The only immortal in the world

Chapter 328 Koala

It's like a blind man touching an elephant. He thought he touched the whole elephant, but in fact he only touched an elephant's toe. People can be ignorant, but they can't be stupid. Bai Weixuan also broke this point after thousands of years of heavenly washing, which also made her have the most precious ordinary heart in the process of verifying Tiandao.

"Finally broke through to the Taoist immortal, one step closer to the immortal." Unexpectedly, a hundred years have passed in the outside world, and I have spent thousands of years in the space. Time flies, and the once unreachable realm has become readily available at this time.

Bai Weixuan, whose spiritual cultivation has reached the middle of the immortals, is not difficult for her physical cultivation to reach the level of immortals, but it still needs some opportunities and training.

When you practice immortals, you can travel around the Shinra Star, fight with those immortals, and explore the whereabouts of the magic weapon that opens the transmission array.

"Haven't the three eyes been out of the customs? I should go out, too!" Feeling that the three-eyed fire crystals in the space were still closing their eyes, Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows with a little doubt and said to herself.

She stretched out, received the demon fairy of the ice armor fairy in the cutlet space, and also took her huge body in, and then returned to the outside world.

Here, it is still under the ground, and there is dark land under its feet. There is no light. It is surrounded by ice, which looks like a closed space. However, this is not difficult for Bai Weixuan. If she wants to get out of here, she only needs one idea.

It's just that a cluster of beautiful plants in a corner of this space attracted Bai Weixuan's sight. As soon as her feet moved, she only took a step, and people came to the side of the cluster of plants.

It is a cluster of blue-green ice corals. In Bai Weixuan's memory, this ice coral is a rare heavenly fairy and a congenital ice spirit body, which can enable an ordinary heavenly Taoist to gain the ability of single-attribute ice. It is equivalent to giving an ordinary Taoist unlimited potential. Its preciousness is self-evident.

Bai Weixuan naturally refused to let go of this rare ice coral. She moved the land within the upper and lower feet of the ice coral into the space with her mind. Unexpectedly, she also put it in the purple gas range of the purple dragon. Long-standing experience has told Bai Weixuan that these purple gas have an excellent protective effect on any substance, and it is most suitable to put ice corals here.

After getting the ice coral, Bai Weixuan glanced around casually with her mind and found that there was nothing else precious, so she stopped staying and left this dark place.

Returning to the critical point of the wind and snow area and the ghost fire area, the snow bone demon mechanism in the ice and snow area has stopped operating. Without the control of the ice armor immortals, those snow bone demons without intelligence wander in the vast ice and snow, but due to the remaining confinement in this area, they will not go out of the ice and snow area.

Bai Weixuan smiled, turned around indifferently, and stepped into the ghost fire area like a leisurely walk.

For a moment, the ghost was full of ghosts, and countless ghost fires swayed in the dark giant trees, whining near or far. These ghost fires were originally swaying and wandering randomly. At first glance, Bai Weixuan appeared, and they were all like crazy horse bees, and flocks of strange screaming rushed over.

Bai Weixuan's face seemed to stop, and there was no action at all because of the impact of the ghost fire. Those ghost fires rushed in droves and were about to hit Bai Weixuan, but unexpectedly, she turned around at the last moment and flew away. Bai Weixuan walked all the way, but there was no ghost fire that could touch her sleeve.

After walking straight to the nearest towering tree, she stopped and looked up indifferently and stared coldly at the trunk.

"Do you want me to ask you to come out or yourself?" Bai Weixuan's faint voice was so calm that it made people tremble in this strange place. After she finished speaking, she didn't see any reaction from the giant tree in front of her. She couldn't help sneering at the corners of her mouth, "It seems that you don't know yourself at all."

After that, Bai Weixuan slowly stretched out her hand and pointed her slender fingers to the giant tree in front of her. Unexpectedly, a terrible cold air fell from her fingertips. The giant tree was instantly covered with ice-blue ice, and some fragile branches could not bear the burden of the branches and leaves under the freezing of this moment. On the ground.

Suddenly, I saw a dark shadow coming out of the frozen giant tree. It flew to another tree and hung upside down on the branch. A pair of shiny eyes looked straight at Bai Weixuan, "How do you know I was on that tree?"

"Do you think these ghost fires will have eyes?" Bai Weixuan smiled indifferently and asked. In those low-level ghost fires without eyes, it is naturally impossible to see her, let alone feel the anger of the people on her body, so the seemingly normal attack actually exposed the operator.

"Then how do you know I'm on that tree?" Hanging upside down on the branch was a bit like a reduced version of the bear, but the naive operator scratched his ears doubtfully and asked.

"Don't you think this tree is the closest to the entrance and has the best observation angle?" Seeing the look of the operator, Bai Weixuan's eyes suddenly lit up. Isn't this koala? Is this little thing actually the manipulator of this strange place?

"I think so too!" The koala nodded quickly and broke the excitement of the hero's similar opinion, but after thinking about it, he sapped his head and said naively, "I lost!"

Unexpectedly, this little thing would have such a statement, but Bai Weixuan was stunned for a moment and said quite funny, "Are you gambling with me? So what's your bet?

"Bet?" The koala tilted his head blankly and thought about it. One paw kept scratching his head and was very entangled. After a long time, he said with a bitter face and chagrined, "I'm willing to lose the bet. I didn't expect to lose before, so I'm not prepared to bet. What do you want? I'll steal it for you!"

Seeing that the koala's little eyes were about to shine, Bai Weixuan sighed that it was the best and was the most enthusiastic about this pit. Thinking of what Sun Daxing wrote in this area that he could pass with a little fairy, Bai Weixuan could immediately imagine the miserable appearance of being teased by this unscrupulous koala.

"That's it! I haven't decided yet. Why don't you follow me? When I think about it, can you help me pick it up? Bai Weixuan's heart beat Xiao Jiujiu. This koala can not only manipulate the ghost fire in this large area, but also make a strong man like Sun Daxing have to offer immortals to pass through this place. It can be seen that his ability is extraordinary. If she can get this help, she may be able to find the magic weapon to open the space transmission array without blood.

"It's not that I can't. I'm so bored here that I want to go out and play. It's just that the prohibition here is too strong. It's easy for you to get out, and it's hard for me to get out unless you can control here. The koala looked at Bai Weixuan with an expectant face, which seemed to be severely oppressed by the environment and restrictions here.

"Control here?" Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows. Although she knew that there might be inheritance here, she didn't want to control it.

According to the information given by Sun Daxing, this life and death canyon has a large area, and each area is different, but it is also full of crises, such as the previous wind and snow area and the ice armor fairy under it. If it hadn't been for Bai Weixuan's seven generations of spiritual crystal, I'm afraid it would have become a pool of water in its belly, which is so horrible. Corrosive power, even now she may not be able to fully withstand it.

And how many such or stronger crises there are in this canyon of life and death. No one knows that if, as the koala said, to completely control here, it can almost be described as a miracle.

"I know that you killed the bug. For countless years, it is the first time that someone can kill a regional leader here, and it is also the first time that someone can break my fantasy to find my real body. Therefore, you are most likely to do it. I also hope to wait until this day. Life here is really boring, although However, this is the punishment he gave me, but I didn't do anything wrong..."

The koala said, and a trace of loneliness flashed on her face. At that moment, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt that it was like an abandoned child, with endless grievances and bitterness in her heart.

"Okay, I'd like to try it if I can, but before that, I have to save my friend. They are still in the dark zone." Bai Weixuan thought about it and nodded. She needed the ability of koala and also needed to improve her strength. She had to take this risk.