The only immortal in the world

Chapter 301 Tail

"Big brother? Do you still have brothers?" Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows and asked tentatively, "What does that Yun Yangming have to do with you? Your eldest brother, isn't it Yun Fengli?"

"Do you know my big brother?" Yun Qi looked at Bai Weixuan strangely and was quite surprised. This woman had heard his name, but she did not respond at all. Now, how can she know Yun Fengli again?

"I don't know, but I just have a relationship. Hey, your eldest brother is so famous that I saw him on the first day I came here. I don't know if he can't do it!" Bai Weixuan answered casually, and then said, "So, are you also the son of Yun Daxian?"

"What? Doesn't it look like?" Yunqi raised her eyebrows and asked rhetorical.

"No, I don't know Yun Daoxian. How do I know if you look like it? It's just that you and those two don't look too much. Bai Weixuan smiled and said.

"Nothing, because we are half-brothers." Yunqi's face darken when she heard the words and said indifferently.

"Well... I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." Bai Weixuan's tone stagnated and quickly apologized.

"Nothing, I didn't mean to joke." Yunqi said quietly. Bai Weixuan nodded and felt a little guilty, but when she thought about Yun Qi's words carefully, she suddenly realized.

"Wow! Yunqi, how dare you fool me?!" Bai Weixuan raised her hand angrily and was about to fight. Yun Qi fled quickly and said with a smile, "I said I didn't mean to."

"You did it on purpose!" Bai Weixuan was so angry that she felt guilty for a while.

"Hey, otherwise it would be better. As an apology, I will treat you to the four signature dishes of Zhenyu Building? I guarantee that you will have a good meal!" Yunqi quickly waved his hand for peace. He didn't want to be scolded by this woman again. Last time he was so tired that his legs and feet were sore for several days, and he just got better recently.

What are you doing? If you have nothing to pay attention to, you will be a thief. Bai Weixuan stared at Yunqi angrily, but she coveted Zhenyulou. It can't be said that it was a little regrettable that she didn't eat it last time.

"I also have a thief! You see, I have taught you the best way to eat golden carp! How about it? That's not bad, isn't it?" Yunqi knew that Bai Weixuan had no resistance to eating, otherwise she would not have spent so much money to relax in the rare restaurant.

You should know that fairy stones are precious to everyone in the Shinra Star, and their practice also needs fairy stones as a backing to flourish. Therefore, even some people with status rarely go to the rare food building to eat and drink.

Not long after Bai Weixuan came to Shenluoxing, she went straight to the Zhenying Building, which only shows one problem. She is a foodie. In addition, she ordered a golden fairy carp that ordinary people rarely eat, Yunqi further confirmed the essence of her foodie. Therefore, it will never be a problem to use the rare building as an introduction at this time.

"It tastes good. I can still eat it myself, but what the hell did you have in mind doing this? If you don't make it clear, I won't help you even if I eat your big meal. Bai Weixuan is not a stunned young man who has entered the world, and she has somewhat guessed Yun Qi's thoughts.

She also wanted to know the form of Shenluo Star, just to take this opportunity to inquire.

"Okay! It's nothing to say." Yun Qi thought for a moment, nodded and said, "Do you know Yun Yangming? It's the one who just escaped." Bai Weixuan nodded, "Actually, he is my second brother." Yunqi said helplessly.

"I expected this. Yun Yangming and Yun Fengli look very similar." Bai Weixuan said with some doubts, "Since he is your second brother, why does he want to kill you?"

"He has been pressed by the eldest brother, and his heart has long been unbalanced. He once tried all kinds of ways to embarrass the eldest brother, but he didn't expect that this time he colluded with the people in the Hundred Ghosts Night Collection and planned to seek power to seize the throne." Yun Qi frowned and was obviously very dissatisfied with Yun Yangming's approach.

"To seize power? So, he not only wants to take action against your eldest brother, but also wants to take action against your leader? Bai Weixuan's heart was shocked. As soon as she came out, she heard such a song. It looked quite exciting, but she didn't know what Yunyang Ming wanted to do.

"Should you take action against the leader? I don't think he dares. The leader is a Taoist-level master, and he can't deal with those people in the Hundred Ghosts Night Collection at all. Besides, if there is really a master, can he mix with such a thing as Yun Yangming? Yun Qi shook his head very firmly. He knew Yun Yangming's ability that he could not hook up with any particularly powerful people. At best, he could hit Yun Fengli and their leader Yun Daxian, but it was far from it.

"Is that right? Taoist fairy, is it really awesome?" Bai Weixuan nodded her head plausatively.

"That's natural. I can only say that Tao Xian is much more powerful than you think." Speaking of Taoist immortals, Yun Qi's expression was obviously serious and solemn. It can be seen that he respected and respected the legendary Taoist immortal.

"Oh~" Bai Weixuan dragged her voice and looked at Yunqi with a smile. When the latter was very uncomfortable, she said with a smile, "It's a little interesting!"

"What's interesting?" Yunqi's two-foot monk was confused and asked puzzledly.

"What's interesting'? Did I say anything? Why don't you take me to the rare building? They are starving to death!" Bai Weixuan's eyes turned white, touched her stomach and shouted while walking out. Yunqi was hit hard by her. She was a little stunned. She grabbed her hair helplessly and followed her closely.

The two left the cave one after the other, and Yunqi was worried about her brother, so she sued Bai Weixuan, ordered her dishes in the Zhenyu Building, and hurried back to the leader's house.

The delicacy building is still the delicacy building, and the golden fairy carp is still so attractive, but at this moment, Bai Weixuan did not spend all her mind on eating. While drinking the monkey fairy in the bottle, she ate it without a mouthful. It looked extremely comfortable, but her attention was focused on the rest of the delicacy building. The place.

Since they left the cave, there has been a tail following her. Yun Qi didn't find it, so it was difficult for Bai Weixuan to act rashly. Now, Yun Qi's left, but the tail is still there. Obviously, the other party is coming at her.

"Three eyes, who do you think that person will be?" Bai Weixuan secretly asked the three-eyed fire crystal in the spin, and she was not sure who the following person would be and what the purpose was.

"Do you think it was sent by the people you offended in the Treasure Hall?" Three-eyed fire crystal.

"No way? If it were someone from the Treasure Hall, I should have felt it a long time ago, and it won't be delayed until now, right? Bai Weixuan is a little uncertain.

"Well, it may also be the person sent by Yunyang Ming to follow you. Your appearance has ruined his plan. If he is the kind of person Yun Qi said, he will definitely hold a grudge and want to get rid of you quickly." The three-eyed fire crystal speculated.

"That's true! However, how could he get a helper so quickly? Logically, this is impossible." Bai Weixuan was still uncertain. For a moment, she couldn't guess the identity of the person who was still secretly monitoring her. Helpless, she simply didn't think about it, let the other party stare at it, enjoy this rare meal, and then slowly left the Zhenlou.

As soon as she left the Zhenlou, Bai Weixuan immediately felt that the breath locked her. She was still walking slowly, seemingly not to have found the other party, but walked step by step towards the sparsely populated place.

Bai Weixuan did not intend to leave the area of the Shenyang tribe, nor did she go to Baigui Yeji. She put her goal in the northwest of the sparse house, where there is a large area of wasteland, and the vegetation grows very well, which is very suitable as a battlefield.

She walked slowly all the way, and her tail followed her, and she didn't want to relax at all. Finally, after avoiding many crowds, Bai Weixuan came to the open grass.

At this time, she turned around and looked at it twice with vigilance, turned her head and smiled softly, and got into most of the tall grass without hesitation.

The sound of weeds rubbing against each other sounded finely, and Bai Weixuan's figure disappeared into the depths of the grass in the blink of an eye.

At this time, a figure jumped out of the dark. He looked at the dense grass and couldn't help frowning. Then he saw that the grass was getting farther and farther away. He struggled. Finally, he carefully opened the grass and followed closely.

However, just as he stepped into the grass area, a strong sense of crisis arose. He quickly wanted to retreat, but unfortunately it was too late. A fist with the domineering immortal power was close in front of him, and he could not dodge at all.

As a last resort, he quickly took action to block it, and his feet also slid back.

Sooner or later, although his movements were extremely agile and decisive, his opponent seemed to have expected. Before he successfully retreated, her figure had followed him closely.

The figure was scared out of a cold sweat, but his reaction was not slow. While attracting his own defense fairy weapon, a hand knife was split out at the same time, and a fierce knife gas came out of his hand and cut his opponent's cheek fiercely.

It was Bai Weixuan who attacked this person. She created the illusion just to attract him. However, to her surprise, this person's quality is really good, and her reaction ability is not inferior to her at all.

She did not give up avoiding the other party's knife, bullied him and wrapped him, and then hit him in the chest with a strong punch.

"Cough..." The figure was smashed out. He coughed twice because of his chest, but did not escape. He slowly got up, suddenly stretched out his hand with a mask on his face and said with a smile, "I haven't seen you for many days. I didn't expect you to be so powerful!"