The only immortal in the world

Chapter 315 Lake Array

In a trance, the two of them have walked to a lake at the foot of the mountain. At a glance, they could not trace the shape of the lake. I only felt that the fresh fairy spirit came to my nose, and the pores of my whole body unfolded with the relaxation.

"It's actually the heart of the lake!" Three eyes of fire crystal low praise came from her ears, and Bai Weixuan couldn't help looking curiously at the clouds. In the floating fog, a platform was pulled up from the lake in the distance.

The platform is full of circles, and there are ladders stacked on all sides, and a tablet is erected in it, and the text can't be seen clearly. There are dense columns around the platform, and the columns are carved in order. There are peach-shaped eyes on the top of the head to place fairy stones. Surprisingly, these formations are constantly moving and changing for no reason, giving people a very strange feeling.

Under the explanation of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan knows the difference between the space transmission array. The space transmission array not only relies on the power of space, but also on the power of the five elements.

The space transmission array built on the spot is earth attribute, and the lake center array is water attribute. The soil attributes will build a soil space transmission array, which is relatively stable, but it also consumes more fairy stones, which is a solid consumption. The water system space transmission array is not as stable as that of the earth system, but the consumption is much less than that of the earth system.

Moreover, the water system also has its own spatial attack attribute. Once it is intercepted halfway, it also has the ability to counterattack, while the soil system only has a stable defense.

The arrangement of the water space transmission array is difficult and not easy to survive, so it is rarer than the soil system, and it must be more precious and easier to use.

"My grandson kept this formation as soon as he was born. I don't know how many years have passed, and finally I waited for you." Sun Daxing looked at the center of the lake in front of him and said with emotion.

"How to enable this method?" Bai Weixuan smiled and asked.

"If you want to open this array, you still need to practice more than Taoist immortals. Before that, you have to practice here, and my grandson will guide you appropriately." Sun Daxing was not busy and said, and then received a preventive injection. "From today on, my grandson will come to be your training partner. Hey hey! Don't think I just did my best to fight with you. That doesn't even have the strength of my grandson. You have to be psychologically prepared.

"Then ask Brother Sun to prepare a dojo for me!" Bai Weixuan smiled disapprovingly and said, and she also realized the true meaning of Sun Daxing's words in her future practice.

"It's easy to say!" Sun Daxing returned to his hippie smile and led Bai Weixuan to leave the lake and come to a blessed place.

According to Sun Daxing, there are a total of 72 caves here. At present, except for one cave at the peak used by Sun Daxing, the rest are empty. Bai Weixuan also chose a place at random and settled down. Under the guidance of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan in this cave has arranged several defensive and perception arrays. After all, the special one person of the seven-eyed spiritual crystal is less risky.

Bai Weixuan is still at the bottom of the heavenly Taoist. If everyone knows that she has the space to prevent immortals from becoming demons and accelerate the growth of immortals, then any heavenly Taoist above Taoist can easily kill her.

Therefore, it is better to be careful in everything. It is impossible for her to let Sun Daxing know the existence of the seventh spiritual crystal.

After arranging the cave, Bai Weixuan patted her head and remembered that the two brothers of the Yun family had also fallen down. I don't know how their life and death are now.

quickly called out Sun Daxing. Bai Weixuan said her request, but unexpectedly, the monkey showed a difficult face and scratched his cheek and explained, "It's not that my grandson didn't want to save them, but that they broke into the canyon of life and death. The prohibition there is allowed to enter and out, and my grandson can't help it."

"So, are they dead?" Bai Weixuan's heart sank and said.

"It's not all, unless they can come out of the canyon of life and death alive. It's just that the canyon of life and death is so horrible that my grandson dares not set foot easily. Sun Daxing grabbed his cheek in an embarrassment. The meaning was that the two people went in and were almost dead.

"Became me! I can save them." Bai Weixuan frowned and said positively. She said this not because of impulse, but because she did rely on it. Moreover, it is also a responsibility. The two brothers of the Yun family fell off the cliff because of her own will, and they could not get rid of her from the canyon of life and death.

Maybe they have left the Shenyang tribe and have already escaped from life. Or even if you fight with the two monsters in the magic cave, you may not lose. Yun Fengli's chance of winning when he breaks through to the realm of Taoist immortals is even greater. Without the cooperation of the third demons, the unique move will definitely be greatly reduced.

It's all because she is single-willed, and the two of them will take risks with her. Now that they are in danger, it is naturally her responsibility to save them.

"No! No! My grandson will never allow you to die." Sun Daxing waved his hand repeatedly when he heard the words and was about to leave. Naturally, it is impossible for Bai Weixuan to let him succeed. She quickly shouted, "Brother Sun, if you don't take me to find it myself, you don't have to go back if you die!" Anyway, the master was so sad that he probably thought I had died a long time ago. In fact, he doesn't know that I'm not dead, and I can take his brother who wants to see him most to see him. It's a pity..."

Bai Weixuan said that Sun Daxing had turned back with a bitter face. Seeing Bai Weixuan's sad appearance, he only felt that he had never been so worried. He even pulled off a few clusters of monkey hair before crying and said, "I and my grandson rely on you, but when you enter the canyon of life and death, you have to do what my grandson said, remember Be sure to keep a low profile, otherwise, the fairy king will not be able to protect you when he comes.

"Brother Sun, I knew you were the wisest. If you knew it, he would definitely agree with you to do it." Bai Weixuan did not hesitate to flatter and patted with a smile. Hearing her say this, Sun Daxing seemed to have really got the consent of the legendary master, and the bitterness on his face suddenly disappeared.

"My grandson draws a map of the canyon of life and death for you, and there are still places to pay attention to. However, this map is the closest map to the exit. Remember not to go astray, otherwise... I don't need my grandson to say that you also know the result." Sun Daxing sighed and told him, "Go and distinguish the immortals here and take away everything that can be used. Be prepared."

"Thank you, brother!" Hearing the care and love in Sun Daxing's words, Bai Weixuan couldn't help but be moved. This simple monkey still valued her as a junior sister. Some of the fairies in this mountain can restore immortal power, some can heal wounds, and some can detoxify, which can be said to be complete.

Although most of them have become fairy demons, these immortals have all grown here, which is still very spectacular, which once amazed Bai Weixuan.

"Brother, do you have any Xianshi to lend me some? I've run out of fairy stones. After cleaning up the fairy spirit and getting the map scroll given by Sun Daxing, Bai Weixuan was quite cheeky to ask Sun Daxing to borrow the fairy stone.

There's nothing she can do. She is penniless and can't practice as a fairy stone! She doesn't want to do anything that wants to suffer face. However, after she spoke, Sun Daxing looked at her strangely and threw down a sentence, hitting her eyes with stars.

"The ground is full of fairy stones. Won't you pick them up by yourself?"

It turns out that although the fairy demon cannot be used as a fairy to refine the elixir, it has gathered a huge fairy spirit. Over time, the original soil of the fairy demon will be soaked by fairy gas and slowly become fairy stones. The fairy demons here are not short-lived at a glance, so the land under their roots must have condensed into fairy stones, and even in the gaps between them, there are fairy stones.

Exaggeratedly speaking, the land under Bai Weixuan's feet is a spiritual vein and another form of fairy mine.

So, in Sun Daxing's smiling eyes, Bai Weixuan jumped into the fairy demons and shocked the demons to dance in the wind. At the same time, she also let those low-level demons give way to an area for her to mine fairy stones.

This is endless wealth! She has been short of fairy stones for so long, and now she must hoard them well. It's better to use them for hundreds of years. What a full man, he doesn't know how to be hungry! Such a large fairy stone vein exists under Sun Daxing's eyes, but he does not move at all. How can Bai Weixuan, a poor man, feel embarrassed?