The only immortal in the world

Chapter 216 Heart of Life

"So, I can't help you?" Bai Weixuan was also a little speechless. The previous small world was opened with those key items, but the realm of life fell into today's deadlock.

"The reincarnation of Lord Tianmiao, I would like to ask you about the process of opening the realm of life. I think there may be something missing in it." Wufeng meditated and said.

Hearing this, Bai Weixuan briefly talked about the original series of events.

"You mean that only half of the holy water of life is absorbed, and part of it is absorbed by your body?" Hearing Bai Weixuan's explanation, Wufeng suddenly said in surprise. Bai Weixuan nodded. At that time, she felt the opening of the realm of life, but from that time to now, this small world still remained at the beginning.

"That's right. The realm of life requires all the holy water of life to be fully opened, but I'm a little strange. Since your body has absorbed the holy water of life, doesn't that mean that the realm of life cannot be fully completed?" Wufeng laughed and then said worriedly.

"Great perfection?" Bai Weixuan was stunned. It was the first time she heard that there was a great perfection in the small world. There were really many things she didn't know about the seventh generation Lingjingpin, and this Wufeng obviously knew more than she did.

"You don't even know this?" Wufeng was stunned. As the creator of the seventh generation of spiritual crystal, Bai Weixuan didn't even know this.

However, Bai Weixuan is also helpless. After all, she is not Tianmiao, and Tianmiao is really too mysterious for her. Many of her actions and arrangements are amazingly understood by her.

"Maybe this is the will of Lord Meishen, Wufeng, have you forgotten the heart of life we guarded?" At this time, the man with a bright voice said pointedly.

"You mean that Lord Tianmiao predicted today a hundred years ago, so he gave us the heart of life, so he didn't tell her about the perfection of the small world?" Wufeng's heart has been occupied by shock. He did not expect that the charm of the past could have such a ability to predict the future and make such a careful arrangement.

She seemed to guess what Bai Weixuan had experienced and expected various results, including the end of the split of the holy water of life, and even the fact that Bai Weixuan's body would absorb part of the holy water of life.

"The heart of life? This..." Bai Weixuan felt a little confused and felt that Wufeng were playing riddles with her.

"With the heart of life, you can perfect the realm of life and make the realm of life complete, so that you can reawaken the Pluto." Yun Shi showed a shallow smile for the first time and patiently explained to Bai Weixuan.

"So, the reason why the realm of life cannot be opened is because of the lack of the holy water of life?" Bai Weixuan finally made such a clue and asked.

"Hmm! I think the reason why Lord Meishen didn't tell you is that you came to the underworld today and took away the heart of life she left behind. Yun Shi nodded and said.

"Heart of Life..." Bai Weixuan muttered and couldn't help smiling bitterly. It turned out that every step she took was still in the wonderful calculation. Even if she came to the underworld, she still couldn't get rid of the shadow of heaven. Tianmiao has left Tianmiao. What on earth do you want her to go instead of her?

Does she have any choice in her future life?

At this moment, Bai Weixuan felt deeply tired for the first time. She came to this world as if she had become an ignorant puppet in an instant. All her efforts had been deliberately arranged by others, and the future had been booked, but as the person concerned, she did not know it at all.

"Let's go to the heart of the underworld and help you complete the final success of the small world!" Wu Feng said. Bai Weixuan forced a smile and nodded.

"Weier!" Finding the fluctuation of Bai Weixuan's mood, Guang Shihan deliberately pulled her to walk in the back row, approached her slightly, and gently said, "You still have me!"

Bai Weixuan looked up and saw a gentle smile from him. Her heart was warm, but her eyes were a little sour. If she is the most sorry person in the world, the most reluctant person, and the least want to leave, the only person in front of her is the man who has been guarding her, a person who is willing to give everything for her.

Gently taking his warm hand, Bai Weixuan's mood suddenly eased a lot. She did not understand the vast magic power of Tianmiao and the future imposed by Tianmiao, but as long as she had done a clear conscience, there was nothing to regret. Moreover, along the way, there is Guangshihan, and there is nothing to worry about in the future!

The haze in his heart was swept away, and he followed the three people without wind with a rather light mood and came to the heart of the underworld.

The interior of the heart of the underworld is as majestic and majestic as the appearance, and the whole is full of a solemn feeling, which makes people involuntarily put away the erra in their hearts and become tense.

The place where the six people went is the center of the heart of the underworld. There are eight high platforms rising from the ground and distributed in all directions of the hall. There is a dragon claw-shaped sculpture on each high platform, and in the middle of the dragon claws are light masses emitting a faint and dangerous atmosphere.

Those light masses extend from the center of the eight directions and gather in the middle of the hall. In the middle of the light mass, a relatively large net of light mass is formed, which binds a cluster of heart-shaped light green energy.

This light green energy is also the heart of life called by no wind.

Several people walked outside the eight high platforms and looked at the heart of life in the center from afar. The three people without wind took a step first, looked at each other and used techniques at the same time, and activated the energy in the dragon claws of the surrounding eight directions.

For a while, the light flowed, and the light flew away. The empty hall was suddenly filled with endless strange energy. Wu Feng quickly turned around and said, "After a while, we control the direction of the dragon's light. When you see the gap, you will immediately enter, directly absorb the heart of life, and absorb the remaining half a drop of holy water of life together. Take the first time to make the realm of life complete!"

"Good!" Bai Weixuan's face turned straight and Zheng turned his head. It can be seen that the energy driven by these three people on the eight high platforms is very difficult and should not be able to support them for a long time. She can only absorb those two energies as soon as possible and start the realm of life as soon as possible.

"Once the realm of life is opened, you don't have to be afraid of these energies." Yun Shi added. Bai Weixuan cast grateful eyes, and then a pair of beautiful eyes stared intently at the energy light curtain in front of her.

Suddenly, a slight crack flashed, and Bai Weixuan's body moved and disappeared in place. The speed was so fast that it made the windless Deng Ran smack. Thinking that they had captured the other two before and were still so close, the woman obviously had the strength to forcibly take back the hostages and ignored their request, but she did not do so.

For a while, the mood of the three people without wind was quite complicated. It seems that they have been in the underworld for too long, and they have not met their opponents for a long time, so has their strength been far exceeded this level?


Bai Weixuan didn't have time to care about the mood of the three people without wind. After getting into the crack, she felt the threat of the so-called dragon light.

This dragon light seems to be an extremely powerful guardian force, and the terrorist power that broke out in an instant made her dare to shake it at all. Moreover, this power is stronger in the heart of life. Even if she rushed to take away the heart of life at the first time, she didn't have time to absorb it, let alone retreated all over.

Therefore, without the ignorance of several people outside, Bai Weixuan is now in a dilemma. She can only keep swimming in the area of the Dragon Light, but she can't find a chance to take action at all.

Moreover, once the windless three people outside lose control of the dragon light, the pressure on Bai Weixuan will increase countless times in an instant. Therefore, Bai Weixuan must find a way to get the heart of life in a short time.

Unfortunately, seeing the dense dragon power and the scattered power next to her, Bai Weixuan was forced back as soon as she wanted to take a step forward.

What should I do? Bai Weixuan stared at the immovable heart of life and fell into bitter thoughts for a moment.

Suddenly, there was a joy in her eyes. There is a way!