The only immortal in the world

Chapter 222 Believe

The Pluto left, and Bai Weixuan and the other three also returned to the gate of the underworld. As expected, Qin Weiming and the woman have returned here.

The surrounding underworld people have long dispersed, and the glory of the gate of the underworld is still flowing as before. Qing Hanxuan and Xia Chenze are staring at the direction in which Bai Weixuan left before, and there is a faint worry between their eyebrows.

At this moment, they found their figures, and five people flew over together.

And when they saw Bai Weixuan's unfocused eyes, several people's expression was stunned.

"Mom..." Xiao Yi's eyes were tearful, and he jumped into Bai Weixuan's arms with a wow, flat mouth and sobbed, "What's wrong with your eyes?"

"It's okay, but I can't see it for the time being." Bai Weixuan patted Xiao Yi on the back, smiled and comforted her softly. This little golden dragon is becoming more and more humane, and his mood swings are similar to those of a ten-year-old child.

"Just can't see it for the time being?" Qing Hanxuan stood in front of Bai Weixuan and couldn't help raising her beautiful eyebrows. Is this level of blindness really only temporary? He still knows more or less about the resilience of the blood of chaos. Even that divine object can't be restored. How can it be only temporary?

"It takes the sincerity of the owner of the nine ghosts and the fairy voice of the soul to heal!" Seeing that Bai Weixuan's expression was a little stiff, Guang Shihan breathed and told her the method to be said sooner or later. Whether it is work or not depends on whether Qin Weiming is willing or not.

"It's not difficult, but it takes seven days, and it's not appropriate to perform in the underworld." Qin Weiming was stunned when he first heard such a method, and then smiled faintly and gave his own answer.

Hearing his words, Su Luodie's delicate body beside him trembled slightly, looked at him in surprise, and then lowered his eyes. It was the first time she saw him smile like that.

Are you sincere? Will people like them who survive in the dark also have sincerity? Su Luodie had always believed it, but at this moment, she suddenly understood something and suddenly felt that the word was not so far away, and it turned out that her heart would also hurt.

What about Qin Weiming, who said he wanted to give his sincerity? Will his heart hurt when he sees the person he likes in pairs with others?

Su Luodie couldn't understand the shallow smile on Qin Weiming's face, as if she couldn't understand why her mood was so messy.

Hearing Qin Weiming's answer, the three-eyed fire crystal couldn't help clenching his fist. Thinking that Bai Weixuan might stay with the former for seven days, he was full of discomfort.

Guang Shihan's fingertips are also against the palm of his hand. Like the three-eyed fire crystal, he is very hostile to Qin Weiming. It can't say why, as if this person can shake Bai Weixuan at any time, which is a sense of crisis that makes people unable to rest.

"In that case, let's go! A month has passed in the world, and I don't know how far Mu Yuansha has developed now. Xia Chenze urged slightly. In the three days of the underworld, he was very anxious. Now that everyone has arrived, it's time for them to leave.

The glory of the gate of the underworld is flowing. Everyone went under it and bathed in this strange light. Bai Weixuan finally looked at the red demon moon in the underworld, remembered what she had experienced in the underworld, and sighed slightly. A little sad and sad.

When the last glory dissipated, the bodies of the eight people disappeared into the door of the underworld.


The autumn wind is bleak, the wind blows the grass low, and occasionally one or two animals appear on the grass. A hairy hare pricked up its ears and seemed to feel the sudden strangeness in the air. It paused and ran far away. When it stopped and looked back, it saw a dark blue crack split from the sky like a terrible mouth.

The hairy rabbit was so scared that it screamed and ran out. And behind it, soon after the huge mouth opened, eight figures swept out of it and fell steadily into the grass.

"Here..." Guang Shihan and Sanyan Huojing were not very familiar with the Qinglian mainland, so as soon as they came to this place, they just looked at it doubtfully, as if they wanted to infer something from the surrounding environment.

"Wang..." There was a trace of saltiness in the air, and several people with excellent hearing soon heard the sound of the sea.

"Is this at the seaside?" Xia Chenze said doubtfully.

"No, I think it should be in the sea." Qin Weiming shook his head and walked towards the side of the grass. His speed was not particularly fast, and the rest of the people followed. The terrain of Qinglian mainland is supposed to be very clear, and even Bai Weixuan knows a lot about it, but there is no clue to distinguish the terrain.

There is only a faint sound of the sea, which can make several people guess that this place is closer to the seaside.

"Sure enough, it's in the sea..." Not long after walking, you can see the blue sea in the distance and the sparkling waves in the breeze.

The sunset is like fire, burning the sky like red carbon, bright to the eyes.

"It's strange. Why were we sent to such a place?" The three-eyed fire crystal said doubtfully that the gate of the underworld would send them to the place they had entered, that is, the secret room of the Tianxin School.

"So, what is that?" Suddenly, Xia Chenze let out an exclaim, and everyone quickly looked in the direction he pointed, but saw an extremely tricky position on the other side of the sky. A storm-like black material spread from the sky to the ground, and a dark breath gushed out from it, forming an expanding circle of black around it. Color vacuum area.

"That's in that direction?" Qin Weiming lost his voice and exclaimed, and when he heard his exclamation, Su Luodie's face turned pale in an instant.

"This breath..." Guang Shihan frowned at the black substance, and his face also changed.

"This is not the breath of the underworld, is it?" The three-eyed fire crystal muttered and guessed something, but he didn't dare to believe it.

"It's hell!" After being reminded by the three-eyed fire crystal, Guang Shihan suddenly said in a low voice.

"How can..." Bai Weixuan felt that her lips were a little dry. Why did the door of the underworld just be solved and rushed to the world with the breath of hell?

Are they wrong at the beginning? Mu Yuansha doesn't want the power of the underworld at all. Her goal is hell at the beginning?

They fell in her plan to get the tiger away from the mountain?

"The breath of hell will forcibly demonize human beings, and since Mu Yuansha is Mo Linglan, she must know how to control these demons. Then create a huge army of demons in this form. In the long run, the proportion of demons will be seriously out of tune, and the world will soon be swallowed up by monsters. Guang Shihan said worriedly, "However, the demonized breath of hell will not be soon, and we still have time!"

"What can be done to stop it? Can ice fruits and ice crystals purify them? Bai Weixuan quickly asked that in the month since she left the world, Mu Yuansha must have demonized many people.

"Yes, even the power of hell is not invincible, and the more powerful people are, the more difficult it is to demonize, so there is not much power from hell in Mu Yuansha's hands for the time being, but I don't know what will happen to the demon clan." Guang Shihan's affirmative answer made Bai Weixuan feel slightly at ease, and the urgency she wanted to regain her strength became more and more intense.

"Otherwise! You go to that area to deal with the demon clan, and Luo Die is also with you. We must first figure out the situation there before making further plans. Moreover, other forces on the Qinglian mainland also need someone to contact. It is impossible for us to turn the world around alone. Qin Weiming pondered and said.

"I generally know about the fairy sword faction. I marked the places where your leaders and elders are trapped. As a genius of the fairy sword school, I believe that you have the ability to save them. Two factions and three sects, except for the Tianxin Sect and the Qifeng Sect loyal to the Tianxin Sect, the Liuyun Sect and the Qingyang Sect are independent sects and should assist you. Qin Weiming swore and drew a simple map and handed it to Qing Hanxuan.

Qing Hanxuan turned out the map suspiciously. Looking closely, his face showed surprise. Those places were the heavy land of the fairy sword faction, and many of them also sealed some ancient monsters, but unexpectedly, some of the elders in the faction were trapped there.

"What about you?" The three-eyed fire crystal couldn't help asking.

"I spent seven days to use the fairy sound of the soul to help the white girl restore the light." Qin Weiming said lightly, looking at the three-eyed fire crystal with a smile.

When the three-eyed fire crystal heard this, she had to grit her teeth and clenched her fist, but there was no reason to refute it at all, saying that he pretended to help the public for personal gain? However, in this form, if one more person stays here, Qinglian mainland will be more dangerous, so Qin Weiming's arrangement is not wrong.

However, leaving only the two of them here, and the three-eyed fire crystal is 120 cent worried.

"That's it!" Guang Shihan nodded. When he saw the puzzled eyes cast by the three-eyed fire crystals, he looked at Bai Weixuan with a smile and whispered, "Even if I don't believe Qin Weiming, I still believe in Wei'er."