The only immortal in the world

Chapter 336 The Last Water Curtain

The three-eyed fire crystal in black floated in mid-air, almost looking down in a contemptuous posture. On his body, all the forms of fire elves disappeared, replaced by endless black, black hair, black clothes and even black eyes that were almost lost emotion.

Absolute cold, absolutely cold.

"Do it!" The three-eyed fire crystal lowered its eyes and said faintly.

"..." Bai Weixuan squirmed her white lips, "Why? You..."

"Maybe it's fate!" A bitter smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, and his three-eyed fire crystal sharpened chin slightly lowered, not contacting Bai Weixuan's sight.

"I won't do anything to you." Seeing the three-eyed fire crystal dodging, Bai Weixuan raised her eyebrows for no reason and said firmly, "If you want to die together, if you want to leave, leave together."

"There is no other way." The three-eyed fire crystal shook her head, "I don't want you to stay here too." He squeezed his lips and wanted to say that he was very satisfied to be with her for so long again. But after all, he didn't say it.

"Absolutely impossible!" Bai Weixuan's eyes were fierce, and the flames rose all over her body. She asked Yun Qi and Yun Fengli not to resist, and brushed their sleeves and sent them into the seventh generation of spiritual crystal.

The light of the flame opened a faint absolute space in the dark. Bai Weixuan turned to the water curtain not far from here, which was the only clue she could find now.

The message from the moment the black crystal ball burst is that you can leave this place and leave the canyon of life and death after killing the human-shaped black dragon. And this humanoid black dragon is exactly the three-eyed fire crystal that absorbed the black dragon demon fairy who accidentally had the smell of the black dragon.

"Xiao Bai, listen to me this time." The three-eyed fire crystal blocked in front of Bai Weixuan, "In a while, the space here will completely collapse, and then no one will really leave."

Bai Weixuan hummed and said nothing more. She went straight through the three-eyed fire crystal and came to the water curtain. Reaching out through the water curtain, Bai Weixuan's pupils suddenly shrank, and a trace of joy flashed on her face.

"I said there was another way!" She stared at the fire crystal and said, "There are three such water curtains in the black silent area. The black crystal ball is the birth of these three water curtains. There is one here. I also found one before. As long as you find another water curtain and connect the power of the three, the dark area will naturally be captured."

How to connect the forces of the three? How can you find another water curtain in such a short time? Unlike Bai Weixuan's surprise, the three-eyed fire crystal shook her head without any hope.

"If you don't want to, I'll find it myself. We still have a handcuff. Don't give up hope casually. I just got the power of this water curtain. As long as I find the last water curtain and let me touch it, all crises will be resolved. Bai Weixuan said with a straight face, her body moved, and she had already marched to the water curtain she had encountered before.

At this moment, she completely let go of her body, penetrated the endless void, and soon came to the water curtain behind the colorful whirlpool. There was still a picture of the birth of the black dragon in the water curtain. Bai Weixuan stretched out her hand and penetrated the water curtain, and a strange force followed her fingers to the water curtain.

The water lines in the water curtain were hazy, and Bai Weixuan realized that there seemed to be something more in the sea, and her body involuntarily began to absorb the fairy spirit of heaven and earth around her.

At this time, the three-eyed fire crystal came out of the void and came behind Bai Weixuan and whispered, "I'll help you!"

"That's right! Let's go!" Hearing the sound of the three-eyed fire crystal, Bai Weixuan snorted in her nose, but there was a smile on her face. Her body moved, and her consciousness was released in all directions.

The two soldiers divided into two ways and quickly shuttled through the underground space, and the black in the air also quickly spread around from the position where the black crystal ball was located. All the black monsters in the black silent area also seemed to feel an unusual smell at this time. They roared restlessly. On each hill, the black dragons swallowing the essence of heaven and earth stopped one after another, and their cold eyes stared at the ground coldly.

"Roar!!!!" The cruel dragon sounded, and nearly ten black dragons swooped down from the top of the mountain, smashed large black stones, and plunged into the underground corridor.

In short, Bai Weixuan and the three-eyed fire crystal walked around the ground crazily, but they never found the last water curtain. Instead, on the way to find the water curtain, they encountered a group of black monsters rushing in from the surface.

The world seems to be changing again. All the black monsters poured desperately into the earth. Even the existence above the immortal level seemed to be panicked and even unscrupulous. Bai Weixuan could even see many black monsters being trampled to death by the rampaging peers.

How similar this scene is, but the fleeing team is not as flustered and hurried as it is now, and the black monster can still maintain a stable formation.

"What's wrong with these black monsters?" Bai Weixuan frowned. She could easily avoid the monster group, but did not leave. Instead, she thought for a moment and followed.

These black monsters will not do this for no reason. They have existed in this land for a long time, especially above the level of Taoism. The reason why they are so flustered must be related to the variation in the black silent area, which is obviously related to the black crystal ball.

Following these black monsters, it is likely to find information related to the water curtain. Bai Weixuan speculated so much that she quickly followed the black monsters and quickly arrived at an empty underground cave.

This underground cave is also somewhat similar to the place where the colorful whirlpool appeared last time, but the colorful whirlpool that should have appeared on the closed black stone wall did not appear as scheduled.

Bai Weixuan's pupils shrank, and all the black monsters found at this point also began to be chaotic at this time. Many overly panicked black monsters even directly hit the position where there would have been a colorful whirlpool, but the miracle did not appear. The result of an easy attempt was only one, that is, smashed bones.

The black monsters died one after another. Bai Weixuan frowned and was as nervous as the black monsters. Where is the last water curtain? Why did the black monster react, but the colorful whirlpool did not appear?

"Colorful whirlpool? The other side of the black quiet area?" Bai Weixuan was suddenly shocked and thought of a possibility, "Is it possible that the last water curtain is on the other side of the dark quiet area?"

"Xiao Bai, please do it on me! We searched all over here, and there was no third water curtain at all. Three-eyed Huojing rushed to Bai Weixuan and said anxiously, "Time is running out."

"Three eyes, the water curtain is on the other side, on the other side of the colorful whirlpool, they may be the center of control here." Bai Weixuan said hurriedly, and because of her spiritual fluctuations, many black monsters had found her, and those black dragons also locked here at this time and rushed here.

"We can't go there. The colorful whirlpool has not appeared!" The three-eyed fire crystal frowned, and they could not penetrate here without a colorful whirlpool. Even with his achievements in space, he could not break through such a hard barrier.

"Help me! We will definitely be able to get there." Bai Weixuan looked firmly at the three-eyed fire crystals, and seven stars lit up in her body at the same time.

"Xiao Bai, don't use the power of the sky wheel." A trace of pain flashed in the eyes of the three-eyed fire crystal, and his fists clenched tightly.

"What I said will never change. Help me!" Bai Weixuan looked at the three-eyed fire crystal and was extremely serious, "Otherwise, I will do nothing and wait here to die!"

"Xiaobai, what should you do if you die? Haven't you been thinking about going back to see him? Don't you still want to be together and grow old together? Under the silence of the three-eyed fire crystal, she suddenly looked up, and her black eyes flashed with a different brilliance, as if they were not talking about others, but imagining their own future.

"Don't say anything. He won't want me to abandon you. We still have hope, don't we? Help me!" Bai Weixuan closed her eyes, took a deep breath and opened it again, and said with a trace of pleading.

"...good!" Unable to avoid Bai Weixuan's direct look, the three-eyed fire crystal fell down, sighed, and no longer forced her, but condensed on arranging the array to penetrate the space, "Let's start!" After a while, the three-eyed fire crystal opened its eyes and said positively.

Bai Weixuan nodded, faced the black wall, and took a deep breath.

"A combination of seven stars!" With a low shout, the seven stars around her shined brightly at the same time and began to move at the same time. The seven stars condensed from the top to Bai Weixuan's Dantian. In a moment, the light spread like a sword light from the Dantian to Bai Weixuan's whole body.

Bai Weixuan's whole body seems to be filled with starlight, almost transparent. She opened her eyes slightly, and the starlight in her eyes flashed around the corners of her eyebrows.

The space is twisted at this time, and the one-wide space channel is opened and straight into the black stone wall. Bai Weixuan was like a meteor and turned into a long arrow and went straight to the black stone wall.

Her figure suddenly penetrated the black stone wall and disappeared for a moment. It was said that sooner or later, nine black dragons were arriving at this time and plunged into the stone wall at the same time. The three-eyed fire crystal was shocked, quickly cut off the space passage here, and quickly tracked it up.

Not long after Bai Weixuan broke into the stone wall, she felt locked by the nine powerful breaths. What's more frightening is that these nine breaths were still tightly biting behind her, which was extremely fast, almost as fast as she opened the "seven-star combination". In addition, she is a pathist and is under great pressure. If she is delayed for a while, she will definitely be caught up by these breaths.

At that time, Bai Weixuan has no chance of winning.

Fight! Bai Weixuan's heart was fierce, and her body suddenly exerted strength. The seven stars connected into her body emitted weak flames, as if they were burning. At this time, her speed was also extremely horribly doubled. The hard black stone wall in front of her could not stop her at all. With the help of the three-eyed fire crystal space array, she easily broke all the obstacles.

It's close, very close! Crossing the obstacles in front of her quickly, Bai Weixuan couldn't help shouting in her heart. The price of burning seven stars was too great. Even if it was only a few breaths, she felt the great fatigue from her body.