The only immortal in the world

Chapter 198 Evil Retribution

The people in the room were silent, and the atmosphere seemed a little tense. Elder Qiu's mouth was very tight, and Bai Weixuan seemed to be able to see the blue veins on his forehead when she got close.

"There is no need to be against us. As long as you are obedient, your benefits will naturally be indispensable." The young man sitting opposite Elder Qiu said coldly, with a trace of contempt in his tone.

"Hmm! That's not the attitude when you came to beg me. Elder Qiu said angrily, his eyebrows were raised so much that his eyes seemed to be able to spit fire out at any time.

"At this moment, I advise you to be more interesting and don't miss your life." The young man sneered, and his tone was still cold and arrogant, and he didn't pay attention to Elder Qiu at all.

"If I hadn't tried my best to block all obstacles and destroy the descendants of Jianling, would you have come to this point?" Elder Qiu laughed angrily, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Bai Weixuan was slightly stunned, the descendant of Jianling? She unconsciously thought of Qing Hanxuan and the evil brother's swordsmanship, and involuntarily connected the two. If Qinghanxuan is really a descendant of Jianling, then what happened in those years is more worth pondering.

That is to say, at least five years ago, the people of the Tianxin faction stood in the camp of the demon clan, and the existence of the descendants of Jianling is likely to hinder some of their deployment, so they joined forces with Elder Qiu to remove this obstacle.

"Tut, you would put gold on your face. If we hadn't sacrificed many disciples to trap the immortals of the immortals of the Sword School with the ecstasy array, how could you have had a chance to do it?" The young man was even more disdainful, and his face was already full of impatience.

"In this case, we don't need to talk any more. Just wait for the army of the fairy sword faction!" Elder Qiu was so angry that his beard trembled a little. He narrowed his eyes, snorted coldly and shouted.

"Oh... Fairy Sword School? Do you think you still have any status in the Fairy Sword School after that that year? Elder Qiu was about to get up and walk away, but when he heard the young man's words, his face suddenly turned red and purple, and the hatred in his heart also rose.

Although what happened in those years was not exposed, the leaders were not fools. Before and after contacting him, they naturally knew that it was his hands and feet. Although they did not kick him out of the sect, they still overshadowed his rights and scope of activities, making his status in the past few years not even comparable to a new disciple.

Thinking of this, Elder Qiu narrowed his eyes slightly, with a cold murderous intention in his eyes.

However, here, he did not expand the murderous intention, but snorted coldly and turned around and brushed his sleeves away. When passing by Bai Weixuan, Bai Weixuan could clearly feel his trembling and wanted to come here to close the door. The once powerful figure was very angry.

It's really evil! When Bai Weixuan saw Elder Qiu leave, she scolded maliciously in her heart. She didn't like this person at all. At the beginning, she fled was all caused by him. If they hadn't been lucky enough, I'm afraid she would have really gone to see the king of the world.

After Elder Qiu left, Bai Weixuan was also ready to leave. If she stayed here, she could not hear anything, but as soon as she took two steps, a cold sight came from behind and stared at her closely.

Bai Weixuan was a little surprised. She didn't know whether this person's vision was too cold or really had the ability to see through her hiding. Bai Weixuan clearly felt the temperature of these two sights, but she did not rashly withdraw the shape and divine escape, but turned slightly and looked at the man.

The visitor is a woman dressed in black. She walks lightly, like a spirit cat, but her face is a little handsome. There is a kind of strategic superior style. Bai Weixuan is shocked. How can a woman be so handsome?

She muttered in her heart. Bai Weixuan found that the other party's eyes were not staring at her, but the unconscious coldness in her eyes made her feel uncomfortable. Seeing the woman step directly into the room just now, Bai Weixuan followed her ghostly and entered the wall again and came to the room.

"Done dish? Why did you come here? The young man in the room seemed to be surprised. He stood up from where he was, and his expression changed a lot. There was no trace of pride on his face, but there was indescribable tension, expectation or imperceptible joy.

"Naturally, Qin Weiming asked me to come." The woman said lightly, but Bai Weixuan's name made Bai Weixuan's body stiff. Yes, she forgot that that person was also Tianxin. It seems that the status is not low.

There was an inexplicable taste in her heart. Bai Weixuan saw the dim eyes of the young man opposite her and shook her head slightly. No matter where she was, love was always the most hurtful. However, she now has Guang Shihan, and there is such a gentle, considerate and almost perfect person guarding her. Bai Weixuan only feels that there is nothing happier than this. And she can't take care of other people's affairs.

She was grateful to Qin Weiming and was confused for a while, but it was all over. Now, even if she saw it, there would not be much fluctuation in her heart! Bai Weixuan thought, and her mood also came down calmly.

"Is there anything wrong with Xu Hen?" Su Luodi said such a sentence faintly, but focused all Bai Weixuan's attention. Coincidentally, the two of them actually said Xu Hen. This man Tianmiao specially ordered Bai Weixuan to take it to the seventh Lingjingpin. I don't know who it will be.

"There is no problem over there, just leaving home..." The young man stopped talking, and a trace of embarrassment flashed on his face.

"From home? Do you mean zero? Su Luodi frowned, "What did he do?"

"After he went back, he took over everything that left home and disbanded the assassination organization." The young man was silent, and finally sighed in Su Luodi's cold eyes and said.

Disband the assassination organization? Humph! He really dares to do it." Su Luodi sneered and said, "You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll deal with it. You go and see the trace. It's better to make him willing to use it for the young master. You can do anything, as long as you can figure it out.

"So how are you going to deal with zero?" The young man nodded helplessly, and then couldn't help asking.

"Now is not the time for favoritism. The young master's big plan is the top priority. If you act without permission, you will naturally get the punishment you deserve." Su Luodi took a plain look at the young man, and the warning was self-evident. Then she turned around and left here. Only the young man still lowered his head quietly and clenched his hands secretly in the cuffs.

After a while, when Bai Weixuan was a little anxious, the young man suddenly raised his head, and there was no extra brilliance in his eyes. He straightened up and strode out of the room.

Bai Weixuan hurriedly followed, which was the best opportunity to rescue Xu Hen.

Following the young man to the depths of the hall, and then went down to the ground in a dark door. Bai Weixuan saw rows of underground secret rooms. Not surprisingly, Xu Hen was locked in one of the secret rooms.

secretly looked at the layout here, and Bai Weixuan found that there were not many complex organs here, and the defense was not very strict, and it was not difficult to break in. It seemed that special items were needed to open the dark room. Bai Weixuan couldn't help glancing at the jade card in the young man's hand and felt that she should find a time to grab it.

There are not many underground secret rooms. The young man came to Xu Hen's place after a while. Bai Weixuan followed, so that the young man entered the secret room under the salute of several caretches, and also walked in.

This secret room is not very large, but it is enough for one person to move freely. The layout inside is not simple and has everything. It seems that the imprisoned people have not been abused in any way.

But when Bai Weixuan really saw the imprisoned person, she was still stunned. Sitting in the corner of the secret room, it was none other than the "teuch" she saw on Mount Massachusetts.

So, the real name of "Fafuzi" is actually Xu Hen?!

Thinking that the other party left Mashan Village without saying a word, rushed all the way to Nanjing City, and lost the news in Nanjing City, Bai Weixuan finally understood the summary.

It's just that why did the Tianxin faction arrest the "Teurai"? What's the use of "fuzi" for them?

Just when Bai Weixuan was puzzled, the young man on that side had come to the "fuzi".