The only immortal in the world

Chapter 296 Stone

Endless flames, boiling magma, in the dark stone cracks, Bai Weixuan saw a stone emitting colorful light. The stone is as big as a palm, flat and without edges and corners. If it hadn't been for the colorful light around it, it would look ordinary at first glance.

Bai Weixuan's hand trembled a little. She walked over step by step and stared at the stone without blinking. On that day, everything in the palace of nothingness was still vivid. The figure of the teenager facing her resolutely rushed to the sky, and the flame flew into the marks left in the sky.

He really left, left for more than a year, and will never quarrel with her again, never deliberately quarrel with her, and never look at her indignantly because of her flirtation again...

Bai Weixuan has understood since then why some people say that the most painful expression in the world is emotionless. The kind of drift like a soul shelling once surrounded her for a long time.

It was not until she found the white lotus incarnation of Guang Shihan that she felt the truth. She waited eagerly, no matter how long it took, just to see his figure again and see him really appear in front of her.

At this moment, when she saw the colorful stone, a similar feeling appeared in Bai Weixuan's heart. She felt that the colorful stone was like a three-eyed fire crystal, as if he was waiting for her here to bring him back to her back.

"Three eyes, long time no see, how are you doing?" Bai Weixuan stopped by the colorful stone and asked silently. She possessed and picked up the colorful stone, and her whole body was also infected by it and wrapped in a layer of colorful brilliance.

"As a swallowing beast, your mission has now been completed. But as a three-eyed fire crystal, what about Yan Yan? Will you come back again?" Bai Weixuan muttered that since she came to this world, the three-eyed fire crystal has accompanied her for the longest time and has been sharing difficulties with her. On her way to the road of cultivation, she always kept mentioning her and giving her hope and courage.

In Bai Weixuan's heart, the three-eyed fire crystal is an important partner, relative, friend or teacher. Although she can't help flirting with him, she likes to see him blushing and indignant. And that also seems to have become the way she gets along with him.

Bai Weixuan raised her head and was about to put the colorful stone into the hairpin space, but when she raised her head, she happened to see the incredible change in the flame in front of her.

Through the colorful light, the once dark and heavy flame mountain gradually became transparent at this time, layer after layer, as if a door had been opened by the hand in the dark. Bai Weixuan couldn't help turning over and couldn't help opening her eyes a lot.

A stone tablet appeared in front of her, a thick blue stone with fine runes on it. The fire butterfly flew around the stone tablet, disappeared and appeared again, and cycled back and forth, as if it were experiencing a short and long cycle.

The stone tablet is not as high as one person, and there is no exaggeration and horror of the giant book outside, but Bai Weixuan feels that from this stone tablet is no less than the horror of the giant book outside.

It belongs to the breath of ancient heaven and earth, the root of everything in this world, with the majesty that people have to submit to.

Bai Weixuan couldn't help clenching the colorful stone in her hand and approached the stone tablet step by step. As she walked away, she felt that the closer the resistance from the stone tablet, the stronger the resistance was, and even a lot of pressure appeared in her consciousness.

But Bai Weixuan felt that she should and must walk over. She felt that there was something she needed on the stone tablet.

Ten feet, nine feet, eight feet... Bai Weixuan's pace is getting slower and slower, her feet are becoming more and more difficult to lift, and her forehead is overflowing with sweat, but she still doesn't want to stop. She is eager to get close to it.

Five feet, four feet, three feet. When standing three feet away from the stone tablet, Bai Weixuan's dress had been completely wet with sweat, and her face turned red, clenched her teeth and clenched her fists.

The light of the colorful divine stone protected her, and the faint and cold touch from the stone slowly relieved her pressure. Bai Weixuan did not dare to relax at all. She seemed to be carrying a mountain on her back, and her legs could not support bending down, but she still didn't want to give up, which could not be a reason for her to give up.

She suddenly raised her face and stared at the stone tablet, and suddenly sold a meter away. This time, her legs were bent even more, and she almost fell down. She breathed and walked forward again. When she was two feet away from the stone tablet, her knees could not be straightened at all and almost fell to the ground.

At this time, the cells of her whole body were also close to the edge of collapse, and fine blood beads were compressed and overflowing from her pores, like blood and sweat.

However, the stone tablet is right in front of her. Bai Weixuan doesn't want to give up. She feels that there is an idea guiding her. There is something she wants in this stone tablet, which can lead her out of the Shenluo Star and on her own path.

The last two feet, but only a few steps away, she must be able to do it. Bai Weixuan secretly cheered herself up. She trembled and lifted her feet again, but was forced back by the pressure. She raised it again and slowly moved forward on the ground. This time, she succeeded.

But before she was happy, a huge thrust pushed her foot back.

Is it really impossible to get close? Bai Weixuan gritted her teeth. She silently accelerated the operation of the immortal power in her body and wanted to rush over again, but something strange happened.

The colorful stone in her hand suddenly became warm, and its light appeared more, wrapping around Bai Weixuan's body like a colored silk. While the colorful light increased, Bai Weixuan clearly felt that the pressure around her was sharply reduced. Her heart moved and she quickly took steps and quickly crossed the next two feet.

When she came to the stone tablet, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt that her body was light and all the pressure had disappeared. She couldn't help looking at the colorful stone in surprise, but saw that there were more blood stains on the original ordinary stone. Then she remembered that her whole body was bleeding and sweating before. Presumably, this colorful stone was stimulated by her blood. It has such an effect.

She was surprised and surprised that this colorful stone was really spiritual, and there must be his reason why the three-eyed fire crystal finally asked her to find it. Looking back this time, after finding the colorful stone, the stone tablet continued to appear. It is also because of the help of the colorful stone. This colorful stone seems to be the most important part of her understanding of the melting pot of heaven and earth.

Is this the last hint of the three-eyed fire crystal? Or is it related to the three-eyed fire crystal? Isn't it that like the white lotus of Guangshihan, this colorful stone is also the embodiment of the three-eyed fire crystal?

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help touching the colorful stone, came out of the god, and put it in her arms. Taking a breath, Bai Weixuan calmed down and looked at the stone tablet with a faint light in front of her.

There are three columns of words on the stone tablet, and the fonts are quite strange, but Bai Weixuan can subconsciously understand their meaning. From right to left, the first column is "Shennong Ding"; the second column is "extradition space" and the third column is "Nvwa's disability skill".

The three columns of words exuded a faint power, and felt the warmth of the colorful divine stones in her arms. Bai Weixuan stretched out her hand and touched the third column of "Nvwa's disabled skills".

In an flash, the light flashed, and Bai Weixuan's body suddenly shook and felt that she had entered a chaos. Then, a huge stream of information rushed into her sea of knowledge like a flood.

"Ah!" Bai Weixuan exclaimed, and her finger was suddenly bounced away by the stone tablet, and the transmission of the information stopped because of the separation of her fingers. But even so, the information in Bai Weixuan's mind was enough for her to spend some time to digest.

Bai Weixuan quickly sat down, and this sitting was for three days.

When she finally opened her eyes, there was a deep surprise in the dark eyes.

"Three eyes are saved!" She muttered to herself, and her eyes couldn't help but turn a little red. She touched the warm colorful stone in her arms, quickly concocted it in accordance with the law, and touched the "Shennong Ding" and the "extradition space" again. After sitting for seven days, Bai Weixuan was finally relieved.

"Three eyes, I once promised you that I would use the melting potter of heaven and earth to refine an elixir for you. This time, let's take it as my fulfillment!" Bai Weixuan took out the colorful stone, smiled and said.

She still sat next to the stone tablet, and as soon as her mind moved, she found the Shennong Ding.

Shennong Ding is actually the four-cornered tripod in the last image of Tianmiao that Bai Weixuan saw in the monster mountains. The runes are complicated and profound, and there are four mythical beasts in all directions, which are extraordinary. This time, Bai Weixuan needs to use the power of Shennong Ding to cooperate with the extradition space and Nuwa's disability skills to reinvigorate the little god who once clung to the soul of the three-eyed fire crystal.

Just like the original wonder, it attracts the soul of the heavenly beast with the wonder of extradition space, and then uses the method of creating the birth spirit in Nuwa's residual skills, relying on the Shennong tripod, and relying on the unique rules of life and death in the melting pot of heaven and earth, it turns against the sky, recondens the scattered soul and recovers the lost memory.

The reason why the heavenly beast that became a little god has no memory as a heavenly beast is that it chose to forget.

And this time, what Bai Weixuan wants to resurrect is the three-eyed fire crystal, and she finds the memory and soul belonging to the three-eyed fire crystal.

Taking the unique fire butterfly grass in the furnace of heaven and earth as the solid spirit, the shape of the fairy spirit in the Shennong tripod, and relying on the rules of life and death of the heaven and earth furnace, Bai Weixuan performed Nuwa's residual skills and extricate the distance between time and space, condensing the consciousness, soul and memory of the three fire crystals.

A colorful light floated out, and the colorful divine stone greeted the light of the soul floating from the void and floated on the Shennong tripod. Then, with Bai Weixuan's command, a fiery red light suddenly flew out of the Shennong tripod. In an hour, the spirit of immortality permeated, and a simple human figure appeared next to the colorful divine stone.

"Three eyes, if you want to come back, take the colorful stone to the body of the little god! If you don't want to come back, I will let you go back to nothingness. Bai Weixuan looked at the colorful stone and said gently. At this time, only the owner of the soul can make a choice. The original Tongtian beast finally turned into a small god because of the wonderful persuasion, and Bai Weixuan did not want to persuade the three-eyed fire crystal, because she knew that the three-eyed fire crystal had its own judgment and could not come back, and only he could make a decision.

Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, the colorful stone obviously showed a trace of fluctuation. It slowly floated to the side of the little god, as if it had looked at its own body, and then flew in without hesitation.

In an instant, the brilliance was brilliant, and there were bursts of buzzing in the void. Bai Weixuan narrowed her eyes slightly and looked nervously into the light, but she saw that the originally unclear human figure gradually became clear. At this time, the naked and beautiful teenager came from the divine light, and her red hair flew, which was uniquely elegant and refined.