The only immortal in the world

Chapter 318 The Third Hidden Vein

Last minute, 30 seconds, 20 seconds... Bai Weixuan's eyebrows frowned deeper and deeper. She knew that she couldn't wait. These snowbone demons will not disappear until the wind and snow appear. Therefore, she has to fight by herself.

It is only a few steps away from the end. With Bai Weixuan's body method, it can be achieved within a moment, but now this step is like a leap between life and death.

Bai Weixuan's eyes were never sharp. Hearing the faint wind roaring, her body suddenly moved. No one saw how she moved, like a flash of light. The snowbone demon in front of her suddenly settled down and was stunned for a moment.

Then, a large ice and snow blade roared densely towards the end. Bai Weixuan's body was condensed with pieces of ice, and a snowflake blade even rubbed her skin. At this critical moment, her figure suddenly disappeared in place.

The wind and snow whined loudly, sweeping up pieces of snowflakes and rushing towards the rear. The snowbone demon reluctantly looked at the place where Bai Weixuan disappeared and slowly disappeared into the snow.

The wind and snow area has returned to its original silence, and only the distant wind is still ringing tirelessly, smoothing the traces of ice and snow.

In the seventh Lingjingpin, Bai Weixuan fell pale next to Lixiangquan. Her whole body was still covered with ice, but her legs were completely sealed by blue ice, without any awareness. Her left shoulder is now covered with a thin layer of frost because it was wiped by the snowflake blade. The color of her skin has turned white, and most of her vitality has been lost.

Looking at Bai Weixuan's tragic situation at this time, the three-eyed fire crystals turned around in a hurry. He hurriedly urged, "Xiao Bai, dispel the cold air on your body. Pure yang fire, chaotic blood and the power of life should be used, otherwise your body will be difficult to recover."

However, when Bai Weixuan heard his words, she was still motionless and was silent like an ice sculpture. If it hadn't been for the three-eyed fire crystal, he would have almost thought that she had lost her fragrance and jade under the attack of the snow bone demon.

In fact, what the three-eyed fire crystal doesn't know is that the reason why Bai Weixuan is motionless is because of the ice in her body. Under the extremely cold conditions, the ice soul formula ran to the extreme, and when passing through the body of the snow bone demon, stimulated by the terrible cold force, the ice soul formula actually broke through at this time.

Bai Weixuan never knew that the ice soul formula could break through. She thought it was just a skill, and the ice spirit was a necessary condition for the use of this skill, but now, in the depths of her consciousness, the originally calm and ordinary ice spirit emitted a burning light at this time.

Bai Weixuan even found for the first time that blue could also be so brilliant. It's so brilliant that people can't open their eyes.

The elliptical ice spirit shattered little with the impact of the cold power in the body. As the shell peeled off, it revealed the pure ice blue inside, which was a dragon-shaped ice blue, just like the real body of the ice dragon that has shrunk countless times.

The cold air roared from all directions, and the ice on Bai Weixuan's body surface also dissipated rapidly. The white frost penetrated into her skin and integrated into her meridians. The boundless cold air was like an invisible ice hammer, pounding Bai Weixuan's meridians, making the original ordinary meridians glow like ice and snow jade. Light.

And in the surprised eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan's skin became more and more pure, delicate and unparalleled.

Compared with the quiet change of appearance, Bai Weixuan's body was like ice and snow. All the meridians were dredged, and the flow of fairy power was more energetic than in the past. Under Bai Weixuan's surprised gaze, the dragon-shaped ice soul turned into a small dragon-shaped meridians, coiled in her body.

An unprecedented feeling suddenly filled Bai Weixuan's mind. The use of ice formula, the meaning of "ice and snow", and the skills of "ice sealed thousands of miles" came to her mind one by one, and even a new skill was also integrated into her mind at this time - ice dragon possession.

Ice dragon possession, as the name implies, can get the power of the ice dragon in a short time. The higher your spiritual and physical cultivation, the greater the power of the ice dragon possession. Generally speaking, it is three times your own strength. The duration is one hour, and the side effect is that the meridians will be damaged to a certain extent, and the body will become stiff for a short time.

So before the effect of "Ice Dragon Possion" ends, Bai Weixuan must leave the dangerous area and find her hiding place to survive the weak period.

However, this new ice dragon hidden vein brings more than this to Bai Weixuan. The most important thing is that she found that this ice dragon hidden vein can absorb the ice and snow power that invades her body and thus strengthen herself. What's more abnormal is that once these ice and snow forces pass through the hidden veins of the ice dragon, they turn into a slightly chilly pure and honest immortal power.

This immortal power can not only nourish the meridians and improve her physical cultivation, but also make her clear ears and eyes. She will not be disturbed by heart demons or foreign demons at all, and the speed of her determination becomes extremely fast.

Under the protection of the three-eyed fire crystal's worry, after about half an hour, Bai Weixuan finally absorbed all the cold air in her body and transformed it into a pure fairy power, flowing in her body.

She opened her eyes leisurely and felt refreshed, and her body was so light that it was about to fly.

"Xiao Bai, what happened? You seem to be different." The three-eyed fire crystal was still the physique that had grown up in the handcuff. Seeing Bai Weixuan stretching comfortably, he also stood up and asked with concern.

"The ice spirit has made a breakthrough, and I got the third hidden vein." Bai Weixuan narrowed her eyes and smiled, but a short sentence stunned the three eyes for a long time.

The cultivation of the earth fairy alone has the third hidden vein, and the three-eyed fire crystal found that she seemed to know Bai Weixuan for the first time.

If the previous two hidden veins are from Tianmiao, then this third hidden vein is entirely due to Bai Weixuan. Even the unnamed master who taught her the ice spirit secret of Binglong could not make the ice soul break through. Bai Weixuan could change it in a short time and get the third hidden vein.

Luck? Or an encounter? The three-eyed fire crystal shook his head slightly, and he suddenly found that Bai Weixuan had different characteristics from them, which was the mentality of being strong and a heart that would never give up.

Although she never said it, at this moment, the three-eyed fire crystal clearly sensed this heart and persistence. In the face of the light wind and clouds of success, no one can see the hard work and sweat hidden under her calm face, as well as the hardships of life and death.

"Xiao Bai..." The three-eyed fire crystal suddenly choked a little, and he felt sorry for the woman from the bottom of his heart.

"What? Are you unhappy that I broke through? Hee hee! I will contact the boy Yunqi first, and then we will try the depth of the snowbone demon. Let's go!" Bai Weixuan pinched her three-eyed crystal tender little face and said with a smile. As soon as she moved, she left the seventh spiritual crystal and came to the edge of the wind and snow area.

Taking out the dark sound jade card given to her by Xuehu after the end of the doomsday, Bai Weixuan pressed a scarlet button on it and communicated with her mind.

Leaving the snake vine area and the wind and snow area, it is a test of the canyon of life and death, and it is here that various restrictions have been lifted, and the transmission jade card can also be reused.

The scarlet button was left by Yun Qi. Originally, it was intended to facilitate their contact in the future, but at this time, it became the key to saving the Yun brothers.

"Yunqi, can you hear me?" Bai Weixuan used divine thoughts to pass on the sound jade card over and over again, but there has never replied. Just as she frowned and wondered if there was something wrong with the jade card, a faint voice suddenly sounded in her consciousness.

"White girl, where are you? We have a lot of monsters here. Yunqi's voice was a little weak, which seemed to extremely suppress the fluctuation of her consciousness.

"Tell me about the terrain over there. I just passed the snowy area, that is, the place where the snow is very strong." Hearing Yun Qi's response, Bai Weixuan quickly spread her voice.

"Our side is full of stones, the mountains are black, and there is no shadow of vegetation. My eldest brother and I have been trapped here for three days. You'd better not come over. There are too many monsters here. If you have a chance, escape by yourself! Leave us alone." Yun Qipo whispered that she obviously didn't want Bai Weixuan to go deep into danger.