The only immortal in the world

Chapter 303 The spine of the space beast

The sky of Shenluo Star was finally shrouded in night, covered with dark clouds, revealing only a few sporadic stars, shining with a faint light. Just night, the streets of the Shenyang tribe are still noisy, and the air seems to be mixed with the fragrance of monkey fairies.

Only in the east of the Shenyang tribe, between the secret mountain pass, a dark cold light quietly rises, indicating that the night gathering of hundreds of ghosts in that place has begun.

People lurking in the night gathered in that direction, and a team of people in black robes shuttled through the cracks of the mountains and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

When the surroundings of the gap gradually quieted down, a figure suddenly appeared on the calm rock. The figure gradually separated from the rock and fell to the ground. It was Bai Weixuan.

Seeing that there was no one around, Bai Weixuan also put on a black robe according to the clothes of those people before, and then carefully sneaked into the cracks in front of her.

The cracks in the mountains were twisted and narrow, but there was no fork in the way. Bai Weixuan easily walked through. Under the cover of a huge stone, she looked out slightly and saw the simple stalls spread on the ground at will, and the items on them were in a mess. The people guarding the stalls either closed their eyes and meditated or watched coldly. All of them are dressed in black robes, which makes people unable to see their faces.

The black-robed crowd who came in also kept silent. Some quietly swept the items on various stalls, and some walked straight forward and looked around. The size of the hundred ghosts night gathering was a little beyond Bai Weixuan's imagination.

Bai Weixuan saw a man in black robe quietly stop in front of a stall. He picked up an item on the stall and motioned to the stall owner. The stall owner raised three fingers faintly. The man in black robe took out three fairy stones and handed them over. The transaction was completed.

Bai Weixuan wants to laugh when she sees it. What if it's 30 fairy stones? Does he still have 30 fingers? Or, the two of them began to guess the riddle?

However, her doubt was quickly solved, because at another stall, the stall owner raised a sign with 20 written on it to a man in black.

Bai Weixuan felt that there was a group of crows flying over her head. This hundred ghosts night episode was really the best. They actually played mute one by one, as if everyone became deaf and mute after coming here, and opened their eyes.

Because at this time, Bai Weixuan saw two people starting to fight not far away, and these stall owners and the black-robed people seemed to not see it at all, still guarding in front of their stall as if nothing had happened.

Some people died, some people fled, blood was absorbed by the soil here, the body was kicked into an unknown corner by the winner, and the position and items of the dead stall owner were occupied by the winner.

In a few short breaths, the night returned to its original silence. However, this silence, like a basin of cold water in a winter night, made Bai Weixuan cold from head to to feet.

Indifferent, cold and bloody, these hundreds of ghosts are concentrated at night, and there is no human nature at all. It seems to be taken for granted that the weak die and the strong occupy everything.

No wonder Liu Qingxuan is so afraid of this place. No wonder he has been persuading himself not to come. Seeing all this in front of her, Bai Weixuan finally understood.

After taking a deep breath, Bai Weixuan can also understand that most of the things here are not coming from the right place, so the price is generally low. Moreover, it can be said that none of the stall owners here have clean hands and eat black, which is not a rare thing.

After reading these, Bai Weixuan did not intend to hide any more. She quietly came out of the darkness and looked at the items on each stall at random like others.

There are really a lot of items on these stalls. Fairy weapons and armor are arranged randomly. Although the grade is not high, it is better than nothing. Not everyone's defense and attack can catch up with fairy armor and fairy weapons.

Except for these two, the rest are related to monsters. Either the monster's inner elixir or some scattered parts are dazzling. Bai Weixuan can't see where they were intercepted from.

"Xiaobai, the gray bone on your left stall is a little interesting." Bai Weixuan was looking around, and the three-eyed fire crystal suddenly said.

"Oh?" Bai Weixuan's heart moved, walked to the stall mentioned by Sanyan Huojing, and saw the gray bone that was randomly thrown into a pile of animal bones at a glance.

The gray bone is quite strangely shaped, with a cylindrical shape in the middle, but there are sharp bone spurs around it. It can't be seen that it is taken from the bones of that monster at all. Moreover, the bone is gray, and the bone spurs can't be seen at all. At a glance, it is simply useless. I don't know the three-eyed fire crystal. What exactly can we see from it?

When the dead stall owner saw Bai Weixuan pick up the gray bone that he deliberately filled, he couldn't help sneering secretly. While contempting Bai Weixuan for not knowing the goods, he was also quite happy. If this gray bone was sold at the price of ordinary monster bones, he could earn a few fairy stones for nothing. What's more, in order to highlight the difference between gray bones, he can also sell it at a higher price.

So when Bai Weixuan picked up the gray bone, he slowly raised the sign with 20 in his hand and secretly looked at Bai Weixuan's reaction.

Bai Weixuan looked at it and frowned. Did this man kill himself as Kaizi? How dare you ask for such a high price for a broken bone? She rolled her eyes secretly, immediately put down her gray bones and got up to leave. The stall owner was stunned when he saw this, and then took the sign with ten letters written on it, as if to let Bai Weixuan think about it.

Bai Weixuan pretended to pause, and then shook her head to leave. Unexpectedly, the stall owner quietly stretched out five fingers. Seeing this scene, Bai Weixuan was happy. It seemed that this guy should be a businessman in which store. So when she saw that he stretched out five fingers, Bai Weixuan smiled secretly and stretched out three fingers.

The stall owner didn't prevent Bai Weixuan from doing this, paused, gritted her teeth and picked up the gray bone for her. The meaning was obvious, and the deal was made. Anyway, for him, this bone is just a strange defective product. He doesn't care much about selling a few fairy stones.

Bai Weixuan took over the gray bones as she wished and handed out three fairy stones at the same time. This fairy stone was blackmailed by her from Yunqi. Otherwise, she could not even take out a fairy stone at all. The previous fairy stone was consumed by her when she crossed the disaster.

Taking the gray bone, Bai Weixuan looked at it carefully for a while and couldn't see anything unusual, so she asked the three-eyed fire crystal. Under the explanation of the three-eyed fire crystal, this not-looking gray bone is actually a spine of a strange creature called a space beast, which contains a trace of bone marrow, which is the essence of the space beast.

This bone marrow not only gathers a huge amount of fairy spirit, but also can improve the Taoist's perception and use of space and get the inheritance of some space beasts. That value is not measured by ordinary fairy stones at all. Bai Weixuan picked up this leak with three fairy stones, which was really lucky.

With the backbone of this space beast and Daozhu, she does not need to prepare fairy stones for cultivation in the short term. However, no one will think that there are many fairy stones. In Bai Weixuan's pin space, the ten first immortals planted have been planted for nearly ten years, and now, they can also be sold.

It's a pity that the people in the Jubao Hall already know that she bought fairy seeds. It's impossible for her to sell so many fairy spirits corresponding to the seeds. Last time, she attracted the stalking of those two people with ulterior motives, and she didn't want to cause any more trouble.

So it's not bad that these immortals can take part of it in the Hundred Ghosts Night Gathering. This is also one of the reasons why Bai Weixuan came here, but unfortunately, she has not seen a place to buy immortals so far. As a last resort, she had to walk around the stalls casually while marching deeper into the Hundred Ghosts Night Gathering.