The only immortal in the world

Chapter 350 Homolife split

The meridians in Tianmiao's body are very strange. Even if it is driven by Bai Weixuan's later spiritual cultivation, it feels a little difficult to comb. Those meridians seem to be twisted together with some strange rules of heaven, and ordinary people can't do it at all.

That is, Bai Weixuan's perverted spiritual cultivation, coupled with her not weak physical cultivation, took more than half an hour to dredge her in front of her.

The surging immortal power rushed in Tianmiao's body, and the familiar feeling hit her nerves, cheering her up and making her whole body different.

"Is it really dredged?!" Tianmiao suddenly opened her eyes and her eyes were full of surprises. She didn't expect that she would have such a day.

"Wow!" Bai Weixuan was out of breath. God knew how stubborn those meridians were, and she tried her best this time. She looked up at Tianmiao with a surprised and excited face and smiled. Tianmiao, I can finally return something to you. If you choose to forget everything, at least I hope you will live a better life.

"Thank you so much! It's incredible that I can practice again!" Tianmiao waved her arm and felt the condensed power, and her heart was full of excitement.

"My name is Bai Weixuan. If you need anything in the future, you can come to me, but I'm leaving Shengyuan for the time being. I hope we can meet again soon." Bai Weixuan smiled faintly and knew that it was time to leave by herself. She dreded the beauty of the meridians and had good potential. She should live a good life.

As for the matter of the earth world, she has to go to the beast god. Back to Youxuan, who were still waiting in place, Bai Weixuan looked at the person who was liked by Tianmiao with surprise.

"I think you would like to know something about Tianmiao, right?" Youxuan said, his face was quite flat. Without the pressure that belongs to the middle of Tianxian, he also seemed to be very elegant when he spoke. Bai Weixuan nodded slightly. Although these two people were not pleasant to meet for the first time, this temperament called Youxuan was extraordinary.

"Oh? You can say it and listen to it." Hearing him take the initiative to talk about this, Bai Weixuan looked at him with great interest.

"Can I speak with you?" You Xuan's face was slightly relaxed and suggested.

Bai Weixuan nodded, but weighed it in her heart. The two looked very weak (of course, this is only in Bai Weixuan's eyes. You Xuan and the two have reached the middle of Taoist immortals at this age.) But at first glance, they are not ordinary children, and they may really know something. After all, Tianmiao is also a person of Tianyuan. If it weren't for the meridians, he wouldn't be as depressed as now!

As Youxuan chose a quiet tea tasting hall to sit down in a small town close to Guse Town, and screened back all the idle people, and Youxuan slowly opened his mouth.

"The Tianyuan vein is one of the largest, ancient and largest veins in the world of heavenly Taoists. The Tiandao people of Tianyuan's vein are also distributed in various places in the ring. Every once in a while, they will send a group of heavenly Taoists to the endless star domain to find the unfinished space and become the space master of the unfinished space. Youxuan looked at Bai Weixuan and saw that she did not show surprise, so he continued, "Tianmiao is one of the space leaders, and the reason why she has become like this now is also because of her identity as the person in charge of this space."

You Xuan saw Bai Weixuan unconsciously raised her eyebrows and said, "Actually, there is another secret that many heavenly Taoists don't know about the space ruler, that is, the split of the same life."

"The split of the same life?" Bai Weixuan said in surprise, "Is it because the beauty here is the split of the same life?"

"Hmm! In fact, the role of the same-life split is a way to manage the star domain. Each space master will leave his own same-life split on major planets and maintain contact with the Tianyuan line existing in it, which is restricted and managed by the latter. If the body of the same-life split dies, the same-life split will lose all its original memories and will be fatally hit by the heavenly way, thus losing the ability to practice. After saying that, Youxuan looked at Bai Weixuan's reaction again. Seeing the latter bowing his head and meditating, he said, "The Tianmiao here is just a split of the same fate. In fact, the real Tianmiao should have died."

"What about the separation of the same life?" Bai Weixuan was silent for a long time, and finally sighed. Is she the same life? Whether it is a split of the same life, it is also another wonderful. Even if she loses her ability to remember and practice, she is at least still wonderful, a unique wonderful in the world.

Wait, Youxuan just said that the split of the same life is the way to manage the star domain. So, as soon as the real Tianmiao dies, won't the earth world be exposed? She must have reported the space in charge with Tianyuan. It has been more than 100 years. No matter how dull Tianyuan is, she will definitely send people to the earth world.

No wonder the snow fox wanted to hide the earth world at the beginning, but can its hiding really deceive the heavenly Taoist? Bai Weixuan couldn't help worrying that if the earth world was discovered, would such a prosperous world be coveted by Tianyuan? Will they directly enter the earth world? Will the white lotus turned into Guangshi cold be dangerous?

"Tell me the route to the beast god!" Bai Weixuan couldn't sit still. She had to find the white tiger quickly. She had to rush back without stopping. More than a hundred years, God knows what will happen to the earth world for more than a hundred years.

"Good!" Feeling that Bai Weixuan suddenly became tyrannical, You Xuan was stunned for a moment, and then nodded cooperatively. Under his guidance, Bai Weixuan quickly learned the route to the beast god and rushed to the first space transmission array - the space transmission array of Mil City.


When the light of the transmission array flashed and the shadow disappeared, Youxuan sighed for a long time, not knowing whether it was easy or sighing.

"Yousuo, let's go back!" He said faintly and turned around and left.

"Brother, this doesn't seem to be your style!" Thinking of his eldest brother's absolute cooperation before, he caught up with him doubtfully and asked.

"Who knows!" Youxuan smiled. Who knows that the person with the same face has no preference for Tianmiao, but when he saw this woman for the first time, his heart beat involuntarily accelerated.

I don't know. Is there any possibility of goodbye this time? Youxuan couldn't help feeling a little sad. Thinking of the gap between the two of them, the hands in the robe unconsciously clenched.


After the white light flashed, Bai Weixuan left the Holy Yuanxing and came to a strange planet again. This planet is called Tianguangxing, which is one of the planets that must go to the beast god. On this planet, Bai Weixuan has to find a big city called Fucheng from it. The space transmission array goes to another planet.

She also bought the distribution map of the transmission array. After entering the city closest to the transmission array she entered, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt that her transmission jade card vibrated. She took it out doubtfully and found that the transmission jade card was stiff, and then a surprise sound came from it.

"Oh, my God! I finally got in touch with you." The voice shouted exaggeratedly, as if it was such a strange thing. Then he seemed to feel his gaffe and hurriedly said, "Senior, you must not leave here. I will inform the other seniors immediately!"

The voice hurriedly said a few words to the people beside him, and the sound jade card returned to quiet again. After a moment, a familiar voice came from the sound jade card.

"Sister Bai, wow, is it really you, Sister Bai?"

Bai Weixuan's heart trembled, and the name of this voice... is Li Meng??!

"Is it you, Li Meng?" Bai Weixuan felt that her voice was trembling and wasted for a hundred years. She missed the people in the earth world all the time.

"Wow, Sister Bai, it's me, it's Li Meng. We have been looking for you for more than 100 years and finally found you!" Li Meng cried and said that she was too excited. She also accidentally returned here after completing a task, but she didn't want to be the first person to get the news.

Since Bai Weixuan disappeared inexplicably when she crossed the disaster in Qinghanxuan, they have not laughed for a long time and cried as happily as they are now, except for their desperate cultivation for the things of the earth world.

She finally came back. For more than 100 years, Li Meng didn't know what kind of expression she should put on now.

"Where are you? I'll come to you." Bai Weixuan was also very excited, but she was not as easy to cry as Li Meng, although her eyes were a little red and her voice was a little choked.

"We are in Hongshan Town outside Fucheng." Li Meng said quickly, "Brother Qing and Pluto will also come back soon. Be careful on your way. We are waiting for you here."

"Good! I'll be there soon!" Bai Weixuan said, thinking that she would see her brother and Pluto immediately, her slender fingers couldn't help trembling.

For more than a hundred years, how did they get here? How did they get to this planet and what kind of life do they live?

Knowing that many people are here and close at hand, Bai Weixuan suddenly felt a little timid. Now she understands the sentence, "It's more timid to be close to home." Perhaps the poet at the beginning had the same mood as her!

When she went home, every step, Bai Weixuan had this idea. The place with these relatives was home. She also eagerly wanted to know how Guang Shihan was doing. Will he also wait for her here?

Thinking of this, Bai Weixuan's heart trembled again. She quickly sorted out her clothes, like a little girl who met her lover for the first time, full of expectation and panic.

According to the instructions on the distribution map, the Fucheng is only a moment away from the two cities here, but Bai Weixuan tried to lengthen the time a little, and she thought about the ownership of many things she had arranged before she felt at ease.

"I'm back! I'm finally back!" Bai Weixuan shouted in her heart, and her feet had stepped on the land of the city.