The only immortal in the world

Chapter 332 Good News from Three Eyes

But how did this life and death form? Bai Weixuan walked through the dense corridor and was full of confusion. At this moment, the purpose of her coming to the dark quiet area was not only to find the Yun brothers, but also to explore the way of life and death.

The corridor extended to the ground. Bai Weixuan walked through the corridor all day before she came out. In the corridor, she also encountered some black monsters, but these monsters were relatively weak and easily solved by her.

The figure appeared from a stone forest. Looking out through the gap of the stone forest, you can see groups of black monsters wandering in the spacious space, with different sizes and shapes. There are also some huge black monsters coiling on a mountain, looking up and swallowing the fairy spirit between heaven and earth.

At this glance, nearly 1% of the black monsters are at the level of Taoist immortals, and the level of Xuanxian is even more, and the immortals are only a little more than the level of Taoist immortals. This massive black monsters are obviously composed of those and newborn black monsters that have escaped from the colorful whirlpool.

Bai Weixuan saw the black dragon on the highest mountain. Obviously, this newborn giant has become the hegemon of this area. To Bai Weixuan's surprise, she could not feel the cultivation of this black dragon at all. The latter may have reached the late Immortal period, and even broke through to the fairy king period. Set.

This made Bai Weixuan feel very tricky. Originally, this number of black monsters, even a monster roared and could shock her to death. With so many black monsters and the horrible black dragon, if she wanted to fight head-on, she would definitely die.

After thinking for a while, Bai Weixuan returned to the corridor again. After thinking about it, she took out the transmission jade card and pressed the red button.

"Yunqi, Yunqi, can you hear me? Yunqi. The divine voice passed, but it was still silent, which made Bai Weixuan have to doubt whether Yun Qi had lost the jade card.

Helplessly put away the transmission jade card, and Bai Weixuan sat on the ground at a loss, frowning tightly.

"Xiaobai! Good news!" The sound of the three-eyed fire crystal came from the hairpin, and then he jumped to Bai Weixuan's shoulder and said with a smile, "I finally understand the Extradition Space. In the future, I no longer need the assistance of fairy stones to arrange the formation, and you can take it casually."

"Really?! That's great!" Bai Weixuan's eyes lit up and quickly said that the "extradition space" she had learned was just a small range of layout, which was very practical, but it was of little use in a wide range.

Three-eyed Fire Crystal is not a big talker. If it says such words, it means that it has really penetrated the Extradition Space. His retreat for thousands of years has made him reach an unprecedented height in the way to formation. That's also a height that Bai Weixuan can't reach today.

"Yes, what are the beads you put in the pincer? How can there be a strange law power in it? Three-eyed Huojing smiled and was a little satisfied with Bai Weixuan's performance, but he was worried about the strange beads in the handpin space, so he asked.

"What beads?" Bai Weixuan was stunned and didn't know what the three-eyed fire crystal was talking about, but she didn't bother to care about it. She said impatiently, "I have been understanding that "Nvwa's Disabled Skills" has been around for some years. Now I can refine the gods and let me improve your body for you!"

"This is not urgent, you see, this is the bead I'm talking about!" The three-eyed fire crystal waved her hand, stretched out her hand and said to Bai Weixuan. What he lay in the palm of his hand is the demon yuan obtained by Bai Weixuan to kill black monsters these days, white jade, blue, blue jade, three colors.

"This is the demon immortal of the black monster I hunted in the dark quiet area..." Bai Weixuan suddenly thought of the words before the three-eyed fire crystal, couldn't help but stop and suddenly wondered, "You mean that they contain strange law power?"

"Hmm!" The three-eyed fire crystal nodded, "The power of this law cannot be felt by those who do not control the law. It's normal that you don't find it."

"Is that right? Eh? So, are you in control of the law? Bai Weixuan looked at the three-eyed fire crystal in astonishment. Unexpectedly, after thousands of years, this companion with only the body of a small god would silently control the law.

You should know that among the heavenly Taoists, only the existence above the immortals can master the power of a trace of law. It is simply incredible that the three-eyed fire crystals control the law with today's body.

"Otherwise, how dare I say that I have penetrated "Extradition Space"?" The three-eyed fire crystal smiled and nodded, and a mysterious space pattern emerged in the middle of his eyebrows at this time, like a starry sky full of stars, like an endless sea and sky. The pattern is changing rapidly, and it seems to be unchanged, magical and mysterious.

"Is this the mark of the true immortal?" Bai Weixuan looked at it for a long time before she realized it and said puzzled, "Don't I also have a real fairy mark?"

"What you have obtained is the true immortality of the element, and what I have obtained is the approval of the law of space, but it is still above you!" Three-eyed fire crystal smiled proudly and said, "How's it going? Did you lose to me this time?"

"Oh, don't be proud, I will catch up with you soon!" Bai Weixuan whitened her eyes and gave a look of fire crystals. This guy actually pretended to be a villain, which really made people itchy.

"It's actually very simple to catch up with me. Here, the opportunity is right in front of you." The three-eyed fire crystal smiled lowly, then picked up the beads in his hand and said confidently.

"Do you want me to understand the law in this bead?" Bai Weixuan's heart moved and asked.

"The child can be taught, but it is better to absorb than to understand." Three-eyed fire crystal said, "What exists in these demon immortals is the law of the Lord, which can be directly absorbed and get all the insights in it. Of course, these laws are out of the control of heaven and earth, which can be regarded as scattered laws. If you absorb them, you have to digest them yourself. How much benefit you can get depends on yourself.

"So that's it! These laws can be used directly for me, but if I want to improve them further, I need to continue to understand them. It's equivalent to opening the door of the law for me. How far I can go depends on myself. Bai Weixuan nodded. There is nothing perfect in the world. The existence of these black monsters and immortals is absolutely rare in the world.

Even so, it is not an absolute insurance. How to go in the future and how far you can go will vary from person to person. Therefore, while absorbing the power of these laws, Bai Weixuan should also maintain a clear mind, remove falsehood and preserve the truth, and remove the dross, so that she can figure out the clear road in the chaos.

"Three eyes, please help me continue to contact Yunqi with the sound jade card, and I will absorb these demons and immortals together." Bai Weixuan figured out the joints and couldn't wait to absorb the power of the law.

Understanding and controlling the law, she has a lot of confusion and expectations about the law. With the improvement of her cultivation, the more she wants to know, the more she wants to know more mysteries of heaven and earth.

"Good! Go ahead! I'm watching outside." The three-eyed fire crystal nodded and took over the sound jade card.

"Yes, the body of the gods, let me help you refine the body of the gods first!" Bai Weixuan was so happy that she almost forgot about the gods. When she just wanted to enter the hairpin space, she remembered it and came back to her senses and quickly said happily.

"I'm not busy. With the recognition of the law of space, I can change as I want within a hundred years. The little gods and gods are the same for me, and the body can no longer imprison me. The three eyes were full of warmth, and he shook his head with a smile.

"Okay! Anyway, the days are still long. When do you want to become a god, just tell me. Bai Weixuan was not pretentious. Seeing the indifferent appearance of the fire crystals in her eyes, she did not force it, and her mind moved into the handi space.


In the space, Bai Weixuan separated the demon immortals according to different colors and put them in front of them.

"Let's start with the lowest-level white jade demon fairy!" Bai Weixuan said to herself, picked up a few white jade-colored demon immortals and put them in the palm of her hand. At the same time, she released her own thoughts to wrap it, just like absorbing the fairy power in the fairy stone at the beginning, and began to absorb the power of the law in the fairy fairy yuan.