The only immortal in the world

Chapter 293 Blood Recognition

Bai Weixuan could feel the breath of the two people in black, or the two people who stopped Liu Qingxuan and wanted to grab his achievements on the first floor of the Treasure Hall. One is Fat Li and the other is Xiaoli.

I think that the wealth and silk touched people's hearts, and Bai Weixuan didn't pay attention to their goodwill, so the two of them held a grudge and did not hesitate to follow them and wanted to secretly kill them.

Bai Weixuan curled her lips. It seems that the Shenyang tribe can't stay for the time being. Once her strength is exposed, there is only death waiting for her.

Taking advantage of the night to sneak out of the Shenyang tribe, Bai Weixuan carefully avoided some monster areas, found a clean cave in the wild, arranged some defensive formations and began to sit.

After eating the golden carp, she faintly felt that her frozen meridians were much more active, and a small part of the spiritual power in her body began to transform into immortal power. Looking at that situation, as long as she eats the fairy fruit and unblocks all the spiritual power, she can enter the later period of the disaster and feel the time of the disaster.

The golden fairy carp is worthy of being a fairy. Bai Weixuan had such a miraculous effect after only one bite, which really surprised her. Unfortunately, the rest was stolen by Yun Qi, otherwise she was likely to break through the shackles of Shenluo Star and directly step into the later stage of the disaster.

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help but think of Yun Qi's funny appearance when she danced last night. She couldn't help shaking her head. It was her nonsense, and thanks to Yun Qi's stupidity, she only knew how to impact the meridians but did not know how to break free with her strong spiritual power. Although the fixed formula is powerful, it is not impeccable. As long as there is a stronger spiritual force than Bai Weixuan, it can be invalidated.

At this point, Bai Weixuan will not force it. This may be the fate in the dark. Liu Xianguo still has a * day to mature. During this period, she plans to retreat in the cave and welcome the arrival of the later period of the disaster with the best posture.

On the ninth day after entering the cave, Bai Weixuan woke up leisurely from her understanding of Tianlun. She came to the seventh Lingjingpin and saw the fragrant spring. There was already a thick fairy fruit tree, which was full of bright red fruits, fresh and delicate, red and beautiful.

Bai Weixuan was overjoyed, and the fairy fruit finally matured. She quickly walked over and took one to eat. A warm current suddenly flowed all over her body, and the spiritual power blocked in the meridians also became more and more active at this time.

There is still a little sweet silky smell on the tip of her tongue, which is very fragrant. Bai Weixuan found that the taste of this stream fairy fruit she planted is much better than last time, and the effect is also more significant.

After eating the fairy fruit, Bai Weixuan couldn't help thinking of the little ghost Siqi, who always said bad words, and sighed secretly in her heart. At that time, she was too impulsive. Think about it, if it hadn't been for the help of Siqi and the Lord Funan, she wouldn't even know where it is now, let alone find Liu Xianguo.

Maybe it has long been the belly meal of some kind of monster. Moreover, it is really miserable to be unable to communicate with the people of Shenluoxing at all. In fact, Si Qi was kind to her, and she accidentally killed his little coal ball, which should have been owed to him.

"Oh, Xiao Siqi, I'm sorry! It won't be long before I go back to pay you back." Bai Weixuan said to herself, put down the burden in her heart, casually picked off a few immortal fruits, and began to sit up in the seventh generation Lingjingpin.

For a while, with the spread of the medicinal power of Liuxian fruit, the spiritual power in Bai Weixuan's meridians recovered one after another. They flowed happily in Bai Weixuan's meridians, making a cheerful flow sound. Bai Weixuan seemed to be able to hear the crisp water, and her whole body seemed to be in a quiet spring, indescribably happy.

Inadvertently, the porches that had been broken in her Dantian suddenly flashed. They were connected into one, and suddenly turned into stars under the gentle impact of the current and fell into Bai Weixuan's Dantian. At this time, a thin white light curtain shrouded over Dantian, and a strange message was suddenly imprinted. Into Bai Weixuan's mind.

A month later.

Bai Weixuan suddenly opened her eyes, and her body was full of immortality. She raised her long black hair and lavender skirt. A star-like light flashed in her eyes, and a golden light flashed in the black.

"Finally, it's the end of the disaster." Bai Weixuan gently exhaled a turbid breath. She felt the joyful power of immortality in her body, and only felt that it had never been more stable than now.

Without deliberately mobilizing, the immortal power in the meridians will circulate independently, and as long as she has one idea, those immortal forces can change into the form or appearance she wants. That absolute control is what Bai Weixuan couldn't have in the past. This is not something that can be obtained by practice, but a real unity of mind, which does not even need to be transmitted by nerves, just like an idea.

appears at any time and disappears at any time.

Bai Weixuan had an idea, and the void in front of her was turned around. Under the package of a fairy power, a handsome man in white was standing there casually, with a handsome face and a spoiled smile.

"Han, I will definitely come back to you soon!" Bai Weixuan muttered, her tone was firm, and a gentle smile appeared on her face, as if she felt the man's heart at this moment.

After looking at it for a long time, Bai Weixuan finally took a deep breath and reluctantly dispersed Xianyuanli. She quickly withdrew her thoughts and took out the broken moon and mountain dragon armor she bought in the Jubao Hall that day.

These two treasures are fairy weapons. With her original spiritual power, she can't fully play its role at all. Now, with the immortal power, these two can also exert most of their power in Bai Weixuan's hands.

Holding the handle of Duanyue's carved with strange form of runes, Bai Weixuan injected enough immortal power into it. She saw that Duanyue's thin knife body suddenly bloomed with a terrible brilliance, and the blade swallowed out sharp knife light, and a yellow fairy artifact was vividly exerted.

"Good knife!" Bai Weixuan couldn't help praising. She picked up the knife and waved it casually, and suddenly became happy. Then she injected immortal power into the mountain dragon fairy armor, and saw that the mountain dragon fairy armor instantly dissipated into a little blue light, entangling Bai Weixuan, and then quickly turned into a beautiful fairy armor that was shining and worn on Bai Weixuan.

Bai Weixuan gave a soft grunt, but found that the fairyland was not only weightless, but also could independently attract the surrounding fairy spirit, convert it into a small amount of fairy power, and spread into Bai Weixuan's body.

This effect surprised Bai Weixuan. Now is the time when Xianyuan's power is not strong enough, and it consumes a lot when fighting. Although this fairy armor does not have much Xianyuan power every time, it can play a key role when it is crucial.

Once, under the explanation of Pluto, Bai Weixuan knew that in the world of the Taoist of heaven, all weapons in the earth world are actually collectively called spiritual weapons. In the eyes of the Taoist, it is an inflowable existence, and there is no distinction between levels at all.

Only the monks of the earth world think that they can divide it into three levels: spirit, immortal and god. In fact, the real fairy weapon is countless times stronger than the "magic weapon" that those monks think. And the real artifacts, even in the world of heavenly Taoists, are rare, and few heavenly Taoists are lucky to see them.

And from Pluto's words, Bai Weixuan also learned that most of the instruments of heavenly Taoists have a common feature, that is, they can recognize the Lord with blood, which is a leapfrog feature different from spiritual weapons.

Recognizing the Lord with blood can be regarded as the imprint of divine consciousness, and also to integrate those inspired instruments with themselves, which can exert their greatest power by themselves, just like their own hands, which can be used at will.

Therefore, after seeing the demeanor of the two, Bai Weixuan recognized them with blood. She cut her finger and dripped two drops of blood. The two yellow fairy weapons trembled for a while, and since then they have really become part of Bai Weixuan. It can be collected and put, and it is integrated with itself.

After doing all this, Bai Weixuan nodded with satisfaction and put the two into her body. She was about to take out Daozhu to help stabilize her cultivation, but she suddenly left a place in the medicine field, and her whole body was stunned.

What is the grass that grows wildly among all the elixirs? Why do all the elixirs look sick, as if they are about to wither?