The only immortal in the world

Chapter 282 ginseng grass demon

As soon as one foot reached the edge of the grass, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt a strange fluctuation. She immediately withdrew her foot and reflexively retreated a little. But when she thought about this strange grass, Si Qi came to test her strength, so she stopped retreating, suddenly stepped on the void under her feet, and rushed to the grass again.

She covered the hard-won aura on the surface of her body and took the opportunity to attract a broken wind knife. Under the cover of the aura, the blade was coated with a layer of pure yang fire.

At her feet, the green grass leaves rushed wildly, extremely fast, and the white grass leaves pricked over fiercely like a sharp blade.

Bai Weixuan suddenly changed her body shape, and the broken wind knife in her hand found the right time to swing it down fiercely. At the time, a powerful momentum surged out. The large area of grass leaves were knocked out by great force, and most of the leaves were undamaged at all.

This result was greatly unexpected by Bai Weixuan. Her face and look were extremely solemn. It seems that the flexibility of these grasses is not enough to be overwhelmingly destroyed by her current strength. If she wants to win, she must find another way.

Si Qi looked closely and couldn't help but be a little surprised to see Bai Weixuan coming and going freely in the aggressive grass. Although this place is a low-level area for training children, those children are also at the level of Xuanxian level, and I don't know how much better than Bai Weixuan.

But even so, when he received training here in the past, he suffered a lot of losses from these strange grass. Unexpectedly, Bai Weixuan could play well in it. Moreover, her power just now shattered a few grass leaves.

This is only part of her strength. If she can exert all her strength, then maybe this grass is not her opponent at all. And, even now, this grassland is obviously not a threat to her.

While Siqi was thinking about it, he felt a gust of wind blowing, and the green grass on the ground gathered in one direction at this time. Countless grass leaves were like horrible knives and whips, slashing out violently. Si Qi saw that these green grass seemed to be crazy and surrounded the center. He couldn't help but be shocked. Then he suddenly couldn't see the trace of Bai Weixuan in his heart. He couldn't help saying "not good" and flew out from the original place.

However, just as he made a move, a deafening explosion broke out in the middle of the wildly dancing grass leaves. Then, countless strong winds wrapped in broken leaves rushed out, and the whole grassland collapsed from the inside out, stretching 100 meters to see the situation to stop.

The broken grass leaves floated down, and the turf all turned over. The strong soil fragrance floated away. Si Qi stopped in a daze and was shocked to be speechless.

It was not until Bai Weixuan, who was covered with fine scars, reappeared in front of him that he suddenly came to his senses, "What did you do?"

"Ye! That's it. This grass is controlled by it, right? Bai Weixuan gently pulled out a struggling demon and raised it in front of Si Qi and said. This little demon looks a little similar to ginseng, but its whole body is gray-green, with three conspicuous grass leaves on top of its head, which looks very funny.

"Is this the ginseng demon?" Si Qi's eyes are wider, and the ginseng grass demon is extremely cunning. Even if he wants to catch it now, it takes a lot of effort. Moreover, the ginseng grass demon is difficult to be found. It can replace the real body between countless identical grasses, which is not easily detected.

But now, Bai Weixuan, who has not yet reached the cultivation of the earth fairy, caught the ginseng grass demon without much damage, and it is really good to contain its key point and make it unable to break free.

In a short period of time, the scars on Bai Weixuan's body completely disappeared. If it hadn't been for the blood stains on her clothes, Si Qi would have doubted whether she was injured or not.

"What a freak!" Si Qi secretly said in her heart that she also looked up a little on Bai Weixuan and could catch the ginseng grass demon alive at today's cultivation level. Bai Weixuan's actual combat ability can be seen.

"What, is it strong?" Bai Weixuan shook the ginseng demon in her hand and laughed. The lethality of this thing was really not weak, and she also took a lot of effort to catch it.

"Not very strong, just very cunning. It's better than an idiot to catch it. Si Qi pouted and didn't have a good breath. This ginseng grass demon is the lowest existence here, just like the grass in the world, and it is not lethal to children. Although Bai Weixuan's performance is good, it is still far from surviving in Shenluo.

"That's not because my spiritual power has only recovered one-tenth..." Bai Weixuan muttered to herself, and then her eyes suddenly lit up, stared at Si Qi and asked with a smile, "Brother Siqi, do you know any way to help me recover the spiritual power in my body? My spiritual power is frozen."

"Won! What's frozen? It was oppressed by the fairy spirit around, just blocked!" Siqi turned her eyes with contemptuously, and then said, "I'll take you to pick some immortal fruits to help you dredge the meridians, and your aura can be freely called. Moreover, how dare you call me a little brother? Do you think you have enough life?

"Ah ha~No! Ah, that's right! Can you pick the immortal fruit at will?" Bai Weixuan changed the topic with ahaha, and then asked aimlessly.

"Hmm! It's just a child's snack, don't you think? Si Qi raised her eyebrows and glanced at Bai Weixuan.

Okay! Bai Weixuan was angry. She took a deep breath and endured it. For the sake of her immortal fruit, she would never care about this little boy. What's more, she will rely on him to understand this new world.

"Looking at how anxious you are, I'll take you to pick the immortal fruit first, but don't think you can do anything if you regain your strength. You still have to pay back what should be!" Si Qi stared at Bai Weixuan and said without waiting for her to speak. Bai Weixuan's performance was good. Obviously, she was a master who had experienced hundreds of battles. If she recovered her strength and successfully broke through to the realm of immortals, she might be able to make up for his loss.

"That's a good job!" It was rare for this difficult kid to speak by himself. Of course, Bai Weixuan was very happy. Then she looked at the ginseng demon in her hand and couldn't help asking, "What about this little guy?"

"Either throw it away or keep it as a souvenir, whatever you want!" Si Qi said carelessly.

Bai Weixuan originally wanted to ask if this thing could be exchanged for a fairy stone, but when she saw Si Qi's indifferent expression, she knew that this ginseng grass demon seemed to be worthless. She thought that even a fairy stone was not worth it and could not enter Siqi's eyes at all.

However, this thing was grasped by Bai Weixuan herself, and it seems to be very weak. It's really a pity to abandon it.

However, the chicken ribs returned to the chicken ribs. Bai Weixuan saw that this little thing was a little funny, so she did not throw it away and threw it into the seventh generation Lingjingpin.

The gape has a large space, and this thing is a plant monster, so Bai Weixuan put it on the other side of the medicine field, and in case, she also separated it from the medicine field and placed it in another space.

"Huh? Do you have secondary space? Seeing that the ginseng demon in Bai Weixuan's hand disappeared out of thin air, Si Qi couldn't help but be surprised.

"What is secondary space?" Bai Weixuan was stunned and realized that Si Qi was talking about the seventh generation of Lingjing, so she couldn't help asking doubtfully.

"The secondary space is a space opened up separately by the heavenly Taoist. It cannot be self-starred. No matter how big it is opened, its role will not change. Moreover, it can be connected with different time and space, so that the aura or fairy gas can circulate, and the living creatures can be put in. The small physical space opened up by ordinary low-level monks, the so-called storage devices, cannot hold living things. It can be said that the secondary space is the unique object of the heavenly Taoist, and it is impossible to be robbed by the blood of the heavenly Taoist!" Si Qi explained that she looked at Bai Weixuan and was obviously curious about the latter's secondary space.

"It's hard to say. In a word, I can't threaten you enough. I'm not here to harm you." Bai Weixuan was helpless. She couldn't explain the existence of the seventh Lingjingpin at all and didn't want to explain more. Since Si Qi said that the seventh Lingjingpin could not be robbed, she was also fearless.

"I forgot to tell you that the secondary space we just said cannot be robbed, provided that the person with the heavenly Tao does not die. Once the heavenly Taoist dies, these things outside the body will become ownerless things. So, you'd better not expose that you have secondary space for the time being!" Si Qi deliberately said, quite gloating.