The only immortal in the world

Chapter 325 Ice Armor Taoist Fairy

"Sure enough, it is a Xuanjie superior fairy elixir, which is extremely good." Bai Weixuan smiled and said to herself that she was very satisfied with this result. Although she had failed twice before, this last refining brought her into a mysterious state. Therefore, this elixir was also particularly successful and has reached the ultimate of Xuanjie.

"Wow... Let's start after a break! In the later stage of Xuanxian, a broken Xuandan can be reached. Why not do it?" After putting away the jade bottle, Bai Weixuan thought for a moment to stand up and walked to the place where the three-eyed fire crystal was closed. Seeing that the latter was entering, she did not disturb. Then she came to the place where the fairy stone was and crossed her knees to breathe.

After closing her eyes and adjusting her breath for a few hours, she felt that her spirit and body had returned to the peak state. Then Bai Weixuan took out the jade bottle, took out the broken Xuandan, and introduced the medicinal power of the broken Xuandan into her body according to the special taking method.

Suddenly, I only felt that countless hot streams rushed into the body from the pores of the whole body, and there was a hot burst of ** all over her body. Bai Weixuan quickly closed her eyes and condensed her mind to guide, and the divine consciousness attracted these fiery energy and wandered around the major meridians around her body.

The eight veins of the strange meridians continue to stretch and expand, and the strong immortal power moistened Bai Weixuan's body again and again. This process looks extremely fast, but in a moment, Bai Weixuan's body has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Her current physique is afraid that she can't cut a trace with an ordinary knife, but I'm afraid it's difficult to hurt her.

At the same time, her body is more compatible with the surrounding environment. Between movements, there is no need to disturb any dust in the air. It moves silently, passes by without shocking anything. This is the ability to understand the heavenly Tao to a certain extent.

Whether it is shrinking into an inch or shuttling space, today's Bai Weixuan can be silent and completely integrated with heaven and earth. Moreover, there is no need for any physical cultivation. It is closer to the "Shuttle" in the Secret of Heaven, and may be very close to the last move of the Heavenly Secret.

However, if she really wants to reach the level of "Heavenly Way", Bai Weixuan's intuition will not be as simple as it is now. Her understanding of space has just begun, and the level of "Heavenly Tao" should be the real space road.

The medicinal power of breaking Xuandan is continuous and long. Bai Weixuan took more than a month to fully absorb the medicinal power that can be absorbed, and in the process of continuous absorption, her cultivation was also stable in the late stage of Xuanxian.

Opening her eyes from practice, Bai Weixuan exhaled a turbid breath and stood up silently. She slightly raised the corners of her mouth and suddenly disappeared in place.

Next, it's time to meet the snowbone demon outside.


In the depths of the dark ice and snow, the eyes in the dark were a little drowsy. Suddenly, a figure quietly appeared in the crystal cage. The faint and almost hidden breath made the existence in the dark narrow its eyes slightly.

After waiting for a long time, what kind of surprise will this person bring to him when he reappears? Seeing the ice fairy mark on her forehead that had not yet disappeared, the presence in the dark laughed in a low voice.

Ice Fairy, it's actually an ice fairy! Will she become her own food, or will she defeat herself to get the inheritance here? It is vaguely looking forward to it.


When Bai Weixuan fell into the crystal cage, she strangely caught the flashing excitement in the eyes of the snowbone demon. She frowned slightly, and the suspicion in her heart deepened. It feels like something is secretly measuring itself.

However, as much as she thought, the snowbone demon in front of her has rushed up at a strange pace. However, such a strange pace is not worth mentioning in today's Bai Weixuan's view. It looks extremely fast. She could not capture the speed of the phantom before. In her opinion, it is also as slow as Snail.

It's not that the other party has regressed, but that Bai Weixuan has made great progress. This is the saying that if you don't advance, you will retreat.

So the snowbone demon in front of her has no threat in Bai Weixuan's view. In the eyes of outsiders, the snowbone demon body method is extremely fast and has completely disappeared into the air. On the other hand, Bai Weixuan stood quietly in place, motionless, and did not even make any preparations, as if she had completely given up resistance and waited to die obediently.

But when the snowbone demon really wanted to touch her body, he found that the person in front of him was just the phantom still in the void. It pierced the phantom, but the body was completely smashed in the next second and turned into a fine ice powder.

A force of ice and snow gushed out and was absorbed by the person who was originally a phantom. The existence in the dark didn't even see how Bai Weixuan moved, and the snowbone demon was completely crushed. And the person who was originally a phantom began to move again.

If you only look at the result, it seems that Bai Weixuan has been standing still and has never moved at all, and the snowbone demon suddenly smashed after rushing over.

All this is too strange, but this is also Bai Weixuan's understanding of space and one of the special means she has thought of in the past year. Perception is used in practice, which is the ultimate purpose of perception and the law of the survival of Taoists.

"Kka!" The barrier of the crystal cage was opened again, but Bai Weixuan's body did not fall down because of the tension below. She stood stubbornly, with a pair of black and white eyes looking at somewhere in the crystal cage and humming the corners of her mouth. She stepped gently and disappeared in place.

The existence in the dark, at the moment when Bai Weixuan's figure disappeared, the huge pupils contracted violently, and it diffused its mind in the void, and faintly felt that this person was walking in his direction.

"Hmm! Stupid human! Instead of practicing in the place arranged for you in this seat, come and die!" A cold light flashed in her huge eyes, and the girl in an ordinary Shenluo women's skirt had come to it.

Bai Weixuan looked up at the huge thing in front of her and was shocked. She just felt that the direction of the divine mind was locked here when she came out of the seventh spiritual crystal. Because she didn't want to repeat the boring crystal cage, she searched here after solving the snowbone demon.

But she didn't expect that there would be such a terrible existence in the area she estimated.

Under the huge thing in front of her, she was as small as an ant. She raised her neck and couldn't see the back of the monster. She only saw countless ice cone-like ice thorns growing on the monster's body. At the same time, there were strange lines on its body. The road spread all over its body, making it more ferocious.

The monster's eyes are also ice-blue as well as the snowbone demon, but they are also terrified, almost one person tall in length and width, including pupils, which are red, which are very strange.

At this moment, she is looking at the huge thing, and the other party is also looking at her. It thought that the human in front of him would tremble when he saw it, but the other party just looked at it in surprise and seemed to be full of curiosity, which made it somewhat uncomfortable.

"We are ice armor immortals. Who are you? Quick report on your name!" Bingjia Daoxian looked at Bai Weixuan impatiently, and her voice sounded like an ice shock.

Bai Weixuan heard the letter from her back and said hurriedly, "Jiangender Bai Weixuan!"

"Hmm! District cheap names also dare to report it. What we ask about is your name. Why don't you report it? Hearing Bai Weixuan's words, Bingjia Daoxian suddenly became unhappy and her tone became colder.

Road number? What bullshit? What on earth does this monster want to do? Bai Weixuan muttered in her heart, but she had no choice but to ask, and casually replied, "Senior, atone for your sins, the younger generation is a mysterious fairy."

"Hey! If you know the number, then you can cook the food in this seat, right? Unexpectedly, after Bai Weixuan reported the Taoist number, the ice armor Taoist fairy suddenly turned her head and suddenly opened her huge mouth. A huge suction came from it, and suddenly involved the unprepared Bai Weixuan.

It blocked the surrounding space again, which made Bai Weixuan escape, and it gathered its horrible ice-blue gastric juice to the place where the latter finally disappeared.