the power of space, it will be useless for her to consume like this, even if she can hide.

"Let's use the ice formula together, and we should be able to freeze him if nothing unexpected happens." The voice of the ice dragon appeared in Bai Weixuan's mind. Bai Weixuan thought for a moment and decided to try it with the ice dragon.

There are various uses of the ice soul formula. Bai Weixuan knows that it is just skin. The Dacheng ice soul formula can even freeze thousands of miles of space, which is the real ice sealed thousands of miles. Although Bai Weixuan is not very good at changing the ice soul formula, her achievements in the ice soul formula is not weak. If she uses the ice soul formula with the originator of the ice dragon, the ice soul formula There is a high chance of bursting out such an almost perverted spell as frozen thousands of miles.

Determined to join hands to launch the ice-sealed thousands of miles, Bai Weixuan moved and disappeared directly into the void. What she used was only the method of escape. She wanted to avoid Bixi's vision and borrow more power of ice and snow to release thousands of miles of ice.

Unexpectedly, Bixi actually seemed to have perspective eyes and walked directly into the air. She rushed out a few steps casually and came to Bai Weixuan. The gorgeous green light from the palm of her hand hit Bai Weixuan's body in an instant.

Bai Weixuan's body was thrown out again. She was hit by the invisible force outside the green light and threw it out, but she also dodged the attack of the green light at the last moment, but she was scratched a little on the skin and dodged it without danger.

Before he could take a breath, the eagle light in Bixi's hand, which seemed to come down from the sky to fight, approached in an instant, and the sharp cry triggered a burst of space shock.

Bai Weixuan quickly released her red feather fairy clothes, and at the same time, her hands suddenly pushed forward, and countless ice blades came out, forming a long ice dragon, directly colliding with the eagle that hit the impact.

At this moment, Guang Shihan is ready, the speed of ice and snow falling gradually slows down, the air gradually becomes thin and stagnant, and the surrounding void is being eroded little by little.

Seeing this, Bai Weixuan did not hesitate and cut off the output of the ice in an instant. As she changed her direction and ran, she quickly switched her fingerprints. Finally, another frozen thousand miles was released.

In the void, the ice and snow that had been slowly falling were still in an instant, and the air was completely frozen and frozen for thousands of miles. Success! In the frozen void, Bixi's figure was also successfully fixed in place, motionless, as if it had turned into an ice sculpture.

It worked! Bai Weixuan's eyes lit up and couldn't help gasping. Just now, Bixi had been trying to attack her, but she was confused by a series of unpredictable walks. This gave her time to pinch the secret. Two powerful ice sealed thousands of miles superimposed, and it was completed in an instant. The real mystery of frozen space for thousands of miles.

When he saw that Bixi was sealed by ice, the ice dragon was also relieved. The strength of the two of them was too different. If Bai Weixuan hadn't attracted Bixi's attention, he would not have had the opportunity to release thousands of miles of ice. More importantly, the frozen thousands of miles he released alone was not mature enough to achieve the effect of freezing space.

With the superposition of Bai Weixuan's hand, the frozen thousands of miles was a great success, and they also successfully captured Bixi. Having said that, when they saw that Bixi was still restless, they also beat in their hearts. After all, the other party is countless young old monsters, which puts extremely pressure on them psychologically.