The only immortal in the world

Chapter 348 Holy Yuanxing Taiyi City

"Will you come back again?" I don't know how many times I stuffed food into my mouth. When Yunqi opened her mouth, she found that her voice was completely vague, and Bai Weixuan looked at him and laughed.

At this time, Yunqi found that his mouth was full of food, and his cheeks on both sides were bulging. How funny it was. The teenager's face turned red. He quickly chewed it twice, swallowed the food in his mouth, and then repeated what he had just said.

"Of course, I'm back. The Canyon of Life and Death is mine. Maybe I will come to take it back sometime. You have to take good care of it for me. If you come back and find it running into other people's hands, I'll ask you!" Bai Weixuan said as a matter of course, and waved her fist with half-threatening Chong Yunqi, as if she could kill back at any time.

With her words, the sadness in everyone's hearts suddenly decreased a lot, and a smile appeared on Yun Fengli's face.

"Big Bai, I want that piece of meat!" Bai Xiaoxiong worked hard for a long time and didn't reach the test plate a little far away from him. He jumped up and down in a hurry. Seeing that Bai Weixuan had the momentum to put down her chopsticks, she hurriedly called.

"White bear, you will really get fat if you eat it again!" Looking at the white bear who has gained a lot of weight, Bai Weixuan said in a deep tone.

"You, you simply don't know how hard I have been waiting for you. You don't want to eat tea every day... Humph! I clip it myself!" Bai Xiaoxiong complained with tears, but found that Sun Daxing had accelerated the speed of swallowing and quickly shouted to grab the food at hand.

So, under the noise of Bai Xiaoxiong jumping feet and Sun Daxing devouring, a delicious meal.


The remaining time is to prepare for the opening of the space transmission array. When Si Qi woke up the next day, the debugging of the mother ring was also going smoothly. Now, as long as Bai Weixuan is willing, she can embark on an interstellar journey at any time.

But Bai Weixuan still stayed here for the third day. During these three days, she refined a lot of good things for everyone, including fairy elixirs and some life-saving fairy charms. She handed over simple refining techniques to Si Qi, who was very talented for this, and left many precious immortals.

God knows that the area in the brispin has been filled with fairy spirits by ginseng grass demons. Those immortals, which are extremely rare for the people of Shenluo Star, are as common here as cabbage and tofu.

On the other hand, the Tianluo tribe has not returned to the Fengli tribe since that day, and Funan has lost its trace since then. Bai Weixuan strengthened the tribe's defense array for the Fengli tribe and took away some important treasures in the canyon of life and death. Say goodbye to everyone and step into the strange space transmission array - the lake center array.

Yunqi and others on the shore of the lake came to say goodbye. The only people who left Shenluo Star were Bai Weixuan, Sun Daxing and Bai Xiaoxiong. Bai Weixuan waved to the crowd and took the two beside her into the heart of the lake without looking back.

Touching the stone tablet on the stage, Bai Weixuan's heart was full of excitement. Finally, she was about to go back. After more than a hundred years, she could finally see them again.

"All my friends in the cold, brother and the earth world, I'm coming back!" Bai Weixuan meditated in her heart that the inscription on the stone tablet lit up when she touched the stone tablet, and the light immediately flooded the whole lake.

Bai Weixuan's eyes flashed, and there was a huge and endless starry sky. They stepped between the stars. In the dark blue starry sky, the stars twinkled, bright or dark. Bai Weixuan's consciousness quickly locked the most shining star - the Holy Yuanxing.

The Holy Star is the most prosperous and highest planet in this star domain. Bai Weixuan can't determine the spatial coordinates of the earth world. Naturally, she can't go back directly. She plans to go to the Holy Star first, and then inquire about the mythical beast clan, find the White Tiger King, and get a way to return to the earth world.

When Bai Weixuan's divine consciousness locked the holy star, the shining star suddenly shone brightly. Then a blue light came, and the space before the meeting was distorted, and Bai Weixuan came to a blue channel like a starry sky.

The starry sky on his side was running rapidly, and the shape could not be seen clearly. Until half an hour later, the three brightened their eyes, got rid of the blue channel and fell into a milky space.

If you feel that you have taken a few more steps forward, the diffuse milky white suddenly disappeared, and two armored Taoists stopped the three.

"Who is it?"

Bai Weixuan frowned. She had never heard that she needed permission to enter Shengyuanxing, but she really didn't have anything to represent her identity.

"Do you have to identify yourself before you can enter here?" In desperation, Bai Weixuan released the pressure of the fairy king on her body and said coldly.

Yes, she has just reached the middle stage of the fairy king, but her spiritual cultivation has reached the late stage of the fairy king, and she also has a strange spiritual attack.

So Funan is not her opponent, let alone these two heavenly Taoists.

"Mid-Immortals?" One of them exclaimed. Although he did not let him go immediately, his strange cultivation did not have an identity token in his heart. At the same time, his attitude was much better. "Seeing the fairy, I'm going to be rude!"

The two apologized together, and then said respectfully, "The fairy must know the rules of entering the Holy Yuanxing. We are only responsible for us. Please don't be surprised. If you enter the Holy Yuanxing, you only need to pay ten fairy stones."

Bai Weixuan was stunned. It turned out that she still had to hand over the fairy stones. Fortunately, there were many fairy stones on her body. After she called Yun Qi to dig for three days and nights, this number was even more considerable, so she did not hesitate to throw 30 fairy stones to the two people.

"Give me a detailed spatial transmission array distribution map of the Holy Yuanxing, and you can tell me the price." Bai Weixuan maintained her cold and arrogant appearance and said that she was a little nervous. She didn't know whether she wanted this kind of thing or not. If not, she would have to delay for a period of time in the Holy Yuanxing.

Yes! Fairy, this is the distribution map, 800 fairy stones are enough. The two guards were secretly happy to see Bai Weixuan's generous action. Although they would not ask for a sky-high price, the rarely sold distribution map was still reported to Bai Weixuan at a price slightly higher than the ordinary price. Finally, they said, "Our distribution map is much more comprehensive than that sold in the city, and it is rarely sold. This price is also for immortals. The affordable price of the child.

The first sentence of this sentence is true, but the latter sentence is self-evident that they dare to sell expensive, which is actually related to the quality of the distribution map in their hands.

Bai Weixuan nodded and breathed a sigh of relief. Naturally, she didn't know the sideways in the hearts of the two guards. It was more important for her to get the distribution map here than many fairy stones. Even if these two people opened their mouths for 10,000, she had to buy it. When she first arrived, she suffered the most from this kind of thing, but Bai Weixuan didn't care about it.

took the distribution map and threw 800 fairy stones to the guards. Bai Weixuan followed the front passage into the city and glanced at the distribution map in her hand.

The Holy Star is not large, but there are many space transmission arrays. The Holy Star is divided into 18 regions. Basically, there are one or two space transmission arrays in each area, and most of the space transmission arrays still have destination restrictions.

This is also the reason why most people who come to the Holy Yuanxing need to buy a distribution map. In order to find an accurate location for transmission, such a distribution map guide is necessary.

However, after reading the spatial transmission array distribution map of the whole Holy Yuanxing, Bai Weixuan did not find any information about the beast god. At the beginning, Tianmiao would take the four mythical beasts to the earth world. The beast god should also be a relatively common one. She couldn't find it. Bai Weixuan was too lazy to go back to ask the guards, so she had to ask someone casually after entering the city.

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan couldn't help glancing at the magnificent city gate in front of her, saw the three big words, and her heart was slightly shocked - Taiyi City.

Entering the city gate, this time, there was no obstruction. However, the scene in front of her still shocked Bai Weixuan a little.

Because in Taiyi City, in addition to human beings coming and going, there are also aliens dressed in strange clothes and strange looks. Perhaps in Bai Weixuan's original world, this is the so-called humanoid beast.

Heavenly Taoists have not changed their appearance because of their profound cultivation. Different races will break through into different forms according to different levels, and there are many giants of dozens of feet and pocket villains of one or two feet.

All kinds of people have broken what Bai Weixuan has always thought that demon cultivation is to transform into human form. Well, it's really not easy to accept the appearance of a cow * ghost, snake and god on a person's body!

It was not easy to find one or two heavenly Taoists belonging to her own clan from a pile of faces that made people unable to speak normally. Bai Weixuan secretly walked over with tears and stopped them.

"Two Taoist friends, can you tell me how to get to the beast god?" Returning to the slightly cold eyes of the two, Bai Weixuan frowned and still said her own problems.

"Hmm! Don't ask the beasts all over the street, but ask us instead? Do you dare to take out this little trick? One of them had sharp eyebrows like swords, and his eyes were full of sarcasm when he looked at Bai Weixuan.

"What are you talking about?" However, after what he said, Bai Weixuan was confused and looked at them doubtfully.

"Second brother, let's go, don't get involved with this kind of person!" The other person didn't even bother to say a superfluous sentence and walked away directly. And the one he called his second brother also sneered and followed.

"..." Bai Weixuan was angry. What's the reason? Does it need to be so dragging? He also said something inexplicable, "Hey, you two, stop!"

"Yo! How dare you talk to us like this?" The "second brother" was a little surprised to hear such an angry roar, but he turned around and looked at Bai Weixuan with an angry face with a smile.