The only immortal in the world

Chapter 252 Ice and Fire Fox King

The light dispersed, leaving only a quiet darkness. Bai Weixuan held up a flame and lit up the open space in front of her.

The mottled shadows of trees, with a damp smell in the air, everything is calm, as if the sea of burning fire has never come, and the instantaneous changes are just dreams.

Bai Weixuan exhaled a slight breath. This was the first time she entered the Monster Mountains, and she couldn't help but feel a little unspeakable uneasiness. The ancient trees around are simple and quiet, like standing here, a thousand-year-old guard. It's like a pair of invisible eyes, staring at the people walking in it.

After about a quarter of an hour, the depressing ancient forest finally stopped spreading. A messy grass appeared in front of it. A trace of light penetrated from the outside, and small beams hit the ground, leaving a mottled shadow.

Bai Weixuan stepped forward, looked around, pushed away the weeds that were higher than the human body, and passed through it. In the future, there is still time to see the scene in front of her, but a figure passes by her like a strong wind.

"Ice Dragon?!" When she faintly saw the man's appearance, Bai Weixuan couldn't help exclaiming, but the other party did not stop hearing her shouting, and a flash disappeared into the depths of the weeds. Bai Weixuan wanted to cheer up and chase, but she found that a strong wind suddenly came from behind. Now she staggered away and dodged sideways.

Jumping away from the ground, turning over and landing in the distance, Bai Weixuan saw the appearance of the things behind her.

It's a strange fox. It is half red and half ice blue, as if it melts the ice and fire. Even a pair of eyes are half red and half blue, shining. The fox is tall and has nine tails. The strong wind that attacks Bai Weixuan comes from one of the tails.

Bai Weixuan is looking at the fox, and the fox is also looking at her, a little curious and alert, because no one has been able to escape from its fox tail for a long time.

Looking at this majestic fox, Bai Weixuan suddenly thought of a name, the nine-tailed fox, also known as the ice and fire fox king, is the ninth-order demon fox.

The ice and fire fruit in the seven-day spiritual crystal is from here, and it seems that Tianmiao is not a good fate here.

"Little thing, you have a disgusting smell in you." Ice Fox King opened his mouth lightly, with half red and half blue eyes, staring at Bai Weixuan, as if he wanted to see through her.

Bai Weixuan choked for a moment. She was a wonderful reincarnation. She naturally had a wonderful breath on her body, and she was taken for granted by the fox. However, she had no grudge against the fox, but now she wants to be the big head for Tian Miao.

The ninth-order monster is already the existence of the disaster period. As long as it reaches the late stage of the disaster and senses the time of the disaster, it can cross the disaster in time. If it becomes successful, it will rise to immortals, and if it defeats, it will disappear.

Qing Hanxuan is only in the early stage of the disaster, but Bai Weixuan is still some distance away from the disaster period, and the ice and fire fox king in front of her has already cultivated in the middle of the disaster. If Bai Weixuan wants to compete with it head-on, it is tantamount to hitting the stone with an egg.

"Little thing, don't you want to die here?" Seeing that Bai Weixuan did not speak, the Ice Fox King narrowed his eyes slightly, and his tone also brought some threats. It leisurely stood beside a small pool, indescribably comfortable, but there was some kind of murder hidden.

The pool is full of aura, and the faint fog is wrapped around the body of the ice and fire fox king, which is indescribably ethereal and flexible. Bai Weixuan's heart moved and suddenly said, "Senior, do you hate Tianmiao?"

Hearing the name Tianmiao, the body of the Ice Fox King trembled involuntarily, and then a terrible murderous atmosphere surged out of its body, covering Bai Weixuan's head like a huge shadow.

"Do you know Tianmiao? Humph! How dare you mention that bastard in front of the king!" The Ice and Fire Fox King almost couldn't help getting up, but he held back again, stared round his eyes, and stared at Bai Weixuan fiercely.

"I not only know her, but also know the ice and fire fruit. I don't know if Elder Fox King is interested in ice and fire fruit?" Bai Weixuan was not afraid of the pressure released by the Ice Fox King. Her eyes were shining, like dark gems, magnificent. On the contrary, under her gaze, the Ice Fox King had an inexplicable shock in his heart.

It was the fear from the depths of life, which made this fearless fox feel the trembling in his heart for the first time. When he heard the ice and fire fruit, the sight of the ice and fire fox king could no longer leave Bai Weixuan.

"Little generation, don't open your mouth. Ice and fire fruits are wonderful for heaven. There has been no trace for thousands of years. How can you see it?" The Ice and Fire Fox King suppressed the trembling in his heart and fought back coldly. He hoped that what Bai Weixuan said was true, but he was afraid that what she said was not true. For a moment, he fell into entanglement.

"Yes or no, and the seniors have to decide by themselves." Bai Weixuan took out one ice and fire fruit and put it in her hand, but her eyes looked at the ice and fire fox king cunningly.

Suddenly seeing the ice and fire fruit, the pupil of the ice and fire fox king suddenly contracted, and the nine tails couldn't help but stiffen. It was intelligent and cunning fox and would not easily show his inner thoughts. However, in front of the ice and fire fruit, the fox king in the middle of the disaster could no longer keep calm.

"What is your relationship with Tianmiao?" The Ice Fox King was silent for a moment and looked at Bai Weixuan and asked word by word.

"If I'm her, do you believe it?" Bai Weixuan squeezed her lips.

"I don't believe it. Although you have a lot of similarities, you will never be her." The Ice and Fire Fox King shook his head without hesitation, and his strong tone was shocking.

"How can the senior be so sure?" Bai Weixuan frowned. She didn't quite understand the meaning of the Ice Fox King. Although the reincarnation of the seventh generation has changed a lot, she and Tianmiao's soul should be the same. Why is it so sure that it is not Tianmiao?

"Because I know God better than you." The ice and fire fox king looked flat, and a trace of complexity flashed in his eyes full of vicissitudes, "Younger, why don't you make a deal with me?"

The Ice Fox King opened his mouth, which made Bai Weixuan slightly stunned. Originally, she intended to say this sentence, but unexpectedly, the fox opened his mouth in advance.

"Do you know that the monster army has invaded the world?" Bai Weixuan did not say yes or bad, but mentioned the army of monsters.

"That's just a trick. It doesn't matter whether you see it or not." The Ice and Fire Fox King said lightly.

"No, the monster invaded and Li Min died tragically. I can't turn a blind eye." Bai Weixuan shook her head, "After all, I'm also a person."

"Jior, are you turning the corner to scold me?" The Ice Fox King glanced at Bai Weixuan and said with a smile.

"If the predecessor's peers encounter such a situation, I'm afraid the seniors will not sit back and wait for death." Bai Weixuan looked straight at the Ice and Fire Fox King.

"Say it! Your condition." The Ice Fox King was silent and breathed without refutation.

"I want to stop the monster army!" Bai Weixuan's words sounded loudly and had some irresistible meaning. Even if the Ice and Fire Fox King did not help her, she would do so. Even if she stepped on the whole monster mountain range, she would eliminate the root of the monster that controlled.

"Why do you stop it?" The Ice Fox King looked at Bai Weixuan indifferently, with a little look in her eyes.

"I am a wonderful reincarnation." Bai Weixuan fought back powerfully, with eyes shining like stars, with deep determination and confidence.

"The reincarnation of Tianmiao..." The ice fox king restrained his eyes and looked a little tired. It looked at Bai Weixuan's shining eyes. Somehow, there was a desolate smell in his heart.

"Jior, there are some things that you can't stop, and God's will can't be violated." The Ice and Fire Fox King said, with a warning in his tone, "Otherwise, you will be punished by God."

"What is God's will? Do you want me to sit and wait for death? Then I have to go against the sky!" Bai Weixuan was angry. In the mouth of this fox, the monster's invasion of the world became God's will, which was really unreasonable.

If we talk about God's will, Bai Weixuan feels that the source of her own people to eliminate the disaster is called God's will. Otherwise, no matter how much God's will the world is destroyed, it is meaningless.

"Then wait for the day of divine punishment to come!" The Ice Fox King was not angry and said calmly, "You have the heart of heaven and man, and you are not afraid of God's punishment, but the people around you will disappear in the curse. It's wrong, it's right, and the line should stop, it's only in your mind.