The only immortal in the world

Chapter 191 Bloodthirsty Ice Devil

"Why do I believe you?" The snow girl looked at the snow fox lightly, and her cold temperament remained the same as this ten-thousand-year-old snow mountain.

"With this." Snow fox's claws suddenly scratched in the void, and a snowflake-shaped ice blue pendant appeared in mid-air, and the snow girl's eyes were obviously stiff when she saw the pendant, and her beautiful eyebrows also frowned together.

"I think you should understand the meaning of this thing!" Snow Fox continued to say that this pendant is unique to the Snow Queen. Only very few people know what it represents. Moreover, unless the Snow Queen gives it to others herself, it is impossible for any powerful person to forcibly seize this pendant.

If you kill the Snow Queen, this pendant will explode directly under the thoughts of the Snow Queen and devour the enemy.

Now, this pendant is in the hands of the snow fox, which means that the Snow Queen has entrusted something to the snow fox, and this pendant is the best token.

The snow girl didn't know what the agreement was between the Snow Queen and the Snow Fox, but she knew the decoration and had to consider the words of the Snow Fox. She could see that the Snow Fox had no malice, and her side had evil power.

Originally, no matter what position the Snow Queen stood in, she would support her without hesitation, but if the Snow Queen was controlled, no matter how foolish she was, she would help.

The snow girl will not understand this truth, so when Xuehu took out the pendant, she had eight points of trust in Xuehu in her heart. However, she still remained a little vigilant when people were separated from her belly.

The snow girl's eyes fell on Bixi. From this person, she felt a trace of uneasiness, not to mention the uneasiness. The snow girl had great confidence in her strength, but she still had an inexplicable shock to Bixi.

"I know, I won't stop you. However, if the facts are contrary to what you said, I don't mind leaving you all in the snowy mountains. The snow girl was silent, and finally put away her weapons and said lightly. Her words are not alarmist. She absolutely has the strength to do all this, if Xuehu and the others want to try.

"Don't worry about this." The snow fox put away the pendant and nodded. The snow girl is very special. So far, she doesn't want to offend her. Otherwise, she really doesn't want to happen in this snowy mountain.

In the speculation of the Snow Queen, the snow girl was not born in an ordinary way. It seems that the real daughter of ice and snow has magical power. The Snow Queen told the snow fox all before accepting the blood oath stone, and also asked him to take care of the snow girl and decorate the snow fox in order to win the trust of the snow girl.

Because of the secret of this pendant, only the three of them know it.

The bloodless persuasion of the snow girl made Xuehu breathe a sigh of relief. It went straight to the edge of the blood pool and looked at the rich blood pool, and its eyes were silent. This is the blood of all the snow people. I don't know how many lives have been submerged in the past thousand years, and I don't know how many grievances it has carried.

"It's all over!" Snow Fox said silently to the blood pool. Its body suddenly stood up without warning, its legs sat in a strange posture, and its front legs moved rhythmically in the air.

and heard strange characters constantly spit out from its mouth, and a little strange energy oozed from the top of its head, turning into a faint smoke and flying into the blood pool.

The smoke enveloped the whole blood pool in an instant, and then scattered a little white light, like a drizzle, falling into the blood pool.

As this light spot spread in, the blood in the blood pool began to twist, and large blood bubbles emanated from all over the blood pool, and the whole blood pool seemed to be boiled and fluctuated violently.

Soon, a blood-black triangular head emerged from the blood pool. Its cold eyes swept over the crowd and finally stayed on the snow fox, and the strong anger suddenly emanated from the body of the python.

Bai Weixuan felt strange and ran her eyes to check. Unexpectedly, she found that the abdomen of the blood-black triangular python was pregnant with a spherical fetus. The fetus stretched out the indistinguishable tentacles from the inside out, absorbed the energy in the blood pool, and was still growing little by little.

The fetus is not conceived normally, but forcibly implanted. The python seems to be a derivative of the blood pool, not a living thing. The whole body is also composed of the blood in the blood pool. There is no attack weakness, and the whole body merges with the blood pool.

"It has a magic fetus in its stomach." Bai Weixuan made a statement to remind. At this time, the snow fox also finished casting the spell, and a pair of fox eyes looked faintly at the python that wanted to eat and peel it alive, with a trace of coldness.

The python seemed to be angered by the snow fox's look. It opened its bloody mouth and bit like a snow fox. Unexpectedly, it was entangled by white light spots from nowhere. For a moment, it seemed to be electrocuted. The snake kept twisting and twitching, and its mouth still made an inhuman howl.

In a short time, under the spell carefully prepared by Snow Fox for it, the smoke dissipated, turned into a little blood color, and fell into the blood pool.

Bai Weixuan saw clearly that at this time, the fetus in the belly of the python suddenly broke away from the body of the python, flew out, and landed directly on the extremely holy iceberg snow lotus in the middle of the blood pool.

A spider-like white light suddenly appeared in the iceberg snow lotus, instantly wrapping the blood baby, forming a big white pupa. Then, the blood pool trembled violently, and waves of blood were splashed into the sky. The snow-white iceberg snow lotus was instantly dyed scarlet, and the white chrysalis was also dyed red in an instant.

The bloody light pierced everyone's eyes. The extreme contrast between white and red makes people feel suffocating in an instant. Just as everyone's breathing was stagnant, an exit suddenly broke in the blood pool. With a flash of light, a figure flew out of it, standing in the void, suspended above the blood baby.

"Her Majesty?!" The snow girl exclaimed, and her cold eyes stared at the snow fox in an instant, while the snow fox just looked at the sudden snow queen and narrowed her eyes slightly.

Without waiting for the snow girl to say anything more, the blood-red chrysalis suddenly flew directly into the heart of the snow queen. The snow queen in white suddenly looked up to the sky and roared. Her whole body was instantly shrouded in blood, and two scarlet lights suddenly appeared in her closed eyes.

"Snow Fox, my pet, long time no see!" The Snow Queen's scarlet eyes looked at the snow fox, with another faint voice, which was very majestic and had an unquestionable momentum.

"You, who have become a demon, no longer deserve to be my master." The snow fox raised its head proudly and looked at her without flinching.

"Hahahaha..." Hearing this, the bloodthirsty ice demon laughed wildly and said contemptuously, "It's just an insignificant pet. Why choose the owner? You weak things, you better be a part of me! This is where you should be."

"Joke! Forced to this point, you need to stand here and speak with the help of other people's bodies. Should you recognize who is weak? Bai Weixuan sneered. This bloodthirsty ice demon was arrogant and ignored life, which had already made her unhappy.

"What are you?" The bloodthirsty and blood-red eyes immediately looked over and scolded. Her eyes were just opposite Bai Weixuan's eyes, and she suddenly felt like being illuminated by the divine light, and she felt uncomfortable all over.

She unconsciously looked away, but saw a green figure between the two, a little familiar and strange, as if she had seen it somewhere and seemed to have forgotten it.

Looking more carefully, the familiar face came into her eyes.

The icy green eyes seem to have endless **, gentle eyebrows, and seem to be attached to the gentleness of someone's life. The thin lips seem to still retain someone's faint warmth, and the silky time, engraved in the depths of a person's heart.

Seeing this face, seeing the familiar face that hit her nerves like a tide in the memory, the bloodthirsty ice demon was stunned and stood still, his eyes trembled, and unconsciously made trembling sounds in his throat.

Is it him?

The bloodthirsty ice demon almost held her breath. She wanted to reach out to touch the face and feel the long-awaited breath, but she didn't do that after all.