The only immortal in the world

Chapter 236 Bloody Confrontation

The next day, with the report of the dispatched detectives, the three factions got the movement of the Tianxin faction. Within ten miles in front of the Tianxin sect, which had become a tomb, blood penetrated red blood from the ground. The people who stepped into that area were swallowed up, and the spies who came back only narrowly escaped because they walked backwards.

According to his description, some of his peers seemed to want to fly away, but the bloody land seemed to have a strange attraction and dragged them away. The scene was very strange, even if the detective couldn't help but look pale when he remembered it now.

After appeasing the immortal swordsman disciple, a group of leaders fell into silence. After the demon corpse, blood appeared again. Thinking that Mo Linglan had already expected their arrival and specially prepared these for them!

"Bloody..." The three-eyed fire crystal's face was very pale. Since the detective told the specific scene of the place, his face has become very ugly. At the same time, Guang Shihan's face can't see nowhere.

"Cold, three eyes, what's wrong?" Seeing the unusual appearance of the two, Bai Weixuan quickly asked.

"I'm afraid that the bloody land of ten miles will only be obtained by killing tens of millions of people." Guang Shihan paused and still said it. As soon as he said this, everyone present fell silent.

For a while, the huge open space fell into a dead silence. Bai Weixuan's brain was slightly dizzy. She couldn't recover for a long time and killed tens of millions of people? Mo Linglan actually did such an angry thing? No, she should not be surprised. She should not be surprised after seeing what that person has done in the past. This kind of thing is just the kind of crazy person, no, it should be said that it is a demon who can do it.

Bai Weixuan clenched her fist fiercely. For the first time, she wanted to kill someone so much.

"Let's go to the bloody ground!" The cold sound spit out these words, and the momentum around Bai Weixuan's body was uncontrollably revealed. Everyone present showed a surprised look. It was the first time that they felt the strength of Bai Weixuan. Such a momentum was not even comparable to the later stage of Huashen. Is this woman in her twenties? Have you crossed many thresholds to achieve the realm they have been longing for?

However, before they thought about it, the woman had turned around and left, so decisively and courageously. Seeing this, the four elders all looked at each other and felt the difference between the little girl in the past.

"Go on the order, let's march into the Tianxin faction!" Ye Liu and Shen Tuzhong made eye contact with Qin and issued such an order.


galloping in the air, Bai Weixuan rushed to the front with a horse. Guang Shihan accompanied him closely. Qing Hanxuan, Three-eyed Fire Crystal, Qin Weiming, and Xia Chenze also scattered around and flew rapidly.

Along the way, everyone rarely kept quiet. Even Xia Chenze, who had always loved to smile, had a calm face, without saying a word, and there was a faint determination in his eyes.

When they finally arrived at the area mentioned by the detective, everyone deeply felt what cruelty was. When they came before, this may have been just a flat ground, but it was during the time when he flew back to report that Bai Weixuan and others arrived again, the original face was revealed here.

Those Shura scenes that were originally hidden deep in the ground broke the shackles of the ground and appeared in the eyes of everyone.

The eyes are full of red, and the pungent blood reminds them from time to time that this is not an illusion, but really exists. The amputated limbs, white bones, and the dead head in front of them are real. There are even three disciples who have just been pulled in.

The huge bloody silence was as if they were about to suffocate. Several people resisted the feeling of nausea and frowned one after another. Bai Weixuan closed her eyes slightly and sighed.

She suddenly stretched out her arms, raised her arms, raised her hands together in front of her chest, and saw a flash of light flashing. The seven-generation spiritual crystal pins appeared on her fingertips, and as the secret seals were pinched out one by one, the seventh-generation spiritual crystal pins suddenly glowed brightly. For a moment, a round blue black hole was suddenly opened in the void. The wind roared.

Within ten miles, those wandering souls invisible to the naked eye swarmed in after receiving the call from the mouth of the black hole.

Some resentful wandering soul still stubbornly stayed in place, as if waiting for something and seemed to want to do something. However, Bai Weixuan did not give them that opportunity. She pinched a few more tips. The mouth of the blue black hole suddenly twisted, and then a gust of wind swept over, and there was no wandering soul on the blood. Remaining again.

After all this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help sighing for relief, and then frowned. With such a large area of blood, the bones of more than 10 million people, even with the power of the goddess of life, she could not resurrect resurrect so many people. Moreover, the bodies of these people are no longer complete. Even if she has a heart, she is powerless, even bones How can people who can't find them come back to life?

Bai Weixuan sighed secretly. Although she can collect the souls of these people and prevent them from being hurt, the bodies of these people can no longer be found. Moreover, Bai Weixuan knows very well that Mo Linglan did this not only to demonstrate to them. Even if there is blood here, there must be Mo Ling here. What Lan arranged exists.

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help clenching her fist again. She could never forgive Mo Linglan or those hateful demons.

"Huhu..." Just after Bai Weixuan quickly collected those wandering souls, a cloudy wind blew on the originally calm blood ground. Bai Weixuan and the six immediately felt bad. Looking at the center of the blood, they saw a bloody figure suddenly rushing out from the ground, and a overwhelming pressure suddenly fell on everyone.

Bai Weixuan looked up and saw a man landing on the void out of thin air. The man was dressed in blood-red armor, his hair was like blood, and his face was climbing with ferocious blood-red lines. There was no emotion in his bottomless scarlet eyes. He waved his hand faintly and saw that the blood in the blood suddenly turned into filaments and circled to the sky.

"It's him..." Bai Weixuan frowned. The person who rushed out of the blood was the demonized elegant young man. However, at this moment, he could not see any elegant appearance, and his face was ferocious and horrible, like a Shura from hell.

Blood wrapped around him, wrapping him like a mantle. And his cultivation at this time is slightly stronger than a few days ago, and it is not far from a breakthrough.

In this place, if light talks about cultivation, I'm afraid that Bai Weixuan and Guang Shihan can compete with it, but Qing Hanxuan, who has the Tianzun sword, is not inferior to their strength. Xia Chenze, who has the Shadow Thor, is not talking about it. Qin Weiming and the three-eyed fire crystal are slightly weak, but they should not be underestimated.

"We have been waiting for you for a long time!" A hoarse voice suddenly came from the population. The six people had not yet responded. They suddenly stretched out their hands to the void. In an instant, the wind and clouds surged and thunder resounded through the world. In the surprised eyes of Bai Weixuan's six people, a blood-red array appeared on the void.

"It's not good!" Bai Weixuan couldn't help exclaiming, and then realized that what the demonized elegant young man said was not "me" but "us". That is to say, Mo Linglan has long been ready to fight against them.

There was no time to think about it. In the thunderstorm, a red cloud suddenly condensed, and then a figure appeared from the formation first and walked slowly towards this side.

Seeing that figure, Bai Weixuan's pupils suddenly contracted, and the anger in her heart rose even more vigorously.

It's her! Mo Linglan!

"Weier, don't be impatient!" Seeing that Bai Weixuan couldn't help rushing to flat people, Guang Shihan quickly took her hand and comforted her softly. Mo Linglan is obviously prepared, but the strength of the six of them is not weak. As long as they are not defeated by each other, even if thousands of troops come, they may have the possibility of a war.

"I must kill her!" Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth, but she had to hold back the impulse in her heart. The blood-red array was obviously difficult to destroy, and it was not possible for them to fly up and destroy it, and the appearance of Mo Linglan rejected their idea even more.

Seeing the figures flying out of the formation and feeling the strong power and vast momentum on them, the eyes of the six people couldn't help sinking.