The only immortal in the world

Chapter 278 White Lotus A Dream in the Heart

At the end of a world disaster, the living people began to fight for their goals. The world did not stagnate because of the terrible disaster, but became more and more vigorous.

As the saying goes, misfortunes and blessings depend on each other, and misfortunes and blessings depend on each other. After experiencing the erosion of black rain and the baptism of light and rain, those who survived all got a great fairy fate, and countless cultivation geniuses emerged from those ordinary mortals.

Each sect took advantage of this opportunity to quickly expand their respective forces and absorbed thousands of fresh blood. Because Qinglian mainland is the center of disaster, it benefits the most from the three continents, and because the Tianxin faction perished in this battle, the remaining sects divided the world equally at this time.

However, because the fairy sword faction has a strong background and has experienced a war with chaotic demons, in terms of the strong, the fairy sword faction is the most, and the fairy sword faction has also become the head of the sect of Qinglian mainland.

In this disaster, Li Meng and Ye Qishang, who miraculously survived, established their own small forces under the acquiescence of major sects. They have their own unique cultivation methods and inheritance. In the future, they will also become famous in the Qinglian mainland.

The world's situation is very good, and they are all developing in an excellent direction. Similarly, the beasts that were once ignorant and extremely low in wisdom also got a great opportunity in this disaster. Some of them have obtained preliminary cultivation methods, some have obtained strange talents and magical powers, and some are talented and excellent, who can directly cross the obstacles of beasts and become adults.

Although these beasts will commit evil deeds, in this way, those monks will not be lonely. You should know that strength still needs to be greatly improved in battle.

On the other hand, the four mythical beasts lost this space according to the agreement, and the White Tiger Beast King then led his people back to the beast god. Their bodies flowed with the blood of the beast god. Even if their cultivation does not break through the period of disaster, they can be transmitted back by special means.

The snow fox still returned to the Kirin Continent and returned to the snowy mountains. Although the snow girl no longer exists, the ice and snow seeds she left behind were planted on the top of the snowy mountains by the snow fox. Now she has spit out new buds and believes that she will grow into a towering tree in the near future.

Qin Weiming said goodbye to everyone and traveled all over the world. After experiencing the change of life and death, his mood has been greatly improved, and he will not forget about his feelings. Instead, he has become the most generous one among all.

Before he left, he was dressed in cloth, hung a wine gourd on his waist, and even discarded his sword. He had the spirit of "the sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap".

The remaining Xiaoyi and Zhuque followed Bai Weixuan and Qing Hanxuan back to the Fairy Sword School. Qing Hanxuan still had more than a year to cross the disaster. During this period, he had to make some preparations, and Bai Weixuan began to practice Tianlun again.

As for Pluto, he also went to the Fairy Sword School with Bai Weixuan at first, but later he became uncertain. It seemed that he could not stand loneliness and had to go out for a walk in two days to feel comfortable.

In this regard, Bai Weixuan is quite helpless. She wants to ask him to know more about the world of Taoists, but she always doesn't see anyone. Occasionally, she also depends on whether she can catch this uncle. Even if he is caught, it depends on whether he is willing to say it.

asked him why he was so pretentious, but the guy always said with a smile, "Isn't it boring after saying it once?" Such an answer made Bai Weixuan angry and annoyed, but she couldn't do anything to him, so every time she saw him, she couldn't help but want to beat him, and she was nicknamed "big thug" by Pluto.

However, in several intermittent questions, Bai Weixuan also learned some basic common sense about Tiandao.

First of all, the heavenly Taoist is actually the legendary immortal, but the name in the outside world is different.

Secondly, the ability of the Taoist comes from the hidden vein. Generally speaking, the more hidden veins, the stronger the hidden veins there are, and the stronger the strength of a Taoist will be. Bai Weixuan had two hidden veins before crossing the disaster, which is really rare. However, it all depends on Tianmiao's arrangement that she can have today. Most of these things are obtained by Tianmiao, and the formation of hidden veins is also because of her guidance.

However, of course, there are also Bai Weixuan's efforts, and those pains are also experienced by her.

The rest, such as the heart of the sun and the holy water of life, have not formed hidden veins. According to Pluto, they are not qualified. Hidden veins are often unique, and a hidden vein will only exist in a heavenly Taoist.

That is to say, other heavenly Taoists can no longer form hidden veins even if they get chaotic blood and pure yang fire, unless Bai Weixuan's soul is scattered, and there is never the possibility of restoring her body.

The hidden vein is a symbol of the strength of a heavenly Taoist. Each heavenly Taoist attack method is different, which is related to the method of operating the hidden vein and the hidden vein itself. However, 10,000 heavenly Taoists have 10,000 different ways of fighting, which also shows the peculiarity of the hidden vein.

Of course, for today's Bai Weixuan, she can't taste the difference between hidden veins and other meridians. Except that it will not disappear and can store special energy, it has no more effect.

Pluto did not explain this at all, but said that when she became an immortal, it would naturally become clear. And after she became an immortal, except for the two hidden veins and the mysterious nine heavenly mysterious jade body, everything else will be useless.

However, Bai Weixuan doesn't think so. There is nothing about what is like by Tianmiao. Moreover, for the owner, she knows more about the horror of these treasures than Pluto. If she can become a hidden vein, it must be extremely powerful. She can't make these things her own hidden vein, and others can't do it. .

Bai Weixuan feels that some things still depend on chance.

Therefore, in Pluto's unscrupulous ridicule, she still "stifficult" to make those treasures that are no longer useful to her into strange secret places in various parts of the three continents.

These secret realms are all carefully constructed by Bai Weixuan. Only those who are predestined can feel that no matter how strong others are, they can't be captured.

Fortunately, after the six-way world of the seventh spiritual crystal was activated, it did not return to its original state due to the loss of those abilities, and it could maintain its original form.

There are six gemstones of different colors at the end of the broom, only the last groove, which is still empty. That is the location of Ziyang's realm, and it is also the part that Tianmiao has not completed. And the so-called Ziyang true soul, Bai Weixuan, did not find it on the map given to her by Tianmiao. In this case, she did not force it.

For the location of the three secret places, in addition to the spirit of the underworld, she arranged them one by one in accordance with the principle of knowing where to go and where to return. When she finally came to the rainforest of the ancient rock continent with trepidation and set foot on the underground palace of the empty people again, there was a sense of calm and peace in her heart.

This is the final destination of the Han people in Guangshi, and also the final destination of Mu Xili, who sacrificed the heart of the sun. Walk through the familiar place step by step and recall everything that has happened. The events surrounding this infatuation curse seemed to unfold in front of her eyes again. Thinking of a kiss under the night sky, Bai Weixuan burst into tears with heartache.

The disappearance of Guang Shihan was so abrupt that she couldn't believe that he had left at all. Suddenly, she always hoped that he would return on the moon and still smiled gently at her when night fell.

He tolerated everything about her. Even if she hurt him so hard and painstakingly, he had no regrets. Now that she has returned to her hometown, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt that her behavior was so ridiculous. It was too late for others to love, but she retreated him from her side again and again and again with her ignorance and stupidity. There were cuts in his heart.

Thinking of the cold and sad expression of the day, Bai Weixuan's heart ached fiercely. She couldn't help bending down, squatting on the ground, and crying loudly like a child.

She really hates her past self and her ruthless self. If she does it again, she will definitely not let Guang Shihan show such an expression. She must not let him bear everything alone. She will definitely hold his hand tightly...

However, nothing can go back...

The man has dispersed like clouds, and she doesn't even know how he left.

Love has a day to disperse, and there is also a time when the protection ends. Guang Shihan is not an omnipotent god, and he will also die. However, she understands that all this is too late...

I don't know how long she cried before Bai Weixuan stood up by the lotus pond. She looked at the blooming lotus flowers and green lotus leaves, and seemed to be able to see the face of the former person.

She unconsciously stepped on the lotus path in the lotus pond and walked towards the pool. A quiet wind blew, floating over the lotus flowers with a faint fragrance, and the pool water rippled gently, as if welcoming someone.

Bai Weixuan bypassed a lotus leaf that covered the front view and suddenly stopped. Her tear-stained face suddenly scratched a large teardrop. She looked so blankly at the white lotus in front of her with tender branches in the white jade lotus platform, and it was difficult to move half a step as if she had been fixed.

The white lotus is shallow and tender, and the flower mouth is half open. The crystal green stems and petals show its extraordinary. The white lotus moved gently in the wind, and Bai Weixuan seems to faintly see that Guang Shihan in white clothes is smiling gently at her.

She carefully poked out her steps, afraid that everything in front of her was just a dream. When she finally walked to the white lotus and smelled the familiar fragrance, she knelt down softly and sat down. The tears on her face slipped down one by one, but this time, she cried with joy.

White lotus is a beautiful woman's dream, and this scene can only be unspeakable.