The only immortal in the world

Chapter 220 God King and Fairyland

Correct solution? Hearing this world-style word, Bai Weixuan couldn't help but be stunned, and the doubts and hopes that had been hidden for a long time surged out.

Yes, after coming to this world for so many years, she has never found a trace. Her wish to go back has also been submerged by countless waves early. Now, when she heard these familiar words, Bai Weixuan's heart suddenly felt a little sad. She stood still in place in a daze, and her eyes without focus gradually Move in the direction of Pluto.

"Pluto, I want to ask you a question." The tension of a certain name emerged. Bai Weixuan couldn't help biting her lip before saying, "Do you know the earth?"

"..." Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, the expression on Pluto's face suddenly disappeared. In the past, when he said these words, the people around him either felt strange or puzzled. He had long been used to it, but now someone has asked something in this phrase, some memories that made him unable to strand. .

But what are those memories that can't be stranded? An important memory that cannot be forgotten.

The young Pluto was stunned for a while, and then took a step closer to Bai Weixuan and said with difficulty, "I don't know why. That name seems to be a little familiar, but what kind of place is that?"

His face was a little confused, and there was a trace of pain and entanglement between his eyebrows. He seemed to be trying to recall and remember, but he couldn't open the dust that had already passed.

For more than a hundred years, or even longer, many things will gradually disappear in memory with the passage of time. There is nothing wrong with it.

"Yes, is it..." Bai Weixuan's face stiffened. She didn't expect that he didn't remember, but what happened to the words and tone of the words? Is it just a long-term habit?

"Your name is Bai Weixuan, right?" At this time, Pluto suddenly said.

"Why do you know?" Bai Weixuan was stunned. This person knew her name from the beginning, and there was that agreement. She didn't feel that the person in front of her was just joking. Maybe there was an agreement between Tianmiao and him that she didn't know.

"Tian Miao told me!" Pluto smiled faintly, "Her magical power is really rare in the world. No wonder even the god king is afraid of her."

"Is even the God King afraid of her?" Bai Weixuan chewed the deep meaning of this sentence, and a word suddenly popped up in her mind - the meritorious, but Tianmiao has been working for the Protos, and has been planning to fight against the demons until her death. She should be regarded as a hard-working and loyal minister.

"You mean that what Tianmiao has done has something to do with the God King?" When Guang Shihan heard Pluto's words, he thought more than Bai Weixuan. He raised his eyebrows and guessed.

"Yes! Tianmiao can be said to be exhausted. I admire her very much. Pluto smiled with a sigh and remembrance, and then he suddenly straightened his face and said in a low voice, "The King of God is still alive."

Is the God King still alive? Bai Weixuan and Guang Shihan were shocked. Pluto's previous words seemed to be just for this sentence. His voice was so light that only Bai Weixuan could hear it.

However, the news was like a muffled thunder lost in the water, blowing waves in their hearts.

In the history of gods and demons, there are too few records about the god king, so few that Bai Weixuan once ignored his existence, thinking that the Protoss were under the leadership of Tianmiao, from vigorous to finally dissipated.

Bai Weixuan has only one impression of the god king, that is, the last demon king is likely to be the illegitimate son of the god king.

"Tianmiao and I have verified that Shenwang Mountain is hidden in a very secret place." Pluto then said, "The reason why I said this to you is to get your help. I need a strong man like you to help me."

"Help you? What's your purpose?" Bai Weixuan asked curiously that the Pluto looked like a second Zujia young master, but she didn't know what to plan.

"Open the seal of the fairyland!" Pluto paused word by word, but what he said once again surprised Bai Weixuan and opened her mouth wide.

Untie the seal of the fairyland? Fairyland? Seal? This... Bai Weixuan felt a little messy, as if the more people she contacted, the less she knew about the world. Originally, she thought that she had almost had a general understanding of the world, but when she was told by the Pluto, she instantly felt that she had been beaten back to her original shape.

"Fairy? Does the legendary fairyland really exist? Guang Shihan seemed to have heard about this. Hearing Pluto's words, he was not very confused, but a little doubtful. Does the legendary fairyland really exist? Moreover, it is still in the seal.

"Tianmiao is actually a person from the fairyland." Another thunderbolt was dropped, and Bai Weixuan was unconsciously a little numb. As a charming god, she turned out to be a person from the fairyland? What's wrong with the Protoss? What's wrong with the seal?

Countless questions appeared in Bai Weixuan's heart in an instant. Her mind was in a mess. She didn't know what to ask at all. She just looked at Pluto with a puzzled face, and her eyes without focus revealed deep confusion.

"The wonderful yuan god was originally a sealed fairy in the fairyland. It was only by chance that he met a trace of Xuanhuang, turned into the fruit of yin and yang, fell from the fairyland, passed through the nihilistic faults of the two worlds, and came to the world." Pluto explained, "These are all the things that Tianmiao knew when she opened the reincarnation tunnel, and it was also the last message she conveyed to me."

"But how can the fairyland be sealed?" Bai Weixuan finally found a breakthrough and quickly asked.

"Because of a civil strife and conspiracy, and chaotic demons obstruct it." Pluto said a general idea, but did not intend to explain it carefully, "Calculating with the time of the world, after thousands of years, we don't have much time. The sealed fairyland is a big disaster for the world. The longitude and latitude of the world, the rules of heaven and earth are also gradually deviated from the original track because of the management of immortals, which is possible at any time. Collapse."

"So that's it, but what's the purpose of the God King? According to your tone, it seems that the God King is very threatening to you? Bai Weixuan nodded. Once the order of heaven and earth is chaotic, the world will soon perish.

"The seal of the fairyland was actually promoted by the god king. He was the traitor of the fairyland at the beginning, and he also had some unknown connection with the demon clan." Pluto paused and said.

"What? Does the God King have such magical power? Isn't he afraid of heaven? How can it threaten the whole fairyland? Bai Weixuan doesn't understand. If the god king can really subdue the fairyland, why should he be afraid of heaven?

"I don't understand either, but that's the truth!" Pluto smiled bitterly. When he heard the news, he was also confused for a long time, but he was still confused.

"Fairy, God King..." Bai Weixuan muttered, and then smiled bitterly, "How can we have time to take care of those now? A Mu Yuansha has not been solved, and the passage between the two worlds has not been repaired, but how to fight with the god king who has never appeared? Moreover, I don't know when the legendary chaotic demons will appear. Alas... There are too many of our enemies, right?"

"Maybe you will find a way home in the fairyland! In fact, I'm curious about what Vier's hometown is like. Seeing Bai Weixuan's bitter face, Guang Shihan smiled and said.

"Hometown!" When Guang Shihan mentioned the noun hidden in her heart, Bai Weixuan's heart was inexplicably soft. It seemed that the place that did not make her miss much, but now it has become extremely cordial, and a strong miss that she has never had driven her to approach in that direction.

"That's a very interesting place!" Bai Weixuan smiled sweetly. If she could return there again, she might do a lot of things that she had never done before, go to many places she had never been to before, and live a happier and more comfortable life than before.

"Then I'm looking forward to it more!" Looking at the yearning and nostalgia on Bai Weixuan's face, Guang Shihan's eyes became warmer and warmer. She couldn't wait to go to the place in her heart immediately to see the land she once lived.

"Take me with you!" Pluto on one side came over unconsciously and said with a shy face.

"Hmm! Don't think about it!" Three-eyed fire crystal Shanshan came late and saw that Pluto was still hostile. He seemed to hear the conversation just now and stared at Pluto.